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The Collaborative International Dictionary
sea pink

Thrift \Thrift\ (thr[i^]ft), n. [Icel. [thorn]rift. See Thrive.]

  1. A thriving state; good husbandry; economical management in regard to property; frugality.

    The rest, . . . willing to fall to thrift, prove very good husbands.

  2. Success and advance in the acquisition of property; increase of worldly goods; gain; prosperity. ``Your thrift is gone full clean.''

    I have a mind presages me such thrift.

  3. Vigorous growth, as of a plant.

  4. (Bot.) One of several species of flowering plants of the genera Statice and Armeria.

    Common thrift (Bot.), Armeria vulgaris; -- also called sea pink.

    Syn: Frugality; economy; prosperity; gain; profit.

sea pink

n. 1 Any of various plants in the genus ''Armeria''; a thrift. 2 The flowering plant (taxlink Sabatia stellaris species noshow=1).

sea pink

n. tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover [syn: cliff rose, Armeria maritima]

Sea pink

Sea pink is a common name for several plants and may refer to:

  • Armeria spp.
  • Sabatia stellaris