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cliff rose

n. tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover [syn: sea pink, Armeria maritima]

Usage examples of "cliff rose".

The cliff rose, sloping back until the streaked face vanished within mists.

No cliff rose up, cold and forbidding, and no ledge snaked across the open sky.

Now, as the cliff rose out of the fog in front of me, I had to do the correct thing immediately or die.

She was surprised that the bear chase had carried them so far now the mysterious cliff rose close at hand.

A tall cliff rose up above them, and on its summit stood a most strange ruin, its sturdy walls still strong despite the weight of the years, of the centuries, resting upon them.

Up over the cliff rose the nose of a ship, pointing outward, the flames of her thrusters heating the air.

On one side the cliff rose far above them, and upon the other it dropped away dizzily into the depth of a gloomy gorge, and here the efforts of the cave bear to dislodge its antagonist momentarily bade fair to plunge them both into eternity.

Beyond a stretch of rock-strewn ground, a low cliff rose: broken and eroded, perhaps limestone, pocked with hollows and low caves, overgrown with moss and struggling trees.

Beyond the shelves, the cliff rose at an angle for fifty feet or more and then broke at a narrow ledge.

From there, the cliff rose above the low buildings at the outskirts of the city, loose rubble from the salt dome lying in plain sight, some sections a dozen yards thick, others only broken into a million small crystals the size of a fist.