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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ An echo, after all, can be deeply satisfying.
▪ Also join us on the Saturday evening for the simple, yet deeply satisfying activity of telling and listening to good stories.
▪ The pattern of hedged fields, trees and copses produces a varied and deeply satisfying countryside.
▪ Middlemass's reaction was both instinctive and deeply satisfying.
▪ There is something about taters, something deeply satisfying, even in the peeling of them.
▪ A strong creative urge led him to experiment with collage, which he finds deeply satisfying.
▪ I can not conceive anything more exciting, more challenging, or more deeply satisfying.
▪ He found it exhilarating - both terrifying and deeply satisfying.
▪ A job like laminating these legs could hardly be more satisfying.
▪ The marketer will try to encourage brand loyalty as a means of rendering the purchase process more comfortable and more satisfying.
▪ I feel that I should make a more concerted effort to leave my profession and find a new and more satisfying career.
▪ Composers usually avoid this, writing free endings which are musically more satisfying.
▪ How much more satisfying for your ego if you were to flaunt your assets around C&A on a Saturday afternoon.
▪ It's more satisfying and exciting to add the art yourself than being told how to look or feel about something.
▪ But any investigation into his biography seems infinitely more satisfying by reason of his virtue, his courage and his devotion to duty.
▪ Total design is much more satisfying than tinkering.
▪ Setting up in Business Setting up your own business can be the most satisfying thing you ever do.
▪ It's most satisfying to suddenly recognise an easier way of doing something you've been doing the hard way for ages!
▪ Harvesting and storing Our simple tips on handling and storage at harvest time, the most satisfying season for the kitchen gardener.
▪ I found this part of the walk the most satisfying, both for the scenery and nature.
▪ Which work have I found most satisfying?
▪ This is a most satisfying stunt when you can make each half of the eight equal in diameter.
▪ It's not been the most satisfying of days.
▪ Some groups are very decisive, very productive, very creative and very satisfying for their members.
▪ Supervising a group of learners throughout the whole of their training is very satisfying for the clinical teacher.
▪ It was a happy, friendly and very satisfying day one which will remain in the memory for ever.
▪ In this day and age it is very satisfying to know that there are firms who shine to give service.
▪ It was played with panache and authority, well controlled throughout yet with poetic feeling; very satisfying to the listener.
▪ It's hard work but very satisfying - the most popular course. 5.
▪ The other side of the coin is that it is very satisfying and rewarding because it stretches me in every possible way.
▪ Negative information is not very satisfying, but it's information all the same.
▪ June was looking for a new and satisfying career.
▪ There's something very satisfying about baking your own bread.
▪ Working with children with special needs can be a satisfying and rewarding experience.
▪ Combined with a club meeting, this must have all the ingredients of a satisfying hobby.
▪ It was satisfying to see the Dorothy Hodgkin Quadrangle near completion and already partly occupied, giving much needed additional undergraduate accommodation.
▪ Neither are there sheep, though: this is an intelligent programme of satisfying second-class music, honest, unpretentious and enjoyable.
▪ On the contrary they usually put their gifts into some satisfying but resolutely unimaginative task.
▪ Some groups are very decisive, very productive, very creative and very satisfying for their members.
▪ Supervising a group of learners throughout the whole of their training is very satisfying for the clinical teacher.
▪ The solution was so obvious, so satisfying, that there was no need to try and understand it.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Satisfy \Sat"is*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Satisfied; p. pr. & vb. n. Satisfying.] [OF. satisfier; L. satis enough + -ficare (in comp.) to make; cf. F. satisfaire, L. satisfacere. See Sad, a., and Fact.]

  1. In general, to fill up the measure of a want of (a person or a thing); hence, to grafity fully the desire of; to make content; to supply to the full, or so far as to give contentment with what is wished for.

    Death shall . . . with us two Be forced to satisfy his ravenous maw.

  2. To pay to the extent of claims or deserts; to give what is due to; as, to satisfy a creditor.

  3. To answer or discharge, as a claim, debt, legal demand, or the like; to give compensation for; to pay off; to requite; as, to satisfy a claim or an execution.

  4. To free from doubt, suspense, or uncertainty; to give assurance to; to set at rest the mind of; to convince; as, to satisfy one's self by inquiry.

    The standing evidences of the truth of the gospel are in themselves most firm, solid, and satisfying.

    Syn: To satiate; sate; content; grafity; compensate. See Satiate.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, present participle adjective from satisfy. Related: Satisfyingly.

  1. That satisfy, gratify, pleases or comforts. v

  2. (present participle of satisfy English)

  1. adj. giving pleasure or satisfaction [syn: appreciated, gratifying, pleasing]

  2. providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast" [syn: hearty, solid, substantial]

  3. providing freedom from worry [syn: comforting, cheering]

Usage examples of "satisfying".

Julia will see the necessity of satisfying the good Alcalde by showing him the letter - with, of course, the consent of my friend Conyngham.

Because sometimes love stupefies instead of quickens, and because I had been in a way her judge, and I thought it would be base of me to revenge myself on her by satisfying my amorous desires, and possibly because I was a fool, as I have often been in the course of my existence.

He was careful not to try to refute the irrefutable, arguing instead that religion, faith, will always be more rewarding, more emotionally satisfying, more morally uplifting than philosophy, and that insofar as Christians led moral and productive lives the religion justified itself.

It occurred to her that Bedell would always talk about ideas--even to her--when there were much more satisfying things to talk about.

It has availed itself of these great examples to such good purpose that the average of reputable verse written to-day is more instinct with feeling, more vitalised with thought, more satisfying in expression, than much which is studied and belauded and quoted because it was written a century or two ago.

He was naked, his green skin exposed to the array of sunlamps mounted on the ceiling, his chloroplasts churning out a flood of sugar that he found more satisfying than any pre-dinner drink had ever been.

Yet, before satisfying my wish, I could not help making some reflections on the situation.

She did not conceal her pleasure in satisfying her inquisitiveness on an object which was quite new to her, and which she was able to examine minutely for the first time in her life.

The orgy is good, George, and it is satisfying, but somehow it is but a pale imitation of what this one does for me.

At supper I thought I saw that Lebel was more delighted at having such a wife than at the prospect of enjoying her and satisfying a strong passion.

Of course, it was an ephemeral trait, one Paul had in full measure, to ignore the life-threatening in favor of the emotionally satisfying.

It was all very surprising, and I decided in my own mind that she had an acknowledged lover whose pleasure it was to make her happy by satisfying her caprices.

Aurelius Hauser examined his white shirtfront, and, finding a small beetle making its laborious way up it, he plucked it off, crushed it between spatulate thumb and forefinger with a satisfying chitinous crackle, and tossed it away.

Jack Trehan wrote one whopping big check, but Keely had made some very satisfying purchases in the past two days.

Mr Kyd in the intervals of satisfying his own appetite beamed upon his companion, hospitably happy at being able to provide such entertainment.