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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a comforting thought
▪ ‘People might not have noticed we’re late.’ ‘That’s a comforting thought.’
▪ She had another, less comforting thought.
▪ I was nurturing this comforting thought when I turned into a large assembly room with numbered doors leading from it.
▪ Somehow that was a comforting thought.
▪ Apart from the implications of this for prayers and strategy, it was a comforting thought - so long as one was winning.
▪ That must be a comforting thought for a family about to be evicted.
▪ Not a comforting thought for a country with a £17 billion trade deficit.
▪ It was comforting to see the lights of home.
▪ She laid a comforting hand on my arm.
▪ Stefan tried to think of something comforting to say.
▪ Being able to visit the grave and talk to your pet can also be very comforting.
▪ He seemed to be a reassuring, comforting presence.
▪ I was nurturing this comforting thought when I turned into a large assembly room with numbered doors leading from it.
▪ She had been comforting about the chances of the baby being born all right, hadn't she?
▪ The house seemed to put comforting arms around her, as she wandered from room to room.
▪ The need to go into space, an extension of the comforting vacuum.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

comforting \comforting\ adj.

  1. providing freedom from worry.

    Syn: cheering, satisfying.

  2. affording comfort or solace.

    Syn: consolatory, consoling.

  1. Giving comfort. n. The act of giving comfort. v

  2. (present participle of comfort English)

  1. adj. providing freedom from worry [syn: cheering, satisfying]

  2. affording comfort or solace [syn: consolatory, consoling]

Usage examples of "comforting".

Slowly he stroked her hair and her back, holding her against his hard strength, comforting her.

She smoothed his hair away from his forehead, unconsciously comforting him as though it had been he rather than she who had been hurt.

It had been comforting to believe that if this didn’t work there was a second chance waiting.

The sense of infinity suspended within eternity was oddly comforting to her.

His hand smoothed gently over her hair, comforting her as he would a child.

Catlin's voice changed, softer now and even less comforting, sparing her nothing of the truth.

With a choked sound she turned toward the source of the comforting words and touches.

He knew that she teetered on the edge of self-discovery now, and that whatever her discovery ultimately was, it would never be as comforting as her innocence had been.

She moved subtly, clinging to his comforting touch without holding him, and her breath came out in a ragged sigh.

The warmth had begun with his comforting touch and then had subtly altered into a heat that she had not felt in three years.

His first thought wasn’t comforting: if the lady with the sad, sexy mouth, stubborn chin, and baggy black sweat suit hadn’t noticed the plainclothes cop hanging around the turnoff to the cottage, she was either too stupid or too innocent for whatever game Kyle was playing.

He put an arm around her and pulled her close, comforting her even though he had sworn he wouldn’t.

He looked at the display window of the snitch and saw a comforting line of zeros.

How did you treat a man who was a demon lover one night and a comforting teddy bear the next?

She couldn't think of a single comforting reason for Tim crawling away from the site of a murder covered in blood.