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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sap \Sap\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sapped; p. pr. & vb. n. Sapping.] [F. saper (cf. Sp. zapar, It. zapare), fr. sape a sort of scythe, LL. sappa a sort of mattock.]

  1. To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.

    Nor safe their dwellings were, for sapped by floods, Their houses fell upon their household gods.

  2. (Mil.) To pierce with saps.

  3. To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.

    Ring out the grief that saps the mind.


vb. (en-pastsap)

  1. n. a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant

  2. a person who lacks good judgment [syn: fool, saphead, muggins, tomfool]

  3. a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people [syn: blackjack, cosh]

  4. [also: sapping, sapped]

  1. v. deplete; "exhaust one's savings"; "We quickly played out our strength" [syn: run down, exhaust, play out, tire]

  2. excavate the earth beneath

  3. [also: sapping, sapped]


See sap