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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
along the same lines (=in the same way)
▪ We were both thinking along the same lines.
amount to the same thing
▪ Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing.
be of the same view (=agree)
▪ They were all of the same view.
come from a different/the same mould (=be different from or similar to other things of the same type)
▪ He clearly comes from a different mould than his brother.
exactly the same
▪ The two candidates responded to the question in exactly the same way.
going over the same ground (=talking about the same things)
▪ At meetings, we just keep going over the same ground.
going the same way
▪ Many industries have been forced to cut jobs and it looks like the electronics industry is going the same way.
in the same vein/in a similar vein
▪ There was more humour, in much the same vein.
make the same mistake again/twice
▪ We won’t make the same mistake again.
on an equal footing (with sb/sth)/on the same footing (as sb/sth) (=in the same state or condition as other people or things)
▪ The new law puts women on an equal legal footing with men.
▪ Many of the old polytechnics are now on the same footing as universities.
same again (=the same drink again)
▪ ‘Another drink?’ ‘Yes, same again, please.’
▪ Their tastes in movies were very different.
similar/the same
▪ We have similar musical tastes.
stayed the same
▪ Nine women gained weight, and four stayed the same.
the exact same thing/way etcinformal (= exactly the same thing/way etc)
▪ If you’d been there, you’d have done the exact same thing.
the exact/same/very spot
▪ the exact spot where the king was executed
the same day
▪ Similar student protests took place on the same day in other towns.
the same fate
▪ He did not intend to meet the same fate as his companion.
the same kind
▪ I’d like to see you make the same kind of effort in practice that you make in the game.
the same order
▪ He always closed the windows in the same order.
the same position
▪ A lot of people are in the same position.
the same route
▪ He had intended to return by the same route.
the same size
▪ The water vole is about the same size as a rat.
the same sort
▪ We had the same sort of background.
the same type
▪ The use the same type of axe as a tool and a weapon.
the same/a similar pattern
▪ Each of the murders has followed a similar pattern.
the usual excuse/the same old excuse
▪ He made the usual excuses for not coming.
▪ Whenever the trains are late, it's always the same old excuse.
the very same (=exactly the same)
▪ My sister and I were married on the very same day.
to the same extent (=to the same amount)
▪ The roads were congested but not to the same extent as in London.
as much/as many/the same again
be in the same boat (as sb)
▪ Everyone is in the same boat today.
▪ If marriage is a boat, then many of us are in the same boat!
▪ So we are in the same boat with our ancestors!
▪ We should all be in the same boat.
be of one mind/of the same mind/of like mind
be on the same/a different wavelength
be singing from the same hymn book/sheet
be singing from the same hymn sheet/book
be/get tarred with the same brush
in the same breath
▪ He's a performer who is frequently mentioned in the same breath as Mick Jagger.
▪ She said everything looked perfect, but in the same breath she suggested moving the couch more over to the window.
▪ But in the same breath, they threatened to flood the streets of Belgrade if he betrays them.
▪ It wallows in the worst excesses of sentimentality and adopts a moral tone that condemns and condones misbehaviour in the same breath.
▪ Mostly when they are mentioned they are mentioned in the same breath as legacies.
▪ No, perhaps you'd better not mention loo paper in the same breath as Easter eggs.
▪ Nor has he condemned right-wing extremism without condemning the rarer left-wing sort in the same breath.
▪ The adventure which we set ourselves was this: to try and experience myth and actuality in the same breath.
▪ Then, almost in the same breath, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room without another word.
▪ Unpredictable recordings like this one keep him from being mentioned in the same breath as the Rippingtons.
it's the same old story
▪ It's the same old story - too much work and not enough time.
it's the same story here/there/in ...
not be in the same league (as sb/sth)
on the same page
▪ Birmingham and I are more often on the same page in the hymn book on the issues than I and Sen.
▪ Both words are on the same page of the dictionary, but of course you know that.
▪ I feel uncomfortable even writing about them on the same page.
▪ In several cases, we marked the same word more than once, even though the referenced are on the same page.
▪ Recognise a large number of different Fonts on the same page.
▪ Try to place them on the same page so you can see they all work together.
▪ WordPerfect will always keep that number of lines together on the same page.
one and the same
▪ Many of their supporters think of the two brothers as one and the same.
▪ At one and the same time he seemed to accept every word and yet to be stricken with fear.
▪ At this stage we don't know if they are one and the same person.
▪ But it is still wrong to think that here research and higher education are one and the same thing.
▪ For several long stretches, the road and a large sandy wash are one and the same.
▪ The two Taylors are one and the same.
▪ Therefore the actual being that contains each possible world is one and the same being that contains all possible worlds.
▪ Victor and vanquished, he was beginning to think, came together in art and were one and the same.
▪ Writing as he did, Marx left the inevitable impression that he and history were one and the same.
speak the same language
▪ Politically they are our enemies, but when it comes to trade I think we speak the same language.
▪ When your sales, marketing, and production people are all speaking the same language, it pays real dividends.
▪ His actions now speak the same language.
▪ If we're to communicate, you and I, we have to be sure we're speaking the same language.
▪ Some one from industry might be seen by employers as speaking the same language as they do themselves. 5.
▪ They spoke the same language of progress, and shared a cautious trust that they knew could be relied on.
▪ They seemed to speak the same language.
▪ Very likely he expects a bambina - even Constanza found they didn't speak the same language any more.
▪ We speak the same language, share similar interests.
the same goes for sb/sth
▪ Although its meat is delicious, there is no special demand for it, and the same goes for its hard-wearing wool.
▪ And the same goes for operations management or marketing.
▪ Children learn to speak by copying what they hear, and Suzuki believes the same goes for music.
▪ Much the same goes for the autobiography, which was completed in 1991.
▪ Raising injection pressures brings particulates down but puts NOx up; the same goes for many other design changes.
▪ Stripes always look good when they are vertical and the same goes for the soft edges of these stripes.
▪ We now know that the same goes for all our particles of inheritance.
▪ You might find the same goes for the bewildering layers of search aids built 1E5.x and Windows 98.
two sides of the same coin
▪ Kohl later said that German unity and European integration were "two sides of the same coin."
two sides of the same coin
under the same roof/under one roof
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Same \Same\, a. [AS. same, adv.; akin to OS. sama, samo, adv., OHG. sam, a., sama, adv., Icel. samr, a., Sw. samme, samma, Dan. samme, Goth. sama, Russ. samuii, Gr. ?, Skr. sama, Gr. ? like, L. simul at the same time, similis like, and E. some, a., -some. [root]19

  1. Cf. Anomalous, Assemble, Homeopathy, Homily, Seem, v. i., Semi-, Similar, Some.] 1. Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged.

    Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
    --Ps. cii. 27.

  2. Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like.

    The ethereal vigor is in all the same.

  3. Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.

    What ye know, the same do I know.
    --Job. xiii. 2.

    Do but think how well the same he spends, Who spends his blood his country to relieve.

    Note: Same is commonly preceded by the, this, or that and is often used substantively as in the citations above. In a comparative use it is followed by as or with.

    Bees like the same odors as we do.

    [He] held the same political opinions with his illustrious friend.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

perhaps abstracted from Old English swa same "the same as," but more likely from Old Norse same, samr "same," both from Proto-Germanic *sama- "same" (cognates: Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic sama, Old High German samant, German samt "together, with," Gothic samana "together," Dutch zamelen "to collect," German zusammen "together"), from PIE *samos "same," from root *sem- (1) "one," also "as one" (adv.), "together with" (cognates: Sanskrit samah "even, level, similar, identical;" Avestan hama "similar, the same;" Greek hama "together with, at the same time," homos "one and the same," homios "like, resembling," homalos "even;" Latin similis "like;" Old Irish samail "likeness;" Old Church Slavonic samu "himself").\n

\nOld English had lost the pure form of the word; the modern word replaced synonymous ilk. As a pronoun from c.1300. Colloquial phrase same here as an exclamation of agreement is from 1895. Same difference curious way to say "equal," is attested from 1945.


Etymology 1 a. Not different or other; not another or others; not different as regards self; selfsame; identical. pron. 1 The identical thing, ditto. 2 Something similar, something of the identical type. Etymology 2

adv. (context obsolete or UK dialectal English) together.

  1. adj. same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street" [ant: other]

  2. closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year" [ant: different]

  3. equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "an equal number"; "the same number" [syn: like, equal, equivalent] [ant: unlike]

  4. unchanged in character or nature; "the village stayed the same"; "his attitude is the same as ever" [syn: same(p)]


adv. in the same manner; "you get treated fairly, same as any other student in this course!"


Samé or Samé Diomgoma is a village and commune in the Cercle of Kayes in the Kayes Region of south-western Mali. The commune includes 18 villages and lies to the south of the Senegal River. The Dakar-Niger Railway passes through Samé. In 2009 the commune had a population of 12,820.

Same (ancient Greece)
Not to be confused with Samos

Same , also Samos (Σάμος) is an Ancient Greek name of a Homeric island in the Ionian Sea, near Ithaca and Cephalonia. In Homer's Odyssey Same is described as part of Odysseus's kingdom together with Ithaca, Dulichium, and Zacynthus. The Iliad, book II, in the Catalogue of Ships, contains a different list of islands comprising Odysseus's kingdom. Same is included together with Ithaca, Neritum, Krocylea, Aegilips and Zacynthus, indicating that the "Catalogue of Ships" could be a later addition to the Iliad.

In Homer's Odyssey, there is an interesting geographical description:

From the above passage, it is obvious that Homer's Same is not the Greek island Samos in the Eastern Aegean Sea, Same should be located in the Ionian Sea, near Homer's Ithaca and there should be at least one rocky island between the two islands. Also, this rocky island should be located South of Homer's Ithaca where Telemakhos would arrive from South-West Peloponnese. Based on the above information, Wilhelm Dörpfeld in his essay "Alt-Ithaka: Ein Beitrag zur Homer-Frage" proposed that Same was present day Ithaca. Other authors make extensive description of Dörpfeld's theory. C.H. Goekoop corresponds "Same" to " Thiaki", "the islet Asteris" to Arkoudi and "the bay of Phorkys" to "Syvota Bay" at Lefkada. Today, Arkoudi remains an uninhabited, rocky islet of no great size, just like Asteris was described by Homer, while small boats and yachts can still harbour on both the East and the West coast of it.

Odysseus's younger sister, Ctimene came to Same to marry Eurylochus for a massive bride-price.

One of the Suitors, Ctesippus of Same is described as "a man who had no sense of right and wrong" and attempts to throw an ox's hoof from the meat-basket of the dinner table at Odysseus.

Same (polis)

Same () was an ancient Greek city in Acarnania.

SAME (tractors)

S.A.M.E., an acronym for '' Società Accomandita Motori Endotermici'', was founded in 1942 in Treviglio (Bergamo) by the brothers Francesco and Eugenio Cassani. It is now part of the multinational group SAME Deutz-Fahr (SDF), which also owns the brands Deutz-Fahr, Lamborghini, Hürlimann, Grégoire A/S and Lamborghini Green Pro .

Usage examples of "same".

He was killed in much the same manner as Lord Abet and the other nobles these past months.

That during the existing insurrection, and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all rebels and insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to rebels against the authority of the United States, shall be subject to martial law, and liable to trial and punishment by courts-martial or military commissions.

At the same time, the desperation I heard in some voices made me wonder if Natch had been right to question our ability to make changes.

The preparations for the abjuration will be the same as were explained in the fourth and fifth methods of concluding a process on behalf of the faith.

And since according to those same canonical institutions all such are to be condemned as heretics, but you holding to wiser counsel and returning to the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church have abjured, as we have said, all vile heresy, therefore we absolve you from the sentence of excommunication by which you were deservedly bound as one hateful to the Church of God.

And even if he were to relapse into the same heresy which he had abjured, he would still not be liable to the said penalty, although he would be more severely punished than would have been the case if he had not abjured.

In many of his contemporaries also much the same fluctuation of mood was occurring, and to them as to Paul it seemed that the issue lay between the old faith, however modernized, and the complete abnegation of human dignity.

In offering a few hints for the domestic management of these abnormal conditions, we would at the same time remark, that, while health may be regained by skillful treatment, recovery will be gradual.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN The routine aboard Bucephalas was the same every morning.

The cooking, I can tell you, kept her nose to the pot, and even if there was nothing in it, even if there was no pot, she had to keep watching that it came aboil just the same.

The same women that despised Sky Eyes, that gossiped about her and futilely forbade their sons to come near her, they came for abortifacients, joint easers, the silvery drink that brought one out of a dark mood, a dozen other things.

Whatever be the inequality in the hardness of the materials of which the rock consists, even in the case of pudding-stone, the surface is abraded so evenly as to leave the impression that a rigid rasp has moved over all the undulations of the land, advancing in one and the same direction and levelling all before it.

The same can be done on a larger scale, bringing the message of Abraxas to millions.

Court, in conformity with the aforementioned theories of economics and evolution, was in fact committed to the principle that freedom of contract is the general rule and that legislative authority to abridge the same could be justified only by exceptional circumstances.

With faith and trust almost divine, These same blue eyes, abrim with tears, Through depths of love look into mine.