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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It is open to the public at 17.00 on Fridays and on Sunday mornings, or you can apply at the sacristy.
▪ Martinez pointed to a dormer window that protruded from the roof of the sacristy.
▪ Placed in the sacristy were three white saris with blue borders, and on them a small cross and a rosary.
▪ The father went back to the sacristy.
▪ Then, thanking him, I beat a hasty retreat to the sacristy door and knocked.
▪ To check, look at the portrait by Crepsi in the northern sacristy.
▪ We were bring led through the sacristy at school on our way to the chapel.
▪ While the congregation sat waiting, Brian rummaged through the sacristy until he found some stale hosts.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sacristy \Sac"ris*ty\, n.; pl. Sacristies. [F. sacristie, LL. sacristia, fr. L. sacer. See Sacred.] An apartment in a church where the sacred utensils, vestments, etc., are kept; a vestry.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"repository for sacred things," mid-15c., from Anglo-French sacrestie, from Medieval Latin sacrista, from Latin sacer "sacred" (see sacred).


n. A room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc. are kept. Sometimes also used by clergy to prepare for worship or for meetings.


n. a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held [syn: vestry]


A sacristy is a room for keeping vestments (such as the alb and chasuble) and other church furnishings, sacred vessels, and parish records.

The sacristy is usually located inside the church, but in some cases it is an annex or separate building (as in some monasteries). In most older churches, a sacristy is near a side altar, or more usually behind or on a side of the main altar.

In newer churches the sacristy is often in another location, such as near the entrances to the church. Some churches have more than one sacristy, each of which will have a specific function. Often additional sacristies are used for maintaining the church and its items – such as candles and other materials.

Usage examples of "sacristy".

From time to time staccato notes of delight added a distinct jubilant quality to this symphony, heralding the arrival of some group of Church dignitaries from one or other of the seven principal parishes of Venice, gorgeous in robes of high festival and displaying the choicest of treasures from sacristies munificently endowed, as was meet for an ecclesiastical body to whom belonged one half of the area of Venice, with wealth proportionate.

The old sacristy, now used as the archivio of the Sacro Monte, still remains, and contains a fresco by Lanini, that bears strong traces of the influence of his master Gaudenzio.

At least some of these changes involved Donatello, who was commissioned to decorate the sacristy with a complex program that included painted stucco reliefs in the eight circular roundels and a set of bronze doors with two large archlike reliefs above them.

While Father Looney was in the sacristy, tugging his vestments on with impatient grunts, I would enter alone and genuflect as I passed before the tabernacle lamp.

The six porters were therefore dismissed, but instead of resuming their places among the spectators they left the church by the sacristy, while Duncan approaching the bed on which the superior had again lain down, seized her by the wrist, and making certain that he had a firm hold, he told the exorcists to begin.

Back in the sacristy, Father John removed the green chasuble he'd worn this morning--green symbolized life and hope--while Leonard Bizzel, the caretaker, placed the chalice and prayer books in the cabinet.

There was a chair in the church in which I should never have been seen, but the stair was on the sacristy side, and that was always locked up.

He suddenly realized that Father Hafer was taking too long, that the priest who'd celebrated the mass would soon be coming from the church and discover him here, a stranger pretending to be a priest, and raise an outcry when he recognized the vestments that Drew had stolen from the sacristy.

He enjoyed a reputation for progressiveness and played ping-pong in the sacristy with the altar boys and those preparing for their first communion.

We had climbed up through the subterranean shrine, up past a memorial basilica marked in stone as the Trophy of Gaius, through side corridors and service entrances, through the anteroom to the sacristy, past standing priests and craning altar boys, and out into the echoing expanse at the rear of the nave of St.

Following a moment's further light converse regarding the plans for the evening, Derry appeared in the arch of the choir screen and indicated that the sacristy was clear of clergy.

He wore a priest's cassock and clerical collar and seemed perfectly at home in the sacristy at the back of the church to which he'd taken me.

The Sacristy, as the Church's highest governing body, had every legal right to act as it had, yet the defrocking of a priest could not but be the gravest of steps.

The Sacristy, as the Church’s highest governing body, had every legal right to act as it had, yet the defrocking of a priest could not but be the gravest of steps.

From the shade of the ruined sacristy men came out, hammered a stout five-foot post into the ground, set on it a device like an upturned iron stirrup, and on that a crossbow.