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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rut \Rut\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rutted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rutting.] To have a strong sexual impulse at the reproductive period; -- said of deer, cattle, etc.


n. (context zoology English) pairing; the period of time when certain ungulates mate vb. (present participle of rut English)

  1. n. a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels)

  2. a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape; "they fell into a conversational rut" [syn: groove]

  3. applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity [syn: estrus, oestrus, heat] [ant: anestrus]

  4. [also: rutting, rutted]

  1. v. be in a state of sexual excitement; of male mammals

  2. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove; "furrow soil" [syn: furrow, groove]

  3. [also: rutting, rutted]


See rut

Usage examples of "rutting".

And you can tell that rutting friend of yours to stop looking at me like she means to cut my throat!

Nyc would brush my hair for me, but not her rutting proud maids-in-waiting .

Is that so impossiblethat despite men and their rutting ambitions, this one thing, this Holy War, could be good for its own sake?

The primitive, rutting malethe angry and powerful beast that was his other earthly selfrecognized a dangerous rival.

The whole campus was rutting away like dogs in the park, and he remained a virgin.

When he withdrew his hard-munching lips and his behemoth tongue, she felt dizzy, and the scene broke up into slices and flakesthe black-tie Holstein bulls rutting rutting rutting ruttinga flash of I.

What warning did the little genius have that her first stop beyond the olfactory heaven that Momma created would lead in a few frantic blinks straight to sheer rot, sheer animal rutting, to spiritual as well as physical debauchery, to the present moment, when she dared not show her shamed face to the world, not even to lifelong friendsespecially to lifelong friends?

While wandering one alley, Achamian saw no less than a dozen couples, male and female or male and male, rutting in plain view.

He saw the animal, rooting and rutting, reaching back to time out of memory.

Did she also happen to mention such gluttony turns a vampire into a mindless, rutting beast?

But latterly that pleasure comes to me solely through observation of the depraved ruttings of others in the chamber below.