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n. either of 2 species of the genus Roridula; South African viscid perennial low-growing woody shrubs


Roridula (; from Latin roridus "dewy") is a South African genus of plants restricted to the Cape Provinces. Its distribution is threatened due to the farming of rooibos. While having many of the adaptations of a carnivorous plant, such as the possession of insect-trapping sticky hairs, does not directly digest the animals it traps. Instead, it has a mutualistic relationship with Pameridea roridulae, a species of capsid bug, which lives on the plant and feeds on the trapped insects. The plant obtains nutrients from the droppings of this symbiotic insect. Whether this plant is regarded as carnivorous or protocarnivorous is essentially a matter of semantics. The genus contains just two species, Roridula gorgonias and Roridula dentata, and is the only genus in the family Roridulaceae.

A pair of fossilised leaves from Eocene Baltic amber have been attributed to the Roridulaceae. The amber is from sediments dated to 35–47 million years ago. Definite fossils of carnivorous plant traps have never previously been found. Their location in the Baltic suggests that the genus Roridula, although now restricted to South Africa, was much more widespread in the past.

Usage examples of "roridula".

We shall hereafter see that the terminal tentacles of the divided leaves of Roridula are still in an intermediate condition.

The small sessile glands have also disappeared in some of the genera, being replaced in Roridula by hairs, and in most species of Drosera by absorbent papillae.

This is effected by Drosophyllum, Roridula, and Byblis, solely by the viscid fluid secreted from their glands.

The above named three genera, namely Drosophyllum, Roridula, and Byblis, which appear to have retained a primordial condition, still bear glandular hairs on both surfaces of their leaves.