dispute/reject a claim (=say it is not true)
▪ The Prime Minister rejected claims of a disagreement within his party.
refuse/reject a request (also turn down sb’s request)
▪ He rejected their request for a meeting.
▪ This request was turned down because of the cost.
refuse/reject/turn down an application (=say no to an application)
▪ Their planning application was rejected because of a lack of parking facilities.
reject a plan
▪ The plan was rejected on the grounds that it would cost too much money.
reject a proposal
▪ Councillors had twice rejected proposals for a new village school.
reject a resolution
▪ The National Assembly rejected the resolution.
reject a suggestion (=not do what is suggested)
▪ The government rejected the suggestion of a referendum.
reject/dismiss a notion
▪ Aristotle rejected the notion that the body and the soul are separate.
▪ They rejected the deal outright.
reject/turn down sb's resignation
▪ Initially, his resignation was rejected.
▪ He offered his resignation but it was turned down by the Prime Minister.
turn down/refuse/reject/decline an offer (=say no to it)
▪ She declined the offer of a lift.
▪ Diplomatic negotiations were rejected outright as insufficiently forceful.
▪ Federal courthouses receive thousands of such pleas each year from state prisoners; virtually all are rejected outright.
▪ In November Fretilin offered the government unconditional peace talks, but the move was rejected outright by the government.
▪ He rejected outright the idea that he was a special case.
▪ Yet his proposals were denounced in the provinces, delayed in the Duma and rejected outright in the State Council.
▪ The changes required are not so great that it should be rejected outright.
▪ In May 1986 the Supreme Court rejected his final appeals and Pinkerton was executed by lethal injection.
▪ He rejected a mild appeal from Bernstein to run the quotation intact.
▪ A differently composes Court of Appeal rejected an appeal by the local authority on the substantive questions.
▪ The Supreme Court rejected his appeal.
▪ The latter two issues have been rejected on appeal.
▪ On April 28 the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by former Col.-Gen.
▪ His views were echoed by the sub-committee which twice rejected the couple's application.
▪ Once users became accustomed to the standard conventions of Macintosh computing, they would reject applications that flouted those standards.
▪ But Mr Justice Buckley rejected the application in April.
▪ Magistrates rejected an application for the press to be excluded from the hearing.
▪ A City of London County Court judge rejected the jail application on a legal technicality.
▪ In the meantime it's up to the city council to decide whether to accept or reject the planning application.
▪ Croydon rejected their application, advocating some-race adoption.
▪ The Federal Court ended the battle by rejecting all arguments presented on his behalf.
▪ The justices, without comment, rejected that argument.
▪ The judge rejected the argument that publication of the information in an article would be in the public interest.
▪ Wilson denied him clemency and two judges rejected his arguments.
▪ The opposing lobby rejected that argument.
▪ The court rejected this argument on the basis of Hazelwood v. Kublmeier.
▪ However this may be, it is plain that the district judge must have tacitly rejected the argument.
▪ But a California court rejected the argument, and Kennedy settled.
▪ Your Board and its financial advisers Purchase and Szell continue to recommend strongly that you reject the bid.
▪ Wagenbach rejected a bid by Elliott to introduce as evidence an offer made to Mrs Moon to take a lie detector test.
▪ Police chiefs were asked to return to the drawing board after the Treasury rejected their bid for more than £200m.
▪ A Superior Court and state appeals court rejected her bid for parental rights.
▪ Morland rejects: Small independent brewer Morland last night rejected a £101.3m takeover bid from larger rival Greene King.
▪ Today, we would reject a proposed Bill of Rights out of hand.
▪ Ministers are seeking a compromise that would reassure rebel peers who rejected a bill abolishing the clause last week.
▪ I hope that the House will reject the Bill, but I fear that it will not.
▪ Formally, the House is free to pass or reject bills as it wishes.
▪ Lord Cullen rejected the Timex claim, however.
▪ She estimated Medicare could save $ 2 billion annually by using computers to reject improper claims.
▪ Once again, in their view, the world would have rejected their country's claim to international respect.
▪ The Court only examined and rejected a claim based on religious beliefs of immunity from an unquestioned general rule.
▪ The rejected claims could be resubmitted for further review by the carrier.
▪ Last month an industrial tribunal unanimously rejected their claim for unfair dismissal.
▪ Their Lordships rejected the claim saying that the statutory scheme showed that leave was to be exparte.
▪ President Wahid has thus far rejected all such demands.
▪ The government has strongly rejected the demands, insisting that Congress is the only legitimate forum for negotiating national issues.
▪ Despite the country's mounting problems at home and abroad, the Prime Minister arrogantly rejects Labour demands to recall Parliament.
▪ Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists.
▪ In Committee, the Government rejected our fair rates proposals.
▪ The government has strongly rejected the demands, insisting that Congress is the only legitimate forum for negotiating national issues.
▪ The government rejected these proposals out of hand and after two months dissolved the assembly.
▪ I.,-based Hasbro $ 100 million if the government rejected the deal on antitrust grounds.
▪ The Government rejected it for precisely the reasons that I mentioned.
▪ Such a move was considered by the government but rejected after protests from the tourist industry and local people.
▪ The Government has also rejected calls for older Magnox nuclear power stations to be phased out to support a higher coal burn.
▪ But they have stopped short of rejecting the idea altogether.
▪ But the poet Goethe roundly rejected that idea.
▪ We have just seen how Kierkegaard rejected any idea that faith could be proved by the appeal to historical argument.
▪ But almost in the same instant she rejected that idea.
▪ If we reject cyclic ideas and even uniformitarianism, what have we left?
▪ Brady, however, rejected the idea.
▪ He backed manager Brian Little with a two-year contract and rejected the idea of operating with part-timers in the Vauxhall Conference.
▪ It rejected any idea that an organisation should ever be created to suit the individual characteristics of people.
▪ On 18 January 1956 the Committee's Joint Declaration rejected the notion that integration should be confined to only six countries.
▪ First, he rejected the notion that males were indispensable to the rearing of young.
▪ And we reject Labour's job-destroying notion of a national minimum wage.
▪ The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
▪ It usually rejects the notion of a social system.
▪ For a moment I considered, but immediately rejected, the notion of leaving Hsu Fu or calling off the expedition.
▪ But he quickly rejected the notion, realising the furore it would cause.
▪ But Gilligan does not, in fact, reject the notion of a rights-based morality.
▪ Uncle Jack fell into the latter category, Ursula vehemently rejecting his offer to lend a hand.
▪ Niedecker rejected the offer and reported the approach to his superiors.
▪ It says it rejected earlier offers of Fondiaria's shares as too expensive.
▪ Shareholders have three weeks to decide whether to accept or reject the offer.
▪ Felix rejected an offer of the see after Bishop Maximus died and lived his days out in piety.
▪ The customer sold the car to X. The finance company rejected the offers.
▪ Nation anxiously telephoned his agent to ask if she had formally rejected the Doctor Who offer.
▪ However, polls show that more than 60 % of Ecuadoreans reject the plan.
▪ Lanier rejected the plan after Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander said he would have no part of it.
▪ Members have also rejected a £6.7m rescue plan.
▪ The ministry already rejected one such plan submitted last October by Daiwa.
▪ But consumer groups, which have insisted that genetically modified foods should be labelled as such, rejected the plan.
▪ He said in a 1994 interview that as prime minister he rejected a military plan to sell heroin to finance covert operations.
▪ Director of development services Stephen Tapper urged the committee to reject the plans because they conflicted with planning policies.
▪ The council rejected the plan, but a fee may be coming.
▪ The government rejected these proposals out of hand and after two months dissolved the assembly.
▪ The United States rejected the proposal.
▪ On May 15, 16 leading opposition parties rejected the proposals.
▪ Councillors rejected completely the proposal for a management board with its implied differentiation of councillors into board members and the rest.
▪ However, the panel rejected several proposals pushed by consumer advocates, including coverage of experimental treatments.
▪ Taylor rejected Sawyer's proposals, apparently convinced that he could win military victory and install himself as president.
▪ Today you rejected a proposal of marriage, and now you shall be punished for your arrogance.
▪ Judge Nina Barkova rejected Pope's request during the trial for international medical aid.
▪ However it is quite proper to reject a request if the evidence is really being sought with a view to its use in criminal proceedings.
▪ He also rejected their requests to sequester the jury.
▪ The coroner, Peter Brunton, rejected a request to submit a technical report pointing to the possible involvement of a submarine.
▪ But last week, the town council unanimously rejected her request to officially add the tilde.
▪ The judge rejected his request and ordered his written statement impounded.
▪ She also rejected the suggestion that they simply needed to make a telephone call home to solve differences with their parents.
▪ The general quickly rejected suggestions from Sen.
▪ Response Comment Half of the respondents rejected this suggestion and around one-third were in favour.
▪ Mr. Maclean I entirely reject that suggestion.
▪ Lady Ursula had gently but firmly rejected the suggestion that some one should stay.
▪ Bush rejected suggestions that he had chosen Thomas because he was black.
▪ A fallible observation statement might be rejected and the fallible theory with which it clashes retained.
▪ Zeno and his followers rejected Plato's two-worlds theory of ideal forms and sense data.
▪ We naturally feel inclined to reject these theories for that reason.
▪ This is enough in itself to make us want to reject conditioned attention theory as it is presently formulated.
▪ What if there were Protestants campaigning vigorously for the empirical sciences who nevertheless rejected the Copernican theory?
▪ Other Marxists reject Stamocap theory on several grounds.
▪ He rejected all evolutionary theories and stressed instead the essentially cyclical nature of change.
▪ It is probably best, therefore, to reject McCarthy's view that the town was never completely enclosed.
▪ Shaftesbury had rejected Hobbes's view of self-preservation as the basis of conduct.
▪ The joint opinion rejects that view.
▪ They participated forthrightly, rejecting the councillor's views on discipline.
▪ She rejects a purely romantic view of the relations of men and women.
▪ Those who rejected the conventional view and took up the cause of Czechoslovakian children were largely outside the mainstream of refugee aid.
▪ They rejected the liberal view that the commune was a barrier to economic progress.
▪ As a child he was repeatedly rejected by both parents.
▪ As an adult, she rejected her Catholic upbringing.
▪ Bush rejected suggestions that his tax cuts favored the most wealthy.
▪ Catherine rejected many suitable men before settling on Tom.
▪ Ceara rejected calls for his resignation.
▪ Feminists rejected traditional notions of the role of women in society.
▪ Green or rotten apples are rejected.
▪ Ian was rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.
▪ It was predicted that the Senate would reject the bill by about 60 to 40.
▪ Jim was rejected by every college he applied to.
▪ Judge Gifford rejected the defense's request.
▪ Lauren rejected her parents' offer of financial help.
▪ Mitchell was rejected by several law schools.
▪ People are free to accept or reject Stone's interpretation of the facts.
▪ Samantha had consistently rejected all Bob's offers of help.
▪ Several hundred people applied, but we had to reject nearly all of them.
▪ She's scared to try to talk to him about it in case he rejects her again.
▪ She rejected the idea that she should sue him.
▪ Some scholars reject parts of the Gospel as untrue.
▪ The audience is free to accept or reject Stone's interpretation of the facts.
▪ A design team rejected the aerospike concept as too risky.
▪ Do the Opposition favour it or reject it?
▪ He could not marry a girl of his own age and class, because her father would reject him.
▪ Lawmakers also rejected plans to use tobacco-tax money to provide health insurance for 100, 000 children of the working poor.
▪ Once again, in their view, the world would have rejected their country's claim to international respect.
▪ Reportedly it was a soup-to-nuts A-to-Z kind of thing that ISVs rejected out of hand as offering them nothing.
▪ Under the stress of circumstance, the conventional wisdom is rejected.
▪ I got a rejection from Harvard, but I'm still waiting to hear from UCLA.
▪ Of course, you always risk rejection when you first ask someone out.
▪ Sometimes she began to question her outright rejection of her parents' values.
▪ the rejection of the Equal Rights Bill by a small majority
▪ the government's outright rejection of the proposals
▪ And yet Eve had never had anything new, she knew that whatever dress she got for today would be a reject.
▪ Equipment is decrepit, training is inadequate and the conscripts, increasingly, are society's rejects.
▪ Zoe Ball's poor kid sounds like a reject from Carry On Chef.