A Regimental Combat Team (RCT) is a provisional major infantry unit of the United States Marine Corps to the present day and of the United States Army during World War II and the Korean War. It was formed by augmenting a regular infantry regiment with smaller tank, artillery, combat engineer, mechanized, cavalry, reconnaissance, Signal Corps, air defense, quartermaster, military police, medical, and other support units to enable it to be a self-supporting organization in the combat field.
Usage examples of "regimental combat team".
Now instead of making an amphibious landing, we were en route to relieve a regimental combat team in the mountains northwest of Venafro.
And farther south than that, an attack by the Armys 5th Regimental Combat Team and a large portion of the 1st Marine Brigade had turned out to be, in Colonel Dunns opinion, even more of a Chinese fire drill.
And for all that we're a self-contained force, we're only a regimental combat team.
The fort had been built to house a regimental combat team with plenty of support groups, and now there were fewer than a dozen Marine officers on the planet.
It's one of their best-sort of an elite regimental combat team-normally attached to their 6th Division.
And on the Chosin Reservoir's east shore, the Chinese, in division strength, for all practical purposes wiped out the hopelessly outnumbered 7th Infantry Division's 31st Regimental Combat Team, including a reinforcement by just over a thousand men of the 1st Battalion, 32d Infantry (Task Force Faith, so named for its commander, Lieutenant Colonel Don Carlos Faith).
That detachment was clearing the way for a regimental combat team.
The table of organization was based on the Legion's, essentially similar to a CoDominium Marine regimental combat team: Headquarters company.
His grandfather had leaped at the chance to prove his loyalty to his country, and served in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, returning home with two Purple Hearts and master-sergeant stripes only to find that the family business—.
Exactly the girl you want to bring home to your friendly regimental combat team.
But a school with more oil money than Harvard, more fierce traditions than a regimental combat team, would not abandon its ancient campus forever.
There probably were enough deadly weapons in the village to outfit a regimental combat team.