The subfamily Reduncinae is composed of eight species of antelopes, all of which dwell in marshes, floodplains, or other well-watered areas, including the waterbucks and reedbucks. These antelopes first appeared in fossil record 7.4 million years ago (Mya) in Eurasia and 6.6 Mya in Africa.
- Subfamily Bovinae: cattle and spiral-horned antelopes, 24 species in 9 genera
- Subfamily Cephalophinae: duikers, 19 species in two genera
- Subfamily Hippotraginae: grazing antelopes, 23 species in 11 genera
- Subfamily Antilopinae: gazelles, dwarf antelopes and the saiga, 38 species in 14 genera
- Subfamily Caprinae: sheep, goats, 26 species in 12 genera
Subfamily Reduncinae
- Genus Kobus
- Upemba lechwe, Kobus anselli
- Waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus
- Kob, Kobus kob
- Lechwe, Kobus leche
- Nile lechwe, Kobus megaceros
- Puku, Kobus vardonii
- Genus Redunca
- Southern reedbuck, Redunca arundinum
- Mountain reedbuck, Redunca fulvorufula
- Bohor reedbuck, Redunca redunca
- Genus Kobus
- Subfamily Aepycerotinae: impala, one species
- Subfamily Peleinae: rhebok, one species
- Subfamily Alcelaphinae: wildebeest, seven species in four genera