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red shift

n. (context astronomy English) light spectrum shifted towards red, as by elongation of light waves from a source moving away from the detector.

red shift

n. (astronomy) a shift in the spectra of distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths; generally interpreted as the Doppler effect resulting from the velocity at which they recede as the universe expands

Red Shift (novel)

Red Shift is a 1973 fantasy novel by Alan Garner. It spans over a thousand years but one geographical area: Southern Cheshire, England. Garner evokes the essence of place, allowing his characters to echo each other through time, as if their destinies may be predefined by the soil on which they walk. These are themes explored more tangibly in his earlier work The Owl Service, but brought here to maturity in a weave of rapid, impressionistic dialogue.

It is set in three intertwined time periods: Roman Britain, the siege of Barthomley Church during the English Civil War, and a caravan site near the M6 in the modern day.

Red Shift (comics)

Red Shift is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe and was a herald of Galactus. He first appeared in Galactus: The Devourer (1999).

Red Shift (publisher)

Red Shift was a video game publisher active between 1983 and 1985. They were well known for their strategy games and had a close working relationship with Julian Gollop and Games Workshop.

Usage examples of "red shift".

In the instant before unconsciousness, Bickel wondered if he could be dying, and he thought: Red shift!

Either the Cygnans weren't yet traveling at anywhere near the speed of light, or the computer was compensating for red shift.

Like the gold spectacles of Joseph Smith, like the tablets handed down to Moses from the Mount, like the red shift to the big bang- accept the postulate and the rest goes down smoothly.

Or the red shift might be a Doppler effect due not to the general expansion of the universe but rather to a more modest and local galactic explosion.

Gerswin sat watching the screens, looking at the flow of information on the status of the ship, watching the green panels light, watching the red shift to amber, and then to green.