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n. Any of the species of fish in taxonomic family Siganidae, divided into the genera (taxlink Siganus genus noshow=1) and (taxlink Lo genus nomul=1 noshow=1), found in shallow lagoons in the Indo-Pacific and eastern Mediterranean, diurnal, and feeding on algae in the wild.

  1. n. large European chimaera [syn: Chimaera monstrosa]

  2. [also: rabbitfishes (pl)]


Rabbitfishes or spinefoots are perciform fishes in the family Siganidae. The 28 species are in a single genus, Siganus. In some now obsolete classifications, the species having prominent face stripes—colloquially called foxfaces–are in the genus Lo. Other species, such as the masked spinefoot (S. puellus), show a reduced form of the stripe pattern. Rabbitfishes are native to shallow waters in the Indo-Pacific, but S. luridus and S. rivulatus have become established in the eastern Mediterranean via Lessepsian migration. It can be used in the preparation of bagoong.