advance/further/promote a cause (=help to achieve an aim)
▪ He did much to advance the cause of freedom.
be promoted to a rank
▪ He was promoted to the rank of Captain.
encourage/promote cooperation (=make people want to work together)
▪ The programme will promote cooperation between universities and industry.
encourage/promote diversity (=make it more likely to exist)
▪ Creating a pond in your garden encourages wildlife diversity.
present/project/promote an image (=behave in a way that creates a particular image)
▪ He presented an image of himself as an energetic young leader.
promote an exhibition (=tell the public about it)
▪ Our press officer contacted the local radio and TV stations to promote the exhibition.
promote efficiency (=develop or encourage efficient ways of doing something)
▪ A competitive market helps to promote efficiency.
promote equality (=help it to happen)
▪ The Equal Opportunities Commission was established to promote equality between the sexes.
promote harmony (=do things that help friendship or peace develop or improve)
▪ We need to develop ways of promoting harmony between nations.
stimulate/encourage/promote growth
▪ Greater government spending may stimulate economic growth.
▪ Indeed, Freemantle not only provided Leapor with a receptive audience for her mature work, but actively promoted it.
▪ The Catholic Church is actively promoting the celebrations as a way to strengthen family and community ties and distract kids from gangs.
▪ The Hanoverian monarchs were great patrons of the arts, and actively promoted the music of both native-born and Continental musicians.
▪ The facility is currently being actively promoted both within the Bar and locally with potential professional clients.
▪ Alvarez' oversights are unfortunate because it's genuinely heartening to see a company actively promoting a bass range.
▪ It may seem odd at first sight that women should actively promote their own exclusion from the trade.
▪ He has to formulate and promote book provision policy in the authority.
▪ If I ever get to promote this book on a late-night show, I will do it.
▪ Hillary Clinton visited Boca Raton Thursday to promote her book at a local bookstore.
▪ In Oxford to promote a new book of photographs he proved that charisma never fades.
▪ Cunningham was in Baltimore recently to promote the book.
▪ The campaign was promoted by a massive distribution of leaflets in secondary schools, universities and student restaurants.
▪ The use of a campaign book to promote a candidacy is not rare.
▪ But all that could change if a campaign to promote the meat succeeds.
▪ In practice, both parties spend it on expensive media campaigns that promote their presidential nominees.
▪ In the 1890s it embarked on a series of campaigns to promote closer relationships with trade unions.
▪ In practice, both parties use soft money to finance expensive media campaigns that promote their presidential candidates.
▪ We have neither the resources nor the finance to launch a campaign to promote any particular aspect.
▪ We hope it will help to illuminate the problems the designer faces in trying to promote such changes by introducing new material.
▪ We believe managers are promoting change for the sake of change.
▪ You commit yourself to long-term help as the only way to promote real change.
▪ It might help if the impersonal organization were aligned to promote change.
▪ Many Acts allow governments to promote subsequent changes and new regulations.
▪ Thus the chief problem for corporate change is how to promote task-aligned change across many diverse units....
▪ Ambache: Wants to promote gradual evolutionary change Ambache hopes this sort of attention will not occur at Knowsley.
▪ Is he there to promote change or simply to replace some one going on long leave?
▪ We will promote the development of multi-party systems through the new Westminster Foundation for Democracy.
▪ In promoting technology development, cities have been able to capitalize on a growing number of state level programs and investments.
▪ There has been little attempt to create projects to promote women's development and even less understanding of the issues involved.
▪ Religious education in these schools is officially non-denominational or biblically based and loyalist sentiments are promoted.
▪ In promoting my education and neglecting that of my sisters, my parents proved themselves right.
▪ Various funding agencies including Sight Savers are promoting integrated education enabling blind and sighted children to accept and adjust to each other.
▪ The first is to promote liberal arts higher education, both at general degree and sub-degree levels.
▪ Yet Barclays and Lloyds have spent much time and energy privately rubbishing Switch, in efforts to promote their own debit cards.
▪ We continue to give support to the United Nations Secretary-General's efforts to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement.
▪ Similar efforts are needed to promote the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs and infection control procedures in nursing homes.
▪ At the same time, considerable effort has gone into promoting the economic development of the city's disadvantaged areas.
▪ Finally, what lessons might be learned from experience with efforts to promote local economic development?
▪ Functionalism in public law views this apparatus of government as serving to promote a distinct set of purposes.
▪ Most entrepreneurial governments promote competition between service providers.
▪ To peacefully persuade zoos and national and local governments to accept and promote our aims.
▪ The Constitution requires that the federal government promote the general welfare of its people.
▪ The government spent lavishly to promote the process and promised a change for the better.
▪ Many Acts allow governments to promote subsequent changes and new regulations.
▪ The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture as important contributions to workforce flexibility, and the restructuring process.
▪ One of the promises is that the Government will promote enterprise and training.
▪ We particularly need people in their late teens - early twenties age group - to promote our young, slim image!
▪ Individual and group exercise programmes promote mobility and confidence, helping to diffuse anxiety and aggression.
▪ It not only builds trust among constituent groups, but also promotes accountability within the ranks.
▪ Simultaneously, tax credits can target state support to approved groups, and promote socially desirable economic behaviour.
▪ Only with assurances that the navy approved, he told Stark, would his group promote the destroyer deal.
▪ F Fertiliser substrate Compound mixed with gravel to promote plant growth.
▪ What is it that happens in those years before kindergarten that specifically inhibits or promotes growth to self-sufficiency?
▪ When you start a new church, if you begin informatively you promote healthy natural growth among these people.
▪ Reading, which in other settings has promoted the intellectual growth of a people, now threatens to arrest it.
▪ It's natural, promotes your child's growth and helps to protect against allergy and infection.
▪ An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth.
▪ The goal of the World Bank is clear enough: to promote growth in poor countries.
▪ This will promote growth in the buds below your pinch.
▪ Exercise is using your body in a way that will promote health.
▪ That group is helping to forge stronger links between mainstream and complementary approaches to promoting health and managing illness.
▪ Strategies to promote the nation's health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.
▪ To promote its various health care products, Blue Cross estimates that it sponsors about 100 seminars a week.
▪ Research shows that smiling increases the levels of hormones which promote good health.
▪ Kungfu was primarily developed as a method of self-defence and as an exercise to promote good health.
▪ Mediascope, a nonprofit organization that promotes social and health issues, published a nationwide study of media violence.
▪ Yet to promote this idea, she puts forward some very strange arguments.
▪ In both cases the White House is promoting the idea that the missile defence row is all over bar the shouting.
▪ There were those who promoted the idea much earlier, but they had a limited following.
▪ Cope promoted the idea on the air constantly and expected a big reaction the first game.
▪ One enterprising airway promotes this idea by showing an in-flight video that leads passengers through such a work-out.
▪ The activities singled out were to do with the use of ratepayers' money to promote certain ideas.
▪ By their work they are promoting the idea that goods should be of merchantable quality and fit for their purpose.
▪ It promotes the idea that advancement is by acceptance rather than enterprise or originality.
▪ Water &038; Ventilation Keith Morgan has been promoted to sales manager north for the water treatment section of the division.
▪ Case promoted himself from manager to owner in 1927, buying the hotel for less than $ 150, 000.
▪ And last, but by no means least,, previously at, Louth, was promoted to maltings manager in January.
▪ A senior manager read one of the articles and promptly promoted the marketing manager to a position as his assistant.
▪ Following the restructuring of the Chambers Harrap sales force, Elaine Walker has been promoted to key accounts manager.
▪ Deb Mayers has been promoted to office manager.
▪ Ed Shedd has been promoted to sales manager at Constable.
▪ Mike Hennes, project engineer, recently was promoted to substation engineering manager at Minnkota.
▪ Mainstream industrial organization argues that the purpose of the policy is to promote economic efficiency.
▪ Moreover, the Countryside Commission's own favoured policy is to promote landscape agreements and tree-planting schemes in cooperation with sympathetic farmers and landowners.
▪ His arguments for revitalizing the colonies were realized in more active policies promoting colonial change.
▪ Mr. Howarth Our policy is to promote wider participation and more opportunity in higher education.
▪ Our food safety policy promotes consumer choice and consumer safety.
▪ Regional policies designed to promote employment sought to maintain population levels in the less prosperous areas by curbing voluntary out-migration.
▪ The major companies operating in these markets spend huge sums on marketing in order to promote their products globally.
▪ Some obesity researchers have clear conflict of interest, promoting or investing in products or programs based on their research.
▪ Yet, according to much of the advertising used to promote and sell these products, that's exactly what should happen.
▪ The analogy of the sales pitch is revealing, for advertisers do not promote their product merely by providing information about it.
▪ He was not a chemist but adopted innovatory methods and used commercial skill to promote his products.
▪ Reard was just better at promoting his product.
▪ One reason for Ward's success is the way he has promoted his products.
▪ The investigation centers around promotional gimmicks used by food manufacturers to promote particular products in grocery stores.
▪ The company has played a leading role year in promoting tax and electric rate relief for Massachusetts businesses.
▪ Ferguson had been seeking an ambassadorial role promoting the club abroad.
▪ Regional and transfrontier co-operation has a definite role in promoting good-neighbourly relations.
▪ Second, few of the evaluations discuss the donors' own role in promoting some of the weaknesses in project design.
▪ His role will be to promote among local businesses the resources and facilities of the dealership.
▪ The New Right also deny the role of welfare in promoting social integration.
▪ How did the individuals behind these businesses manage to promote their services so effectively?
▪ Most entrepreneurial governments promote competition between service providers.
▪ The draw was designed to promote Keyline's Bricksearch service, which ensures customers select the right brick for the right specification.
▪ The critics contend that competition could promote better and cheaper service.
▪ Roy Holloway is promoted from supervisor to service manager at Hygiene Bristol.
▪ In 1989, he was promoted to project engineer, and, in 1995, he was promoted to technical services engineer.
▪ Banks promoted such services by press and television advertising.
▪ Booksellers increasingly have to promote their consolidated services to publishers.
▪ He made his own cameras and lenses, including a panoramic camera, and promoted the use of photography in geology.
▪ AirTouch is selling the phones for $ 599 each -- too steep a price to promote widespread use.
▪ To promote effective use of libraries as a whole school resource for study and recreation. 2.
▪ The Committee has promoted and encouraged the use of sound practice procedures.
▪ Similar efforts are needed to promote the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs and infection control procedures in nursing homes.
▪ It promoted the use of marijuana, they said, although it started with an anti-drugs message.
▪ We are keen to promote the use of such integrated assessment.
▪ Green taxes are a double dividend option: they could cut environmental damage whilst promoting welfare.
▪ The Constitution requires that the federal government promote the general welfare of its people.
▪ The 1980 Child Care Act placed the duty of promoting the welfare of children as the first responsibility of social service departments.
▪ Thus they are not to ask how their decisions can best promote the general welfare.
▪ The visit was aimed at promoting increased investment and trade between the two countries.
▪ These disciplines aim to promote a more open, sensitive, untroubled contact with both the internal and external worlds.
▪ This may reduce the flexibility which decentralisation aims to promote.
▪ It also aims to promote prompt payment of taxes.
▪ The show aims to promote modelling in the region and inform people what local clubs are available.
▪ The tour was aimed at promoting economic co-operation and trade links.
▪ The draw was designed to promote Keyline's Bricksearch service, which ensures customers select the right brick for the right specification.
▪ There are a lot of stretching moves designed to promote a lean look.
▪ Sportsbridge, a new nonprofit organization designed to promote athleticism for women, had brought the pair together.
▪ If the state acts in a manner not designed to promote social solidarity then, Duguit argued, this must be resisted.
▪ Also present within organization are power strategies designed solely to promote selfish objectives.
▪ Incentive systems should be designed to promote and strengthen the social purposes and values of the organisation.
▪ The agreement was designed to promote competition among larger retailers.
▪ As well as Silicon and Collagen, it contains a special patented ingredient to help promote the body's own cellular regenerating activity.
▪ This was to help promote the name of the small private college located on the outskirts of the city.
▪ A stance that helped the poor and promoted growth, it said, counted for nothing without a strong anti-corruption strategy.
▪ Working closely with Merseyside Conference Bureau, Lauren has helped to promote the area as a main conference venue.
▪ Hershey helped to promote E. with posters, shirts and sticker sets.
▪ Sometimes specific projects have helped to promote integration.
▪ Third, involvement with local industry helps to promote a stimulating and challenging curriculum. 4.
▪ Ferguson had been seeking an ambassadorial role promoting the club abroad.
▪ We will also seek to promote forms of accountability which go beyond dinner parties at Stormont for selected priests and other notables.
▪ Similarly, the classes-in-struggle contest control of the state and its apparatus, thereby seeking to promote their own interests.
▪ In seeking to promote the realization and wholeness of human nature, we attempt to correct our early unsatisfactory experiences.
▪ We hope it will help to illuminate the problems the designer faces in trying to promote such changes by introducing new material.
▪ The wedding would be a symbol of the reconciliation Jim was trying to promote.
▪ Councillors agreed to try to promote the outstations for 12 months to see if the public make more use of them.
▪ Suppose it has tried to promote a special line of soft toys by selling them next to infants' clothes.
▪ The only problem was that we were not trying to promote it.
▪ An uphill battle trying to promote the latest trucks.
▪ It has always been Whitbread's aim to try and promote from within.
▪ The Burrs' is just the sort of tourist venture that Thamesdown Council's trying to promote.
▪ A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development.
▪ Allen goes from school to school to promote his anti-drug message.
▪ Chambers says the council could do more to promote recycling.
▪ Did you hear that David's been promoted?
▪ Include workout activities that promote flexibility and strength.
▪ Kits promoting "Sesame Street" have been sent to day-care centers.
▪ Meg Ryan is in Europe to promote her new movie.
▪ Shula was promoted to head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals in 1991.
▪ The aim of the meeting is to promote trade between the two countries.
▪ The company promotes women and minorities whenever possible.
▪ They're trying to promote Dubai as a tourist destination.
▪ To promote their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.
▪ Although the latter provision was rejected by the House of Representatives, the idea was formulated and promoted by the Reagan administration.
▪ Better if Austin promoted itself as a spa.
▪ It was based on a fusion of the commitment to full employment and a desire to promote consumer choice.
▪ Manufacturers, through brokers, pay incentives, either cash or products, to stock particular foods or to promote them.
▪ The writing was on the wall early in the tour when Ian Salisbury was promoted from supernumerary net bowler to fully-fledged tourist.
▪ This will also bring in useful revenue to promote the railway.
▪ We opted to promote the band at a local level, and not nationally.