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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a good/encouraging response (=when people like something or show interest)
▪ We’ve had a good response from the public.
a good/positive/encouraging/hopeful sign
▪ If she can move her legs, that’s a good sign.
encourage exports (=make them more likely to exist)
▪ Kenya used subsidies to encourage exports.
encourage/promote cooperation (=make people want to work together)
▪ The programme will promote cooperation between universities and industry.
encourage/promote diversity (=make it more likely to exist)
▪ Creating a pond in your garden encourages wildlife diversity.
stimulate/encourage investment
▪ The government has cut taxes in order to stimulate investment.
stimulate/encourage/promote growth
▪ Greater government spending may stimulate economic growth.
▪ This means they must actively encourage a more selective approach to custodial remand and sentencing.
▪ I come from a family where blood feuds are not only tolerated, but actively encouraged.
▪ Neighbouring schools may actively encourage difficult and demanding families to seek somewhere else for the education of their children.
▪ Is it responsible to be actively encouraging gay men to use a product that is untested?
▪ Sister Guadalupe, nun, June 1983 Right from the beginning, we have actively encouraged women's incorporation.
▪ Cold-calling, at one licensed dealer, when the salesmen got desperate, was just not tolerated, it was actively encouraged.
▪ Headway Pre-Intermediate invites students to think about how they learn, and actively encourages good study habits.
▪ The university actively encourages the entrepreneurs.
▪ They are also encouraged to make connections between medical and scientific advances and changes in human society.
▪ Leaders also encourage creativity when they take the sting out of failure.
▪ Whitefly also encourage aphids which feed off the sugary deposits.
▪ The sickly, overheated corporate environment also encourages a kind of meeting mindlessness.
▪ Merton's thesis was that a godly involvement in the affairs of the world would also encourage the growth of science.
▪ Bufkins also encouraged the managers to visit their engineers on-site more often and attend more meetings.
▪ The policy review was also encouraged by hints of a Soviet willingness to negotiate.
▪ Psychiatrists also encourage self-stripping on the part of their patients.
▪ We also need to encourage children to use their imaginations in science lessons.
▪ It does moral damage by encouraging prejudice within children regardless of their color.
▪ Landlessness was also seen as an element of poverty and encouraged large families so that children could earn and remit wages.
▪ Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.
▪ Because men have been taught to value independence, they betray no one by encouraging it in their children.
▪ Reading and spelling accuracy is encouraged as the child copies one of these program listings.
▪ And fourthly, subsidies and loans help provide finance to encourage development.
▪ Since we last met, there have been further encouraging developments.
▪ A great deal can be done by government to help and encourage such development.
▪ It provided finance, ensured protection and, on occasion, encouraged technological development.
▪ The university authorities encouraged this novel development and three students were eventually elected to the county congress.
▪ Various devices were used to encourage the development of separate identities between the two groups.
▪ Growth promoters will encourage root development and tiller survival.
▪ But clearly governments were ready to encourage innovatory thinking.
▪ There is clearly a fine line between stifling government intervention and encouraging creativity and innovation.
▪ A great deal can be done by government to help and encourage such development.
▪ Normal government budgets encourage managers to waste money.
▪ By selecting Tadchester as one of the new Development Zones the government plans to encourage new industry in the area.
▪ Whenever the flow of emigrants slowed, the government in Lisbon encouraged it again.
▪ Margaret Thatcher's governments encouraged the old nationalised industries to sell derelict sites which retailers snapped up for building superstores.
▪ The introduction of psephology encouraged the growth of opinion polls as a guide to voting trends.
▪ Light to moderate pruning after a period of bloom encourages bushy new growth.
▪ It involves cutting down the main trunk to encourage new growth from the edge of the stump.
▪ The second hazard is that old bugaboo, moisture, encouraging mildew growth and eventual decay.
▪ Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
▪ It recommends that the government reduce spending to encourage growth in private industry to bring about faster rates of economic growth.
▪ Although she enjoys the aesthetic value of wild flowers, her reason for encouraging their widespread growth is principally scientific.
▪ Rationalism of this kind has encouraged the growth of more and more nebulous deism.
▪ If these measures had been designed to encourage investment, or to create jobs, they would at least have restored economic growth.
▪ In this framework, policies that encourage investment are good; policies that make investment less profitable are bad.
▪ Other hoped-for measures include tax breaks for industry to encourage investment and more cash for building projects.
▪ The federal government creates these funny situations with tax breaks to encourage investment.
▪ A series of measures-such as' Competition Credit Controlwere introduced to encourage investment and reduce regulatory controls on private sector investment decisions.
▪ We shall pursue the privatisation programme, and encourage private investment, both domestic and foreign.
▪ It was designed to use preferential interest rates to encourage investment in manufacturing, tourism, mining and agriculture.
▪ Please encourage class members to lobby their local councils about cuts in classes, either personally or by petition.
▪ Director Pat Bean encourages members to tape rehearsals and practice at home.
▪ Ideally, market forces alone would be enough to encourage members to assume these various roles.
▪ The political party can encourage or require its members to work together to achieve shared policy goals.
▪ Please do your best to encourage your class members to come along.
▪ Mr Sayer also hinted at moves to encourage other wealthier members of the association to increase their current contributions.
▪ Every store encourages members to raise money for charity which is doubled by the company.
▪ The quiz was held to encourage members of staff to discuss safety issues and seek information.
▪ The Profitboss encourages unconventional ways of making profit, encouraging his people to be creative and take initiative.
▪ In the 1870s, after all, when plumpness was in vogue, physicians had encouraged people to gain weight.
▪ The idea was to encourage people to join a union - not ban them if they couldn't.
▪ The same freedom from job limits that unleashes enormous effort also encourages people to overextend themselves.
▪ We know also that police screening encourages people not to report.
▪ Graham also encouraged people to turn away from materialism and instead focus on what he said really matters: the spiritual.
▪ Success would encourage young people to stay in the inner city instead of moving out of the area.
▪ The policy review was also encouraged by hints of a Soviet willingness to negotiate.
▪ In this framework, policies that encourage investment are good; policies that make investment less profitable are bad.
▪ First, is it an ethical investment policy to encourage people to try to have their cake and eat it?
▪ What makes it worse, they say, is that federal policies encourage the layoffs.
▪ The government also pursued policies designed to encourage a commercial ethos in the remaining public enterprises.
▪ If we want to make policy changes that will encourage parents to remain together, we can do so.
▪ Their policy to encourage cycling, not the macho sort but for families, is very progressive.
▪ It encourages pupils to approach them from angles not considered by other subjects or forms of study in the curriculum.
▪ Traditionally it has meant some form of moral education to encourage pupils to develop attitudes of cooperation and concern for justice.
▪ It encourages creativity and allows pupils to use the language they have learnt in the context of stimulating and relevant projects.
▪ Here we need to encourage pupils to think and express themselves in vivid ways using word pictures.
▪ The teacher has a role in encouraging the pupil to use the aid and in reducing teasing by other pupils.
▪ Teachers should discuss the cogency and clarity of such documents and should encourage pupils to improve them.
▪ To encourage individual pupil use in their non-timetabled school day. 7.
▪ Will Compacts encourage students to leave school at sixteen instead of participating in further education?
▪ Some programs also are encouraging students to enter four-year colleges who might not have done so in the past.
▪ In retrospect he criticized one of his old drawing masters for encouraging students to copy from photographs.
▪ In the classroom, cultural analysis encourages students to examine for themselves the underlying assumptions in the texts they are studying.
▪ Schaeffer encouraged teachers and students to take part in cultural sensitivity training workshops.
▪ Criticism of the service side of training should be encouraged so improvements in student learning and patient care can be developed.
▪ Early results from Roosevelt suggest that the pathway focus actually may encourage students to take more, not less, academics.
▪ BIndustry spokesmen argue that encouraging widespread use of unconnected phones would lead to mischief and abuse.
▪ The effective use of new power strategies, albeit awkward at first, encourages their use in the future.
▪ More competition encourages the use of modern, efficient aircraft.
▪ This greater bandwidth will encourage the use of capacity-hogging services such as continuous audio and video.
▪ We will encourage more effective use of local sport and leisure facilities through compulsory competitive tendering.
▪ This low sensitivity rate has encouraged the use of instruments to enhance cell exfoliation.
▪ The grammatical system of each language will itself encourage the use of certain devices in preference to others.
▪ If these measures had been designed to encourage investment, or to create jobs, they would at least have restored economic growth.
▪ President Clinton Friday endorsed incentives designed to encourage states to move children more quickly from foster-care settings into permanent adoptive homes.
▪ Taxes should be designed to encourage greater effort and levied only when wealth is achieved.
▪ The government last month introduced a package of incentives and tax breaks designed to encourage home and household-goods purchases.
▪ In addition, the Report made a number of other detailed recommendations which were designed to encourage an increase in technological studies.
▪ The limits are designed to encourage fiscal responsibility.
▪ It's a new site designed to encourage women to get online and enjoy their favourite magazine in the process.
▪ Taxation may be designed to encourage the division of estates.
▪ Lambeth Council is trying to encourage more homosexual men and women to adopt children or become foster parents.
▪ I try to encourage as much openness and contrary views as possible.
▪ I tried to encourage him to tell me more of his own story.
▪ He had tried to encourage a traditional democracy.
▪ But take courage, and try and encourage your children to talk about their feelings too.
▪ Clinton is trying to encourage employers to hire welfare recipients through tax breaks and subsidies.
▪ The marketer will try to encourage brand loyalty as a means of rendering the purchase process more comfortable and more satisfying.
▪ Counselors try to encourage patients to get into treatment.
(make) encouraging/optimistic etc noises (about sth)
▪ Cigarette machines in the streets will only encourage more teenagers to smoke.
▪ Congress is considering tax breaks to encourage investment.
▪ Damp conditions encourage the growth of the fungus.
▪ Her letters really encouraged me throughout my illness.
▪ Her parents encouraged her to cook and even paid her to make dinner twice a week.
▪ I would never have won if my friends hadn't encouraged me to keep trying.
▪ Patricia encouraged me to apply for the job.
▪ She was always looking for ways to encourage her students.
▪ This insurance plan will be too hard to administer and will encourage fraud.
▪ We want to encourage more children to use the library.
▪ Avoid spraying your plants with pesticides, grow plants that encourage beneficial insects such as carrots, parsley, parsnips and nettles.
▪ But no evidence suggests that she courted danger for her children as she encouraged their freedom.
▪ Is it responsible to be actively encouraging gay men to use a product that is untested?
▪ Likewise we recognize that pre-feminist homemakers were encouraged to stand by, and lie beneath, their men.
▪ The popularity of organised tours visiting the Balearics and the interest of the locals has encouraged the club to expand.
▪ The San Francisco angler with the signature floppy fishing cap encourages tyros not to be intimidated.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Encourage \En*cour"age\ (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Encouraged (?; 48); p. pr. & vb. n. Encouraging.] [F. encourager; pref. en- (L. in) + courage courage. See Courage.] To give courage to; to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to raise, or to increase, the confidence of; to animate; enhearten; to incite; to help forward; -- the opposite of discourage.

David encouraged himself in the Lord.
--1 Sam. xxx. 6.

Syn: To embolden; inspirit; animate; enhearten; hearten; incite; cheer; urge; impel; stimulate; instigate; countenance; comfort; promote; advance; forward; strengthen.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Old French encoragier "make strong, hearten," from en- "make, put in" (see en- (1)) + corage "courage, heart" (see courage). Related: Encouraged; encouraging; encouragingly.


vb. 1 To mentally support; to motivate, give courage, hope or spirit. 2 To spur on, strongly recommend. 3 To foster, give help or patronage

  1. v. contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom" [syn: promote, advance, boost, further]

  2. inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to [ant: discourage]

  3. spur on; "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"

Usage examples of "encourage".

The Warrens were among those who had adamantly opposed the Constitution, convinced it would only encourage speculation and vice.

Warrens were among those who had adamantly opposed the Constitution, convinced it would only encourage speculation and vice.

Several meetings with Lord Carmarthen were no more encouraging with Jefferson present than they had been for Adams for months past.

Earlier Benjamin Rush had encouraged Maclay to support Adams for Vice President and to be friendly to him after Adams took office, with a view to the help Adams might provide in making Philadelphia the capital.

In two sweltering weeks, their popularity and confidence never higher, the Federalist majority in Congress passed into law extreme measures that Adams had not asked for or encouraged.

Jefferson had indeed encouraged and paid Callender for his efforts, and he had spoken of Adams in quite unflattering terms on a number of occasions.

The senior Shonto even went so far as to blame their former Spiritual Advisor, Brother Satake, for encouraging this trait, saying it was good education for children but the worst foolishness for the lord of a major House.

In a 1991 case in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, a teenager, Nicole Althaus, encouraged by a teacher and a social worker, accused her father of having sexually abused her, resulting in his arrest.

Baghdad could cut all trade and oil exports to Jordan and direct its agents in Amman to try to assassinate King Abdallah or encourage his Palestinian population to overthrow him.

Emigrant Aid Society in Massachusetts to encourage antislavery settlers to relocate in Kansas.

He encouraged the arts, reformed the laws, asserted military discipline, and visited all his provinces in person.

The comparative contentment of the great Sheikh at this moment, her silence, and the sudden departure of Fakredeen, induced Baroni to believe that there was yet something on the cards, and, being of a sanguine disposition, he sincerely encouraged his master, who, however, did not appear to be very desponding.

IN THE meantime, besides the prolonged and unforeseen resistance of the Protectionists, there were other and unexpected causes at work which equally, or perhaps even more powerfully tended to the fulfilment of the scheme of delay, which Lord George Bentinck had recommended his friends to adopt and encourage.

How I Use the Bodarks, which was so encouraging that it made you too, Cathlin McWalter, believe that you could write about the Bodarks.

Pons, good soul, put in by way of encouraging Brunner to bring out his proposal.