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a. (en-superlativeprim)

  1. adj. affectedly dainty or refined [syn: dainty, mincing, niminy-piminy, twee]

  2. exaggeratedly proper; "my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts" [syn: priggish, prissy, prudish, puritanical, square-toed, straitlaced, strait-laced, straightlaced, straight-laced, tight-laced, victorian]

  3. [also: primming, primmed, primmest, primmer]

  1. v. assume a prim appearance; "They mince and prim"

  2. contract one's lips; "She primmed her lips after every bite of food"

  3. dress primly [syn: prim up, prim out]

  4. [also: primming, primmed, primmest, primmer]


See prim

Usage examples of "primmest".

Prim was at his primmest, dealing out orders with the iron efficiency of a school inarm.

Aunt Alice telegraphed to her lawyer, the dearest, primmest old fellow, and he dined with me, protesting all the time against my sailing.

Whether in her primmest guise or, as now, her most stylish, she had somehow become for him the pinnacle of womanly beauty.

Certainly not from his father, the primmest, properest prince of all time.

She was a comely, motherly woman, dressed in the primmest fashion in vogue twenty years before in England, among the class to which she belonged.

Twenty minutes later she emerged from the bathroom clad in her primmest nightgown.