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a. Having narrow views on moral matters; prudish. alt. Having narrow views on moral matters; prudish.


adj. exaggeratedly proper; "my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts" [syn: priggish, prim, prissy, prudish, puritanical, square-toed, straitlaced, strait-laced, straightlaced, tight-laced, victorian]

Usage examples of "straight-laced".

Serious straight-laced Wobblies expect the world of the future to be very serious and very efficient, but the easygoing ones look forward to a frivolous, bang-up time for everybody.

It is a lesson as hard to learn for the somewhat-well-to-do as it is for the humblest stevedore, or the most straight-laced schoolmarm.

Ian was cursing himself silently for sounding the pompous asslike a pompous English ass, he amended to himself, straight-laced and stiff in the collar.

Will Congress be too straight-laced to carry the constitution into honest effect, unless they may pass over the foundation-laws of the State government for the slightest convenience of theirs?