Crossword clues for perpetual
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Perpetual \Per*pet"u*al\, a. [OE. perpetuel, F. perp['e]tuel, fr. L. perpetualis, fr. perpetuus continuing throughout, continuous, fr. perpes, -etis, lasting throughout.] Neverceasing; continuing forever or for an unlimited time; unfailing; everlasting; continuous.
Unto the kingdom of perpetual night.
Perpetual feast of nectared sweets.
Circle of perpetual apparition, or Circle of perpetual occultation. See under Circle.
Perpetual calendar, a calendar so devised that it may be adjusted for any month or year.
Perpetual curacy (Ch. of Eng.), a curacy in which all the
tithes are appropriated, and no vicarage is endowed.
Perpetual motion. See under Motion.
Perpetual screw. See Endless screw, under Screw.
Syn: Continual; unceasing; endless; everlasting; incessant; constant; eternal. See Constant.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
mid-14c., from Old French perpetuel "without end" (12c.) and directly from Latin perpetualis "universal," in Medieval Latin "permanent," from perpetuus "continuous, universal," from perpetis, genitive of Old Latin perpes "lasting," probably from per- "through" + root of petere "to seek, go to, aim at" (see petition (n.)). Related: Perpetually. Perpetual motion is attested from 1590s.
a. 1 lasting forever, or for an indefinitely long time 2 Set up to be in effect or have tenure for an unlimited duration 3 continuing uninterrupted 4 flowering throughout the growing season
adj. continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" [syn: ageless, eternal, everlasting, unending, unceasing]
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"; "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"; "unremitting demands of hunger" [syn: ceaseless, constant, incessant, never-ending, unceasing, unremitting]
occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted; "a child's incessant questions"; "your perpetual (or continual) complaints" [syn: incessant, endless]
Perpetual, meaning " eternal", may refer to:
- Perpetual bond, a bond that pays coupons forever
- Perpetual curacy, a type of Christian priesthood
- Perpetual Entertainment, a software development company
- Perpetual Limited, an Australian diversified financials company
- Perpetuity, a perpetual asset
Usage examples of "perpetual".
His cause was an anchor to keep him steady, but it could not give this perpetual afflatus of spirit like a May morning.
Broken hearted over these letters, Camilla spent her time in their perpetual perusal, in wiping from them her tears, and pressing with fond anguish to her lips the signature of her hapless sister, self-beguiled by her own credulous goodness, and self-devoted by her conscientious scruples.
And while in ballooning there is no wind, since the balloon is a part of the wind, flying is a wild perpetual creation of and plunging into wind.
It was the same Guzman Bento who, becoming later Perpetual President, famed for his ruthless and cruel tyranny, readied his apotheosis in the popular legend of a sanguinary land-haunting spectre whose body had been carried off by the devil in person from the brick mausoleum in the nave of the Church of Assumption in Sta.
Is not this what is emphasised by the perpetual employment of mechanical images and vulgar engineering metaphors, the least fault of which is to suppose a homogeneous time, and a motionless theatre of change which is at bottom only space?
Like a few pebbles rattling down into a stoneware bowl, they descended into a rocky crater, maculated with schlock-heaps and filled with a perpetual miasma of wood-smoke.
They held silently apart, and mingled only in the effect of one young man who kept the Marches in perpetual question whether he was a Bostonian or an Englishman.
Upon the whole, the metempsychosis may be understood, as to its inmost meaning and its final issue, to be either a Development, a Revolution, or a Retribution, a Divine system of development eternally leading creatures in a graduated ascension from the base towards the apex of the creation, a perpetual cycle in the order of nature fixedly recurring by the necessities of a physical fate unalterable, unavoidable, eternal, a scheme of punishment and reward exactly fitted to the exigencies of every case, presided over by a moral Nemesis, and issuing at last in the emancipation of every purified soul into infinite bliss, when, by the upward gravitation of spirit, they shall all have been strained through the successively finer growing filters of the worlds, from the coarse grained foundation of matter to the lower shore of the Divine essence.
To the chemist and the microscopist the living body presents the same difficulties, arising from the fact that everything is in perpetual change in the organism.
In other words, the millionocracy, considered in a large way, is not at all an affair of persons and families, but a perpetual fact of money with a variable human element, which a philosopher might leave out of consideration without falling into serious error.
However petty these activities may have appeared to outsiders, for Diefenbaker such occasions were a necessary relief from the racking, perpetual burden which the prime ministership lays on a man.
An empty mosso, following its mindless, perpetual figure eight, clacked across the mainway just above her, and the great suspension bridge swayed with its passage.
The indenture by which Colpoys hoped to secure perpetual masses in remembrance of his relations and himself is in perfect preservation, with seals attached, in the muniment chamber of Winchester College.
But we in the millennial neurosis situation are surrounded by perpetual, remorseless reinforcement of our grief.
While in Vietnam, Kerry was an outspoken critic to the point of being characterized by some as a perpetual whiner.