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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ an unceasing battle against racial discrimination
▪ And his unceasing efforts to achieve that aim are easily seen.
▪ His ambition, however, was unabated, and his intrigues against John were unceasing.
▪ It was identified with Necessity and was symbolized by the unceasing rotation of a wheel, like the mythical wheel of Ixion.
▪ My own mutinous spirit has caused me unceasing grief.
▪ Such dynamism means perpetual change and the two processes of bank erosion and sediment deposition are unceasing.
▪ The place is apparently being slowly abraded by a fine, stinging dust blown across Patagonia by the unceasing gales.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from un- (1) "not" + present participle of cease (v.). Related: Unceasingly (mid-14c.).


a. continuous; continuing indefinitely without stopping

  1. adj. continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" [syn: ageless, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, unending]

  2. uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"; "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"; "unremitting demands of hunger" [syn: ceaseless, constant, incessant, never-ending, perpetual, unremitting]

Usage examples of "unceasing".

St Gerard were deposited in the chapel of the chateau, Madame de Rubine, whose health was much injured by her unceasing attention to her husband, was advised by the physician who attended her, to try the effect of a softer climate.

The stasis field held the shoppe inviolate, but though he was safe from the Infinite Dark Mass that pressed against its walls, its potency could still be felt: pressing against the field, incredible devouring power exerting unceasing pressure.

Dishes came in an unceasing stream, soups and terrines followed by pigeon en daube, a rack of lamb, sallets and greens and a dish of white turnips whipped to a froth which everyone pronounced a delight of rustic sophistication, and all the while rivers of wine poured from chilled jugs into glasses only half-empty.

Again and again we enjoyed all the exhilarating sensations that such scenes must necessarily inspire, but in attempting a continued description of our progress over these beautiful mountains, I could only tell again of rocks, cedars, laurels, and running streams, of blue heights, and green vallies, yet the continually varying combinations of these objects afforded us unceasing pleasure.

Nate, despite the unceasing load of responsibility that weighed on him, had never forgotten that the Auca Indians lived only some sixty air miles from Shell Mera.

A lifetime of compulsive overwork, too little distraction and relaxation, an -attempt at marriage that had never had a hope, and unceasing battles with meddling intellectual dwarfs whose only purpose in life seemed to be to frustrate his goals had left him with a Damoclean blood pressure that threatened to smite him at any time, and an accompanying heart condition that made any excitement an invitation to a terminal attack.

What would a peaceful Icelander know about the murkier depths of the unceasing undercover war between the nations?

Seeing this, hundreds tried to follow, some dozens made it including a few of the Ehleenee officersLord Manos among themby sliding and crawling and skipping over the packed mass of burning men, over blazing saddles and sizzling horseflesh, dodging the snapping teeth of pain-maddened horses, through the unceasing rain of death.

The conversations he had and the correspondence he carried on upon matters of public interest, not only with men in official position, but with private citizens, were almost unceasing, and in a large number of public letters, written ostensibly to meetings, or committees, or persons of importance, he addressed himself directly to the popular mind.

The netman casts, and then hauls in his catch of metal dust, and scraps of burst balloons, and shorn butterfly wings carried aloft in the whirling unceasing wind.

For, beyond the walls of the apartment whereon we looked down waged the unceasing battle of sounds that is the hymn of the great industrial river.

The human element, of course, was indispensable, and Vallery was far too experienced and battle-wise a captain to underestimate the value of the unceasing vigil of look-outs and signalmen.

Again and again we enjoyed all the exhilarating sensations that such scenes must necessarily inspire, but in attempting a continued description of our progress over these beautiful mountains, I could only tell again of rocks, cedars, laurels, and running streams, of blue heights, and green vallies, yet the continually varying combinations of these objects afforded us unceasing pleasure.

Only the elitebureaucrats, military, higher echelons of police and overlapping internal intelligence departments, valued people sequestered away in certain government research projects such as Gamebird, or a very few otherswere allowed to lead lives of anything save endless drudgery, malnourishment if not outright starvation, hopelessness, and unceasing terror.

The next two years passed, on my part, in perpetual intrigues of diplomacy, combined with an unceasing though secret endeavour to penetrate the mystery which hung over the events of that dreadful night.