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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Perpetual curacy

Perpetual \Per*pet"u*al\, a. [OE. perpetuel, F. perp['e]tuel, fr. L. perpetualis, fr. perpetuus continuing throughout, continuous, fr. perpes, -etis, lasting throughout.] Neverceasing; continuing forever or for an unlimited time; unfailing; everlasting; continuous.

Unto the kingdom of perpetual night.

Perpetual feast of nectared sweets.

Circle of perpetual apparition, or Circle of perpetual occultation. See under Circle.

Perpetual calendar, a calendar so devised that it may be adjusted for any month or year.

Perpetual curacy (Ch. of Eng.), a curacy in which all the tithes are appropriated, and no vicarage is endowed.

Perpetual motion. See under Motion.

Perpetual screw. See Endless screw, under Screw.

Syn: Continual; unceasing; endless; everlasting; incessant; constant; eternal. See Constant.