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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Such a simple idea, I always thought to have a wall of panelled doors that folded back.
▪ The top is decorated with a mountainous landscape and the panelled doors in Chinoiserie designs.
▪ I knocked sharply on the panelled door Gloria had directed me to and didn't wait for a reply.
▪ Thus resolved, Theodora focused her flashlight on the brass doorknob on the panelled door.
▪ It was a very beautiful panelled door of stripped pine and from beyond it came the cheerful sound of pop music.
▪ Staring at the elegant, panelled door, Parr was aware of the difficulties he was facing.
▪ She tapped lightly on the tall, wide, ornately panelled door, then pushed it open and walked in.
▪ The elegant panelled wall isn't wood, isn't marble, but plasterboard.
▪ The bedroom he carried her into had black polished floorboards, panelled walls and a high four-poster.
▪ There were framed photographs and testimonials on the panelled walls, and some bits of polished machinery in a glass case.
▪ As if the office, its panelled walls and rich dark furnishings had been preserved from the rigours of time.
▪ She felt utterly hemmed in by the panelled walls adorned with religious pictures, crucifixes, statues and ornate candlesticks.
▪ The interior has beams, panelled walls, and inglenook fireplaces.
▪ As if the office, its panelled walls and rich dark furnishings had been preserved from the rigours of time.
▪ I knocked sharply on the panelled door Gloria had directed me to and didn't wait for a reply.
▪ She tapped lightly on the tall, wide, ornately panelled door, then pushed it open and walked in.
▪ Such a simple idea, I always thought to have a wall of panelled doors that folded back.
▪ The interior has beams, panelled walls, and inglenook fireplaces.
▪ The sequence of octagonal panelled designs meanwhile includes examples from Gloucester, 10-18, Eastgate Street.
▪ They stood in fascinated awe as the immense panelled surface slid past.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Panel \Pan"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Paneledor Panelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Paneling or Panelling.] To form in or with panels; as, to panel a wainscot.

Paneled back (Arch.), the paneled work covering the window back. See Window back.

  1. (context British English) Having panels. v

  2. (context British English) (en-past of: panel)

  1. v. decorate with panels; "panel the walls with wood"

  2. select from a list; "empanel prospective jurors" [syn: empanel, impanel]

  3. [also: panelling, panelled]

  1. n. sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat) section or component of something

  2. a committee appointed to judge a competition [syn: jury]

  3. (law) a group of people summoned for jury service (from whom a jury will be chosen) [syn: venire]

  4. a group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etc

  5. a pad placed under a saddle

  6. (computer science) a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user; after the information has been provided the user dismisses the box with `okay' or `cancel' [syn: dialog box]

  7. electrical device consisting of an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices; "he checked the instrument panel"; "suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree" [syn: control panel, instrument panel, control board, board]

  8. [also: panelling, panelled]


See panel

Usage examples of "panelled".

Through the glass panelled doors he spied Van Deef at the tavern entrance at last and rose to meet him.

She scanned its grey, panelled hull, looking for secondary fires, seeing only the piercing sparks of welding guns, the glow of beacons and the darting flares of hundreds of gravity-scows.

The room was fit for an old-fashioned American Robber Baron: the huge hearth big enough to roast a pig in, logs crackling and warming the room, a table stretching on and on in mahogany splendor with deep leather chairs set about it, the high ceiling inlaid with gold, the walls panelled with hand carved wood, the furniture seemingly from the days of Catherine the Great.