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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ After all, they are not overstocked at the center position.
▪ By the autumn, they were badly overstocked and suffering resulting cash difficulties.
▪ Federal personnel data suggest that Commerce may have been overstocked with political appointees.
▪ Irresponsible cleaning material suppliers may play on this fear and even the more responsible are prone to overstocking their customers.
▪ It is true that the archbishop's lands were already overstocked with knights in relation to the military service due from them.
▪ No stocking level worries Q. Have I overstocked my tank too soon?
▪ Then, at the beginning of the next run we overstock it again, injecting slightly differ-ent species-our second guesses.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overstock \O"ver*stock`\, n. Stock in excess.


Overstock \O`ver*stock"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overstocked; p. pr. & vb. n. Overstocking.] To fill too full; to supply in excess; as, to overstock a market with goods, or a farm with cattle.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from over- + stock (v.). Related: Overstocked; overstocking. The noun is attested from 1710.


n. An excessive stock; a surplus or glut vb. To stock to an excessive degree


v. stock excessively [ant: understock]


Overstock, excessive stock, B-stock, or excess inventory, is the result of poor management of stock demand or of material flow in process management. Excessive stock is also associated with loss of revenue owing to additional capital bound with the purchase or simply storage space taken. Excessive stock can result from over delivery from a supplier or from poor ordering and management of stock by a buyer for the stock

Overstock also known as Seasonal Overstock, consists of first quality overstock that must be sold. At the end of a selling season, all designated merchandise is removed from the selling floor, boxed and sold to liquidation companies (e.g., all winter coats are removed from the selling floor mid-spring to make room in the stores for swimwear).

When referring to overstock merchandise in the form of consumer goods in a retail operation, the term refers to goods that have never been purchased by a customer but that are considered excessive stock from shelves and/or warehouses. Excessive stock is typically discarded of in the following ways: returned to the manufacturer or original distributor, liquidated to companies that then resell it on the secondary wholesale or retail market, sold at an extreme discount to existing customers, sold to salvage companies which then process metals and components of value.

Usage examples of "overstock".

Through Istanbul the long cabs passed in the gloom, Olds 88s, Buick Roadmasters, Chrysler limousines, DeSotos with busted mufflers, the Detroit overstocks of the decades, a city of dead cars.

The world is overstocked with persons who sacrifice all their affections, and madly trample and batter down their fellows to obtain riches of which, when they get them, they are unable to make the smallest use, and to which they become the most miserable slaves.

The two girls had already wandered into the sitting room and were gawking about ration-book kids in an overstocked candy store.

Besides, the art of burning to bedrock still lay in the womb of the future, and the men of Forty-Mile, shut in by the long Arctic winter, grew high-stomached with overeating and enforced idleness, and became as irritable as do the bees in the fall of the year when the hives are overstocked with honey.

Indeed, the latest news from all Australia was that it had let it alone very badly, and that the overstocking of stations during the preceding good seasons had led to enormous losses.

This would seem expressively ordained by Providence to prevent the overstocking of the islands with a race too indolent to cultivate the ground, and who, for that reason alone, would, by any considerable increase in their numbers, be exposed to the most deplorable misery.

He often speaks of regions being stocked with animal life to their full capacity, and from that overstocking he infers the necessity of competition.

She was still a little concerned about overstock in some areas, and what she saw as understock in others.

Through Istanbul the long cabs passed in the gloom, Olds 88s, Buick Roadmasters, Chrysler limousines, DeSotos with busted mufflers, the Detroit overstocks of the decades, a city of dead cars.

Whenever indeed our numbers should so increase as that our produce would overstock the markets of those nations who should come to seek it, the farmers must either employ the surplus of their time in manufactures, or the surplus of our hands must be employed in manufactures, or in navigation.

Crake was very smart – even in the world of HelthWyzer High, with its overstock of borderline geniuses and polymaths, he had no trouble floating at the top of the list.