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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ the overproduction of crude oil
▪ ApoR2 can also be directly obtained from overproduction of the protein in bacteria under limited-iron conditions.
▪ Conservationists say policies to help wildlife would still cut overproduction of cereals.
▪ Hyperuricosuria suggests the presence of uric acid overproduction, while low or normal urate excretion indicates altered renal handling of uric acid.
▪ In other words, the supply of goods and services creates its own demand and there can be no overproduction.
▪ Only in the mid-1980s did the Commission determinedly begin to tackle the problem of overproduction.
▪ We are also aware of the need to halt the environmental degradation that overproduction brings in its wake.
▪ When allopurinol is utilized to treat severe urate overproduction, xanthine stones may form, but are rare.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overproduction \O"ver*pro*duc"tion\, n. Excessive production; supply beyond the demand.
--J. S. Mill.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1822, from over- + production.


n. The production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold.


n. too much production or more than expected [syn: overrun]


In economics, overproduction, oversupply, excess of supply or glut refers to excess of supply over demand of products being offered to the market. This leads to lower prices and/or unsold goods along with the possibility of unemployment.

The demand side equivalent is underconsumption; some consider supply and demand two sides to the same coin – excess supply is only relative to a given demand, and insufficient demand is only relative to a given supply – and thus consider overproduction and underconsumption equivalent.

Overproduction is often attributed as due to previous overinvestment – creation of excess productive capacity, which must then either lie idle (or under capacity), which is un profitable, or produce an excess supply.

Overproduction (music)

Overproduction is the excessive use of audio effects, layering, or digital manipulation in music production.

Usage examples of "overproduction".

Instead of being an innocuous messenger, the protein coat of the virus seems to mimic a hormone that stimulates the overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid.

Part of the drop in oil prices was a result of overproduction by OPEC countries, such as Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which not only profited from their overproduction but were pursuing a long-term economic policy of trying to increase global dependence on oil by depressing prices.

The marriage is on the verge of breaking up, lock, stock and barrel, due to little Cherry's inability to cope with this dreary life, when the husband finds a brilliant solution to the whole overproduction problem, and immediately gets promoted to a ramshackle hut in the most posh part of the city.

It is for this reason that a tumor of the cortex, leading to the overproduction of its steroids, does have a strongly masculinizing effect on women.

He found the active receptors on the X-FLU virus that make it deadly, and he also found the gene combination that codes for the polypeptides causing the overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid.