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n. (context pathology English) An infection of the bone


n. an inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection)


Osteomyelitis (or OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone and bone marrow. It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism ( pyogenic bacteria or mycobacteria) and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection. Osteomyelitis usually begins as an acute infection, but it may evolve into a chronic condition.

Usage examples of "osteomyelitis".

At the age of seven he had suffered an attack of osteomyelitis, an inflammation of the bone marrow.

Fiorella, who had been on a terminal ward in Cleveland for two years and survived osteomyelitis, an infection of the bones.

It was a textbook case of chronic osteomyelitis, with a discharging sinus and probably a large chunk of dead bone inside, trapped within a new layer of living bone that was desperately trying to evict the dead matter.

Jim Pate, her osteomyelitis patient, became her sole responsibility and she found his slow but steady progress very rewarding.

At thirteen he suffered a severe case of osteomyelitis in his leg, and enforced inactivity gave him time to think.

The night before he was to report for his first military flying instruction he became aware of pain around his old osteomyelitis scar.

He was tortured by tuberculosis, syphilis, osteomyelitis in his jaw, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and kidney stones.

Or, worse, you could lose your life to osteomyelitis or simple blood poisoning.

Frankfurter, cured in the penitentiary of his supposedly chronic osteomyelitis, was making himself useful as an official in Israel s defense ministry.

Upon her return to the hospital, Sarchi went to the library to work on a presentation of osteomyelitis she was to give on grand rounds the following day.

Then there was Pauline, i whom they had had all the worry and expense v she had the bad time with osteomyelitis as a little and who, now that she was sixteen and had her headjj of strange ideas, was still a worry.