n. A theoretical stage of evolutionary development, associated with consciousness, the mind, and personal relationships (often with reference to the writings of (w: Teilhard de Chardin)).
The noosphere (; sometimes noösphere) is the sphere of human thought. The word derives from the Greek νοῦς ( nous " mind") and σφαῖρα (sphaira " sphere"), in lexical analogy to " atmosphere" and " biosphere". It was introduced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in 1922 in his Cosmogenesis. Another possibility is the first use of the term by Édouard Le Roy (1870–1954), who together with Teilhard was listening to lectures of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky at the Sorbonne. In 1936, Vernadsky accepted the idea of the noosphere in a letter to Boris Leonidovich Lichkov (though he states that the concept derives from Le Roy). Citing the work of Teilhard's biographer—Rene Cuenot—Sampson and Pitt stated that although the concept was jointly developed by all three men (Vernadsky, LeRoy, and Teilhard), Teilhard believed that he actually invented the word: "I believe, so far as one can ever tell, that the word 'noosphere' was my invention: but it was he [Le Roy] who launched it."
Usage examples of "noosphere".
Ego camps still absolutize the noosphere, the Eco camps are still absolutizing the biosphere, utterly unaware that this contributes every bit as much as the Ego camps to the destruction of the biosphere itself.
Ego and the Eco will never be integrated in this scheme, with the one absolutizing the noosphere and the other absolutizing the biosphere.
But where the differentiation of the biosphere and the noosphere was not complete, the biospheric identities sucked these movements back out of the noosphere and into the bodily or biological determinants.
Equality of men and women in the noosphereequal access to the public domain of the noosphere and equal rights in that domaindoes not mean that a rigid 50-50 parity must be maintained in all areas.
Divine Domain, with a Deeper Order, and how it might indeed be related to the cosmos, the biosphere, and the noosphere.
These relational exchanges are embedded in the traditions and institutions of a particular society in such a way that that society can reproduce itself on a cultural level, can reproduce itself in the noosphere.
Words are the central experiences in the noosphere, but those verbal experiences cannot be represented without a common lifeworld.
And precisely because the biosphere is a component part of the noosphere, the destruction of the biosphere guarantees the destruction of the noosphereand that is one of the points we will be returning to throughout this volume.
The noosphere transcends but embraces the biosphere, which transcends but embraces the physiosphereone huge holistic and all-embracing system, stretching from here to eternity.
But since the noosphere transcends and includes the biosphere, there is no reason that the liberal cannot embrace the radical and then add its own extra demands.
Ego camps still absolutize the noosphere, the Eco camps are still absolutizing the biosphere, utterly unaware that this contributes every bit as much as the Ego camps to the destruction of the biosphere itself.
But where the differentiation of the biosphere and the noosphere was not complete, the biospheric identities sucked these movements back out of the noosphere and into the bodily or biological determinants.
The biosphere and noosphere had not been differentiated in these societies, and thus the social determinants always reverted to biospheric selection in times of stress, defense, or turmoil.
We will return, in chapters 12, 13, and 14, to the dramatic failure of virtually all of the eco-philosophies to deal nonreductionistically with the noosphere and its distributions and distortions.
Or, more precisely, the Over-Soul is a new and higher holon embracing the physiosphere, biosphere, and noosphere as junior components in its own compound individuality.