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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nauseate \Nau"se*ate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Nauseated; p. pr. & vb. n. Nauseating.] [L. nauseare, nauseatum, fr. nause

  1. See Nausea.] To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust.

  1. Having a feeling of nausea. v

  2. (en-past of: nauseate)


adj. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit [syn: queasy, sick, sickish]

Usage examples of "nauseated".

Because we've been listening to you, listening until I'm nauseated by the sounds you make as you blame us for the Hrrubans, the reptiles, the whole smelly mess.

Slightly nauseated by such a blatant display, Lunzie fastidiously took a few slices of some yellowish fruit, more crackers, and moved away.

But she hadn't been nauseated or had any morning sickness and her breasts weren't that tender--yes, they were a tad sore, but last night could account for that.

Just then Bay Harkenon emerged from the cabin, looking much better than she had when she had hastily descended to be nauseated in private.

He was beginning to feel a trifle nauseated when Desdra's fingers pressed a redwortstained swab over the needlethorn, then removed it with a deft tweak.

He realized then that she was not merely nauseated by the unappetizing food.

The sight somewhat nauseated Menolly, but she set her jaw and tried to ignore the voracity with which her otherwise gentle companions attacked the unexpected delicacy.

She felt nauseated, but it was more a symptom of heavy dread than of her pregnancy.

For a moment, thinking of the horrible touch of the Major's hands, she felt nauseated again.

He knew women were nauseated when they were pregnant, but from the information he'd heard tossed around in saloons it came real early in the pregnancy.

I've been deathly ill, so nauseated I could barely lift my head from the pillow.

The image of that freckled hand made her feel nauseated, and she swallowed convulsively.

As soon as he'd realized she was nauseated, a condition directly related to her condition, so to speak, he'd shown nothing but tender concern and demonstrated once again his abil­ity to make snap decisions in urgent situations.

She had seen a naked man for the first time that afternoon, and the shock of the act she'd witnessed had left her weak and nauseated, but this was different.

Lily felt nauseated, but that could well have been from the unrelenting tension rather than the poison, which was supposed to take longer than just three hours before the effects began to be felt.