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n. (context mineralogy English) A saline evaporite, consisting of sodium bicarbonate, found in lake sediments in California.


Nahcolite is a soft, colourless or white carbonate mineral with the composition of sodium bicarbonate ( Na H C O) also called thermokalite. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system.

Nahcolite was first described in 1928 for an occurrence in a lava tunnel at Mount Vesuvius, Italy. Its name refers to the elements which compose it: Na, H, C, and O. It occurs as a hot spring and saline lake precipitate or efflorescence; in differentiated alkalic massifs; in fluid inclusions as a daughter mineral phase and in evaporite deposits.

It occurs in association with trona, thermonatrite, thenardite, halite, gaylussite, burkeite, northupite and borax. It has been reported in a Roman conduit at Stufe de Nerone, Campi Flegrei, near Naples; in the U. S. from Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, California; in the Green River Formation, Colorado and Utah; in the Tincalayu deposit, Salar del Hombre Muerto, Salta Province, Argentina; on Mt. Alluaiv, Lovozero Massif and Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia; and around Mount Erebus, Victoria Land, Antarctica.