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mud sunfish

n. (taxlink Acantharchus pomotis species noshow=1), a sunfish widely distributed in the fresh waters along the Atlantic coast of North America.

Mud sunfish

The mud sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis) is a sunfish ( family Centrarchidae) widely distributed in the fresh waters along the Atlantic coast of North America, ranging from New York to Florida.

The mud sunfish prefers sluggish, weedy waters of , over muddy, detritus-strewn bottoms, and occurs in small lakes as well as riverine backwaters. The maximum recorded size of this species is .

A. pomotis is currently the only species of genus Acantharchus but Baird had originally assigned it to Centrarchus. The generic name, Acantharchus, derives from the Greek άκανθα (thorn) and άρχος (ruler). A. pomotis is sometimes also known as the mud bass.