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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a marriage certificate
▪ He found a copy of his parents' marriage certificate.
a marriage ends in divorce
▪ Five years later, their marriage ended in divorce.
a marriage (guidance) counsellor (=helping with marriage problems)
▪ You should talk to a marriage counsellor about your problem.
a marriage licence (=a licence that allows two people to marry each other)
▪ We went to get a marriage licence.
a match/marriage made in heaven (=a happy and successful marriage)
a relation by marriage
▪ She’s a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
a relative by marriage
▪ How many women would be willing to care for distant relatives by marriage?
a wedding/marriage ceremony
▪ It was a beautiful wedding ceremony.
a wedding/marriage feast
▪ This dish is traditionally served at wedding feasts.
an unhappy marriage
▪ Her parents had had an unhappy marriage.
arranged marriage
childless couple/woman/marriage
▪ It was a happy but childless marriage.
contract a marriage/alliance etc (=agree to marry someone, form a relationship with them etc)
▪ Most of the marriages were contracted when the brides were very young.
failing marriage
▪ his efforts to save his failing marriage
had...marriage blessed
▪ The couple later had their marriage blessed in their local parish church.
loveless marriage/childhood/relationship etc
marriage bureau
marriage certificate
marriage guidance
marriage licence
marriage lines
marriage of convenience
marriage split
▪ rumours of a marriage split
marriage vow
marriage/funeral/christening etc service
▪ a memorial service for the disaster victims
marriage/marital breakdown
▪ problems caused by the increase in marital breakdown
marriage/wedding vows
▪ She wrote her own marriage vows.
mixed marriage
open marriage
premarital sex/sex before marriage (=sex happening before marriage)
register a birth/death/marriage
▪ The baby’s birth was registered this morning.
same-sex marriage
the institution of marriage/monarchy etc
▪ The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the presidency.
ties of marriage/friendship/blood etc
▪ The ties of friendship that unite the two countries.
troubled marriage/relationship
▪ That and alcoholism and broken marriages.
▪ Cathy was a too-real story about inner-city squalor, broken marriages, homelessness and a shot-to-hell welfare system.
▪ Childless men, especially those with a broken marriage, were more likely to be ambitious, highly educated professionals.
▪ And I've seen too much unhappiness caused by broken marriages.
▪ The two broken marriages and then the obvious fact that he didn't think much of her.
▪ She is entitled to sympathy for a broken marriage which was not purely of her doing.
▪ Over 28 years I've had two broken marriages and broken homes, family and friends.
▪ Did the prospect of such an early marriage, of leaving school and cutting off her education disappoint the Al Ain bride-to-be?
▪ This was amusing early in our marriage.
▪ The less well-to-do may encourage early marriage and give priority to settling down to stable family life.
▪ Among middle-class women, early marriage played a similar role in increasing risk of depression.
▪ Furthermore social surveys had shown that early marriage, by unskilled workers could lead to poverty and destitution.
▪ The correlation between the proportion of early marriages and later infecundity is positive and significant.
▪ Those early days of marriage were lived modestly in a one-bedroom flat in Clapham, South London.
▪ For example, early marriage has been noted as being associated with particular forms of abuse and neglect.
▪ But they are wrong to see gay marriage as trivial or frivolous.
▪ In a test case, the state of Hawaii may become the first to legalize gay marriage, next year.
▪ Would gay marriage weaken the standard variety?
▪ Public opinion polls show as many as 70 percent of respondents oppose gay marriages.
▪ He supports a ban on gay marriages.
▪ But it looks like Clinton has been grandstanding on the subject of gay marriage.
▪ Some people, even within the lesbian and gay community, are opposed to the idea of gay marriage.
▪ But, although she had progressed from happy childhood to happy marriage, all the while a conflict was raging within her.
▪ She simply wanted a happy marriage.
▪ His first wife christened Emily, affectionately and universally known as Pem died on Christmas Day 1988 after 53 years happy marriage.
▪ Perfect looks, a happy marriage, a successful career.
▪ Their happy marriage, their seeming perfection, was porcelain: they daren't raise their voices for fear of shattering it.
▪ While this proves a very happy marriage, it also gives Eleonora the influence she desires.
▪ No, Jack, man is a monogamous animal and there's no partnership on earth to touch a happy marriage.
▪ It take s lot more than just physical attraction to make a lasting, happy marriage.
▪ Forcing her into a loveless marriage the same way he's forcing you pair into marrying the Costello sisters.
▪ Her primary target is the arranged or loveless marriage.
▪ They shared their responsibilities for the smooth running of Zone I with the enthusiasm of those bound by a loveless marriage.
▪ He knew he was forcing his two sons into loveless marriages with the Costello sisters so that they could gain the Costello acres.
▪ It told a story of an empty and loveless marriage, of dreams shattered and hope vanquished.
▪ There was also another son from a previous marriage.
▪ Ties between the woman and her daughters by a previous marriage were almost nonexistent, the neighbor said.
▪ She had been married 19 years; they had no children together, but each had a son from a previous marriage.
▪ Steve Merrill, for example, has been the target of anonymous faxes about his previous marriages.
▪ She had one son of her previous marriage.
▪ Debon has three children from a previous marriage, who were reared by their father.
▪ Married at twenty-two a woman eleven years older than himself, with one son by a previous marriage.
▪ I heard she married a guy with two kids from a previous marriage.
▪ If he ever married, then it would be an unhappy marriage.
▪ Perhaps this was a painful subject, what with his own unhappy marriage to Jane.
▪ Leapor does not make the case that women are always unhappy in marriage.
▪ Although in other poems Leapor shows that labouring class women can be desperately unhappy in marriage, she is not unequivocal.
▪ At the centre is a man from South Carolina who is unhappy in marriage.
▪ He revealed details of the royal couple's unhappy marriage and told of Diana's bulimia.
▪ Most of us know some one who is unhappy about their marriage situation.
▪ It takes San Francisco marriage certificates for 1980 as its main data base.
▪ The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
▪ Your marriage certificate is a couple of pounds extra.
▪ No baptism has been traced, though his marriage certificate records him as the son of John Crockford, schoolmaster.
▪ We both believed that a marriage certificate wasn't that important.
▪ A marriage certificate in London and the telephone book had done the work for him.
▪ Spouses or newly-weds should carry a copy of their marriage certificate where passports and rickets are in different names.
▪ His birth certificate, however, casts doubts on the marriage certificate's claim that a Charles Downer was his father.
▪ Society lays down the basic rules of the marriage contract.
▪ On 15 May 1679 the marriage contract was signed at Lisbon.
▪ In the event, as historians have observed, the spark was trivial - a man's signature on his marriage contract.
▪ These are intimately bound up together, not least because of the way in which the marriage contract is defined.
▪ Studies show that a typical marriage contract accords a couple 170 rights and responsibilities.
▪ This provision could be written into the marriage contract.
▪ The marriage contract is currently the most ambiguous of contracts.
▪ And even if there is a family counselling service or marriage guidance counselling there may be a waiting list.
▪ This may be perfectly legitimate but not all problems can be referred away. 2 Refer the parents for marriage guidance counselling.
▪ Courses on debt counselling followed together with requests for counselling courses to include bereavement and marriage guidance skills.
▪ While first-cousins are often favoured as marriage partners, a distinction is very often made between parallel and cross-cousins.
▪ Both marriage partners must be willing.
▪ Then comes the greatest loss of all: that of their marriage partner.
▪ When seeking a marriage partner, intelligence is important to both sexes.
▪ In addition members of the class usually find marriage partners from the same class.
▪ A marriage partner can be a true soul-friend in this sense.
▪ First, it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner.
▪ Obviously this typology has immense implications for educational methods, for communication generally, and for choice of marriage partner.
▪ She had given up counting the number of marriage proposals she had turned down over the years.
▪ Consider, for example, the question of marriage proposals.
▪ The refusal to accept a marriage proposal was often interpreted as a statement of superiority.
▪ Then his girlfriend decides to accept the marriage proposal of an-other man.
▪ Despite becoming constant companions, she says his marriage proposal still came as a shock.
▪ Since it was swiftly followed by a marriage proposal it must have gone down fairly well.
▪ His father-in-law accused him of breaking his marriage vows and questioned his integrity as a Privy Councillor.
▪ Fortunately for Mrs Bush, her marriage lasted and delivered the kind of lifetime security that marriage vows imply.
▪ I realise the Lady Yolande is a noblewoman and that you were instrumental in arranging her marriage to the late King.
▪ An arranged marriage of eighteen years came to an end when her abusive husband was murdered in a brawl.
▪ In the first instance she arranges the marriage of Elgiva to the sensitive and naive king.
▪ I could have arranged a good marriage for her.
▪ I'd be like Emma and arrange a marriage for him, and with happier results.
▪ So the betrothal was arranged and the marriage soon followed.
▪ As Christians, arranged marriages were not customary in Mary's family.
▪ Polygamy and arranged and forced marriages became the rule.
▪ There was so much news to exchange - careers followed, children born, marriages made.
▪ Four out of 10 children were born outside marriage in 1999, compared with just one in 10 in 1979.
▪ But will they be able to break the marriage curse that seems to have fallen on the House of Windsor?
▪ This new reality helped engender a more sensitive ecclesial approach to the plight of Catholics in broken marriages.
▪ His father-in-law accused him of breaking his marriage vows and questioned his integrity as a Privy Councillor.
▪ A recent piece of research shows what, exactly, breaks up their marriages.
▪ The Isle of Skye promises to be a good spot to escape the rigors of work and a broken marriage.
▪ Like Kathy, she had found great spiritual consolation at Holy Trinity in the wake of a broken marriage.
▪ It was less cruel to end a short, passionate love affair than to break up a five-year marriage.
▪ In some ways ending a marriage is now easier than it has ever been.
▪ It was there, said McGann, that she decided to end the marriage.
▪ It seemed a funny way to end five years of marriage, packing socks and toothpaste and cold cream.
▪ Was it really so easy to end ten years of marriage?
▪ Easier divorce makes ending an unsatisfactory marriage a real possibility.
▪ Concerned that his overweight body can not live up to feminine ideals, Dave's depression nearly ends his marriage.
▪ And I finally had to admit that I was failing in my marriage to you.
▪ Laura believes that those of her sisters or cousins who defy the instructions are doomed to failed marriages.
▪ Harrison had come back to propose marriage.
▪ She deflects the conversation, afraid that he will propose marriage.
▪ Since then, they had maintained their relationship - a kind of teasing familiarity - but he had never proposed marriage again.
▪ Harriet receives a letter from Robert Martin proposing marriage.
▪ A year later he proposed marriage.
▪ I told Oswin all of this and he proposed marriage.
▪ The truths that are recognized after marriage have very little to do with chamber pots.
▪ The bill also would bar the federal government from recognizing homosexual marriages.
▪ California law does not recognize gay marriages, but state appellate courts have adjudicated gay and lesbian palimony cases.
▪ California now recognizes marriages performed in other states.
▪ No state now recognizes gay marriages.
▪ No state currently recognizes marriages between homosexuals.
a marriage of convenience
▪ Gerard Depardieu plays a French immigrant in a marriage of convenience with Andie McDowell.
▪ After all, it was a marriage of convenience for her.
▪ He told me he was in a marriage of convenience.
▪ It was a marriage of convenience.
▪ The Home Office had suspected that it was a marriage of convenience, to get the woman in.
▪ Though the diplomatic courtship is at an early stage, the Foreign Office is optimistic about such a marriage of convenience.
be joined in marriage/holy matrimony
broken marriage
▪ a broken marriage
▪ And I've seen too much unhappiness caused by broken marriages.
▪ Cathy was a too-real story about inner-city squalor, broken marriages, homelessness and a shot-to-hell welfare system.
▪ Childless men, especially those with a broken marriage, were more likely to be ambitious, highly educated professionals.
▪ Like Kathy, she had found great spiritual consolation at Holy Trinity in the wake of a broken marriage.
▪ That and alcoholism and broken marriages.
▪ The Isle of Skye promises to be a good spot to escape the rigors of work and a broken marriage.
▪ The two broken marriages and then the obvious fact that he didn't think much of her.
▪ This new reality helped engender a more sensitive ecclesial approach to the plight of Catholics in broken marriages.
common-law marriage/husband/wife
cost sb their job/life/marriage etc
▪ And, for those who work in the travel and tourism industry, this tax could cost them their jobs.
▪ His plans to slash defence budgets by £6 billion would cost 100,000 more their jobs.
▪ I believe that it would cost many people their jobs and would cause far more damage than good.
▪ It could cost them their lives.
▪ The most far-reaching internal investigation in Phoenix police history cost four officers their jobs Friday for purchasing banned rifles under false pretenses.
propose marriage
▪ A year later he proposed marriage.
▪ Harriet receives a letter from Robert Martin proposing marriage.
▪ Harrison had come back to propose marriage.
▪ He falls in love with Clotilde and proposes marriage.
▪ I told Oswin all of this and he proposed marriage.
▪ She deflects the conversation, afraid that he will propose marriage.
▪ Since then, they had maintained their relationship - a kind of teasing familiarity - but he had never proposed marriage again.
sb's hand (in marriage)
▪ He finally asked for her hand in marriage.
▪ A fat person, down on his hands and knees, was doing something to the grass between the stones.
▪ Alan saw that she herself stroked the back of the child's head rhythmically with her right hand.
▪ But it does mean that weird opinions ought not to be rejected out of hand.
▪ But then it seemed as if the ball went through or over his hands as he came in front of Washington.
▪ It made our hands and fingers itch, but the tiny pieces of red flesh were delicious.
▪ Stories were told about how they had actually done considerable damage to some visiting fans when situations had got out of hand.
▪ The political opposition, on the other hand, is not convinced.
▪ When you fall forward, fully conscious or not, you put out your hands to break your fall.
solemnize a marriage
the sanctity of life/marriage etc
▪ The argument based on the sanctity of life is essentially a matter of religious dogma.
▪ Their outlook on the sanctity of marriage is usually stricter.
▪ This man who believed in the sanctity of life, its life, not hers.
▪ What she experienced in her abusive marriage eventually forced her to re-examine Scripture concerning the sanctity of marriage and personhood.
▪ After a disastrous first marriage to a young soldier, Kylie didn't feel like rushing into another relationship.
▪ City Hall keeps a record of all the births, deaths and marriages in the county.
▪ Do you think marriage is still important to young people?
▪ Many people still disapprove of sex before marriage.
▪ My folks have had a long and happy marriage.
▪ One in three marriages ends in divorce.
▪ Over a third of all marriages now end in divorce.
▪ She already has two children from a previous marriage.
▪ The marriage took place at Bethel Lutheran church.
▪ The marriage took place without the bride's parents' consent.
▪ We had to bring our marriage certificate to prove that we are married.
▪ What's the secret of a successful marriage?
▪ And entering upon a marriage calls for human decision.
▪ And she watched from the sidelines as his marriage dissolved and became scandal fodder.
▪ Did the marriage take place in wartime?
▪ It is remarkable that we have survived 43 years of marriage in such conflict.
▪ My first marriage, to Mandy, went wrong because we married too young.
▪ She imagines that marriage to such a man would offer mental enrichment and the opportunity for good works.
▪ She said she loved him, they said they loved him, but somehow nobody would fix a date for a marriage.
▪ Their marriage ended in divorce in 1995.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Marriage \Mar"riage\, n. [OE. mariage, F. mariage. See Marry, v. t.]

  1. The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony.

    Marriage is honorable in all.
    --Heb. xiii. 4.

  2. The marriage vow or contract. [Obs.]

  3. A feast made on the occasion of a marriage.

    The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son.
    --Matt. xxii. 2.

  4. Any intimate or close union.

  5. In pinochle, b['e]zique, and similar games at cards, the combination of a king and queen of the same suit. If of the trump suit, it is called a royal marriage. Marriage brokage.

    1. The business of bringing about marriages.

    2. The payment made or demanded for the procurement of a marriage.

      Marriage favors, knots of white ribbons, or bunches of white flowers, worn at weddings.

      Marriage settlement (Law), a settlement of property in view, and in consideration, of marriage.

      Syn: Matrimony; wedlock; wedding; nuptials.

      Usage: Marriage, Matrimony, Wedlock. Marriage is properly the act which unites the two parties, and matrimony the state into which they enter. Marriage is, however, often used for the state as well as the act. Wedlock is the old Anglo-Saxon term for matrimony.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "action of marrying, entry into wedlock;" also "state or condition of being husband and wife, matrimony, wedlock;" from Old French mariage "marriage; dowry" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *maritaticum (11c.), from Latin maritatus, past participle of maritatre "to wed, marry, give in marriage" (see marry (v.)). The Vulgar Latin word also is the source of Italian maritaggio, Spanish maridaje.\n

\nMeaning "a union of a man and woman for life by marriage, a particular matrimonial union" is early 14c. Meanings "the marriage vow, formal declaration or contract by which two join in wedlock;" also "a wedding, celebration of a marriage; the marriage ceremony" are from late 14c. Figurative use (non-theological) "intimate union, a joining as if by marriage" is from early 15c.[W]hen two people are under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive, and most transient of passions, they are required to swear that they will remain in that excited, abnormal, and exhausting condition until death do them part. [G.B. Shaw, preface to "Getting Married," 1908] Marriage counseling recorded by 1939. Marriage bed, figurative of marital intercourse generally, is attested from 1580s (bed of marriage is from early 15c.).


n. 1 The state of being marry. (from 14th c., Douglas Harper, accessed on 2012-04-11) 2 A union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal and/or social rights and responsibilities. (from 14th c.) 3 # (context often specifically English) The union of any two people, to the exclusion of all others. 4 # (context sometimes specifically English) The union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others. 5 A wedding; a ceremony in which people wed. (from 14th c.) 6 (context figuratively English) A close union. (from 15th c.) 7 A joining of two parts. 8 (context card games English) A king and a queen, when held as a hand in Texas hold 'em or melded in pinochle. 9 (context card games English) In solitaire or patience games, the placing a card of the same suit on the next one above or below it in value.

  1. n. the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union" [syn: matrimony, union, spousal relationship, wedlock]

  2. two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love" [syn: married couple, man and wife]

  3. the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel" [syn: wedding, marriage ceremony]

  4. a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"

Marriage (play)

Marriage (, Zhenit'ba) is a play by the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, which was first published in 1842.

Marriage (film)

Marriage is a 1954 Italian comedy film directed by Antonio Petrucci. It consists of three segments, based on three stage plays by Anton Chekhov.

Marriage (album)

Marriage is the debut album from Canadian rock band Attack in Black, released July 31, 2007. The album was released by Dine Alone Records as both a CD and through digital download. The album won "NXNE Favourite New Indie Record Release" at the 2007 CASBY Awards.

Marriage (disambiguation)

Marriage is a socially or ritually recognized union, or legal contract between spouses.

Marriage may also refer to:

Marriage (card game)

Marriage” is a matching card game played with three decks of cards (156 Cards) played in Nepal, Bhutan and Nepali diaspora throughout the world. It is originally thought to have evolved from Indian Rummy (or Paplu), and is based on making sets of three or more matching cards, of the same rank (Trials), of the same rank and suit (Tunnels), or of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit (Sequences).

This game should not be confused with German card game Mariage.

Marriage (1929 film)

Marriage'' (German:Die Ehe'') is a 1929 German silent film directed by Eberhard Frowein and starring Lil Dagover.


Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal.

Individuals may marry for several reasons, including legal, social, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious purposes. Whom they marry may be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire. In some areas of the world, arranged marriage, child marriage, polygamy, and sometimes forced marriage, may be practiced as a cultural tradition. Conversely, such practices may be outlawed and penalized in parts of the world out of concerns for women's rights and because of international law. In developed parts of the world, there has been a general trend towards ensuring equal rights within marriage for women and legally recognizing the marriages of interfaith or interracial, and same-sex couples. These trends coincide with the broader human rights movement.

Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community or peers. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage, which does not exist in some countries, is marriage without religious content carried out by a government institution in accordance with the marriage laws of the jurisdiction, and recognised as creating the rights and obligations intrinsic to matrimony. Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting via a wedding ceremony. The act of marriage usually creates normative or legal obligations between the individuals involved, and any offspring they may produce. In terms of legal recognition, most sovereign states and other jurisdictions limit marriage to opposite-sex couples and a diminishing number of these permit polygyny, child marriages, and forced marriages. Over the twentieth century, a growing number of countries and other jurisdictions have lifted bans on and have established legal recognition for interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, and most recently, same-sex marriage. Some cultures allow the dissolution of marriage through divorce or annulment. In some areas, child marriages and polygamy may occur in spite of national laws against the practice.

Since the late twentieth century, major social changes in Western countries have led to changes in the demographics of marriage, with the age of first marriage increasing, fewer people marrying, and more couples choosing to cohabit rather than marry. For example, the number of marriages in Europe decreased by 30% from 1975 to 2005.

Historically, in most cultures, married women had very few rights of their own, being considered, along with the family's children, the property of the husband; as such, they could not own or inherit property, or represent themselves legally (see for example coverture). In Europe, the United States, and other places in the developed world, beginning in the late 19th century and lasting through the 21st century, marriage has undergone gradual legal changes, aimed at improving the rights of the wife. These changes included giving wives legal identities of their own, abolishing the right of husbands to physically discipline their wives, giving wives property rights, liberalizing divorce laws, providing wives with reproductive rights of their own, and requiring a wife's consent when sexual relations occur. These changes have occurred primarily in Western countries. In the 21st century, there continue to be controversies regarding the legal status of married women, legal acceptance of or leniency towards violence within marriage (especially sexual violence), traditional marriage customs such as dowry and bride price, forced marriage, marriageable age, and criminalization of consensual behaviors such as premarital and extramarital sex.

Usage examples of "marriage".

And therefore of their own accord, and against the will of their parents, they can receive Baptism, just as they can contract marriage.

In affairs of marriage both parties should rely to a great extent on the advice of friends, for mere marriages of inclination are often unhappy.

A palace was allotted for his reception, and a niece of the emperor was given in marriage to the valiant stranger, who was immediately created great duke or admiral of Romania.

She was stately Setalle Anan, the innkeeper from Ebou Dar with the big golden hoops in her ears and the marriage knife dangling hilt-down into her round cleavage, about as far from an Aes Sedai as could be.

If Tess could somehow reach King Edward and explain her convent plan, he would see the wisdom of her actions and annul this hasty marriage.

Perhaps a priest would annul the marriage because Kenric was a bastard.

MacLeiths will have grounds to annul the marriage and you will lose all claim to Remmington.

An English priest would not annul her marriage, but a Scottish priest might be persuaded to see things her way.

I was absolutely certain of, Weymerth, it was that Caroline would agree to my conditions, planning to annul the marriage.

For three whole months he tormented the Pope, in order to induce him to annul our marriage.

He felt she was hiding something and that her reasons for not wanting to consummate their marriage were detailed and involved, maybe because she was saving herself for an annulment or another man.

It was decided that Don Clavijo should appear before the Vicar to ask her hand in marriage, since there was a written contract, and Antonomasia was put into protective custody.

Marriage and Snake were antonyms, but LeAnne and Marcus were synonyms.

Antediluvian apostasy was the disregard of the original law of marriage, and the increased prominence of the female sex.

The offspring of a marriage between a German gentleman of the court of Frederic the Second and a damsel of Brindisi, Roger was successively a templar, an apostate, a pirate, and at length the richest and most powerful admiral of the Mediterranean.