n. 1 (&lit traditional marriage English) 2 # Specifically, a heterosexual union; a social or legal union between two people of opposite sex.
Traditional marriage is a phrase that may refer to:
- Marriage and its customs and practices in a particular culture
- Christian views on marriage
- Islamic views on marriage
- An opposite-sex marriage, used primarily by opponents of same-sex marriage.
Usage examples of "traditional marriage".
They had a priest of Mystra in tow and servants bearing trays upon which were arranged the traditional marriage items: a silver chalice, a scroll, a small, jeweled knife.
Truth be told, there was something deeply attractive to him about the kind of traditional marriage that he was looking at here.
A traditional Marriage-in-the-Waning would have suited her career path.
You've had three term contracts and now have a traditional marriage.
It would be a crime to let enthusiasm and intelligence like that be lost to a traditional marriage, though.
Aunt Elisabet draped around our shoulders the traditional marriage cloth called mole, a beautiful double-sized pagne that symbolizes the togetherness of marriage.