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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

n. (context physics English) a quantum of a spin wave.


A magnon is a quasiparticle, a collective excitation of the electrons' spin structure in a crystal lattice. In the equivalent wave picture of quantum mechanics, a magnon can be viewed as a quantized spin wave. Magnons carry a fixed amount of energy and lattice momentum, and are spin-1, indicating they obey boson behavior.

Magnon (disambiguation)

A magnon is a collective excitation of the electrons' spin structure in a crystal lattice.

Magnon may also refer to:

  • Cro-Magnon, early humans
  • Magnon, Gabon, village
  • Magnon Solutions, Indian company
  • Jean Magnon (died 1662), French playwright
  • Leonor Villegas de Magnon (1876–1955), political activist, teacher, and journalist

Usage examples of "magnon".

Deprensis navibus circiter quinquaginta celeriterque coniunctis atque eo militibus iniectis et rei novitate perterritis oppidanis, quorum magna pars erat ad bellum evocata, sine contentione oppido potitur.

Cum contra exspectationem omnium Caesar Vxellodunum venisset oppidumque operibus clausum animadverteret neque ab oppugnatione recedi videret ulla condicione posse, magna autem copia frumenti abundare oppidanos ex perfugis cognosset, aqua prohibere hostem temptare coepit.

Sabino Cottaeque praesto fuissent frumentumque in hiberna comportavissent, Indutiomari Treveri nuntiis impulsi suos concitaverunt subitoque oppressis lignatoribus magna manu ad castra oppugnatum venerunt.

His circumventis magna manu Eburones, Nervii, Aduatuci atque horum omnium socii et clientes legionem oppugnare incipiunt.

Quorum cum magna multitudo convenisset, matres familiae, quae paulo ante Romanis de muro manus tendebant, suos obtestari et more Gallico passum capillum ostentare liberosque in conspectum proferre coeperunt.

Since she was frequently identified with the Magna Mater, the Matris typus of the text probably refers to this image.

Easier to place around the objective than normal explosives requiring bore holes or the attachment of high-resistance wires by embedding them in plastic substances or through soldering, solenite need only be secured to the magna surfaces of the cannon and then connected to the equally magnetic base-charge materials at strategic points.

Incubi and succubae howled praise to Hecate, and headless moon-calves bleated to the Magna Mater.

Fit magna caedes: nonnulli relictis equis fossam transire et maceriam transcendere conantur.

Using Magna Eye goggles, he and Arv Hanson kept close watch through the forward port.

Cuatro o cinco sujetos salieron de la turba y ocuparon la tarima del Aula Magna.

Magna copia frumenti comparata considunt Drappes et Lucterius non longius ab oppido X milibus, unde paulatim frumentum in oppidum supportarent.

Cum contra exspectationem omnium Caesar Vxellodunum venisset oppidumque operibus clausum animadverteret neque ab oppugnatione recedi videret ulla condicione posse, magna autem copia frumenti abundare oppidanos ex perfugis cognosset, aqua prohibere hostem temptare coepit.

There he had for servants, in addition to the porter, that chambermaid, Nicolette, who had succeeded to Magnon, and that short-breathed and pursy Basque, who have been mentioned above.