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The Collaborative International Dictionary

machmeter \machmeter\ n. an instrument for measuring the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.


n. speedometer for measuring the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound


A Machmeter is an aircraft pitot-static system flight instrument that shows the ratio of the true airspeed to the speed of sound, a dimensionless quantity called Mach number. This is shown on a Machmeter as a decimal fraction. An aircraft flying at the speed of sound is flying at a Mach number of one, expressed as Mach 1.

Usage examples of "machmeter".

He touched the instrument panel in front of him, he read the Machmeter - Mach 0.

In biblical pageantry, Billy saw camels and three wise men as he slowed down on the machmeter and the car finally touched the Earth.

A tongue of flame shot into the passenger cabin as the Machmeter flashed MACH 1.

The seat belt and smoking lights were still on and the Machmeter still functioning.

The Machmeter was lit, indicating that Becker was using the emergency power.