Crossword clues for lonicera
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lonicera \Lonicera\ n. A genus of vines including the woodbine, Lonicera periclymenum.
Syn: genus Lonicera.
n. Any plant of the genus ''Lonicera'', the honeysuckles.
Usage examples of "lonicera".
Oenothera mollissima, 383 Linum Berendieri, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 -- usitatissimum, circumnutation of stem, 203 Lolium perenne, joints affected by apogeotropism, 502 Lonicera brachypoda, hooking of the tip, 272 --, sensitiveness to light, 453 Loomis, Mr.
I found a purple form of Marah macrocarpus, a variant of Lonicera subspicata with scarlet flowers, and the strangest-looking Baccharis glutinosa I'd ever encountered.