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n. (plural of longship English)


The Longships is the name given to a group of rocky islets situated approximately 1 miles (2 km) west of Land's End, Cornwall, United Kingdom. The islets are marked by the Longships Lighthouse, the current structure being first lit in December 1873. The islets are very popular for recreational diving, the sea has clear water with prolific marine life and flora.

Usage examples of "longships".

JHlJc longships ghosted out of the fog wreathing the Temes River to beach along the strand below the walled city of Hefenfelthe.

Eika fleet sailed out of Rikin Sound before a fair wind, two hundred and twenty-three longships and forty-six knarrs, the big-bellied cargo ships that plied the northern seas.

Many of the longships rest there or return there after they cross the sea.

The longships had raced before the wind, riding the mountainous swells like ducklings in a torrent.

In another moment, the fleet of longships became clearly recognizable, gathered around the base of the floating fortress like ducklings around their mother.

The northmen leaped from their boats into the shallow water, then hurriedly pulled their longships high onto the shore.

Maag longships tied to the piers or anchored some distance out into the harbor.

From what I hear, the Trogites have already sunk a half-dozen or so Maag longships with those cursed rams.

Siamese lug-sails, brigantines, galeasses, Hanseatic League cogs, sixty-oared papyrus galleys, Norse drakkars and dragon-prowed Viking longships called the Oseberg ship.

Several huge trading galleons and a pair of longships were anchored in the port, and the prince saw a huge shipyard to one side, where a pair of sturdy ships appeared to be nearing completion.