Crossword clues for loci
- Paths of points
- Activity centers
- Scenes of action
- Point systems, in math
- Mathematical points
- Centers of great activity
- Mathematical sets
- Sets of points
- Set of points
- Sets of points, in geometry
- Sets of points on graphs
- Sets of mathematical points
- Point sets, in math
- Particular places
- Geometry points
- Gene positions
- Some geometric sets
- Sets of plotted points
- Sets of graph points
- Scenes of activity
- Points, formally
- Points of geometry
- Points in math class
- Mathematicians' point sets
- Mathematical point-sets
- Locales or venues
- Lex ___ (law of the place)
- Focuses of power, e.g
- Focuses of activity
- Coil anagram
- Central spots
- Centers of power
- Centers of focus
- Centers of concentration
- Points; places
- Places: Latin
- Mathematical sets of points
- Graph points
- Points on a math test?
- Sets of points, in math
- Centers of activity
- Geometric sets
- Hubs
- Sites
- Spots
- Collections of points in math
- Math sets
- Venues
- Many curves, in math
- Sets in geometry
- Sets of points, mathematically
- Positions
- Centers of attention
- Focal points
- Important positions
- Central points
- Particular points
- Certain mathematical planes
- Places, to attorneys
- Genes' positions
- Exact places
- Math points
- Places, in legal phrases
- Areas
- Fixed points
- Sets of points, mathemati
- Particular positions
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Locus \Lo"cus\, n.; pl. Loci, & Loca. [L., place. Cf. Allow, Couch, Lieu, Local.]
A place; a locality.
(Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface described by a point or line that moves according to a given law.
Plane locus, a locus that is a straight line, or a circle.
Solid locus, a locus that is one of the conic sections.
n. (locus English)
n. the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting) [syn: venue, locale]
the specific site of a particular gene on its chromosome
the set of all points or lines that satisfy or are determined by specific conditions; "the locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle"
[also: loci (pl)]
See locus
Loci are an alt-rock band from Bristol, United Kingdom. Their line-up consists of Ben Rosser (Guitars, vocals), Janet Jauregui (bass, backing vocals) and Tim Thorne (drums). The band's sound has been described as a 'dark' style of alt-rock, leading to comparisons with grunge era bands such as Soundgarden and The Smashing Pumpkins.
After releasing their debut EP Filtered to Function in 2006 Loci toured nationally, playing with bands such as Diesofluid and Killing For Company.
In December 2008 the band released Medic, a six track EP which showcases both heavy and melodic elements within the trio's sound. To accompany this new release, Loci resumed touring with their CD launch show in Stokes Croft and an appearance at the Red Stripe Music Awards.
Usage examples of "loci".
Hac habita contione et ad extremam orationem confirmatis militibus, ne ob hanc causam animo permoverentur neu quod iniquitas loci attulisset id virtuti hostium tribuerent, eadem de profectione cogitans quae ante senserat legiones ex castris eduxit aciemque idoneo loco constituit.
Ibi cum Lucterius apud suos cives quondam integris rebus multum potuisset, semperque auctor novorum consiliorum magnam apud barbaros auctoritatem haberet, oppidum Vxellodunum, quod in clientela fuerat eius, egregie natura loci munitum, occupat suis et Drappetis copiis oppidanosque sibi coniungit.
Sed eos fugientes longius Caesar prosequi vetuit, et quod loci naturam ignorabat, et quod magna parte diei consumpta munitioni castrorum tempus relinqui volebat.
At illi intermisso spatio imprudentibus nostris atque occupatis in munitione castrorum subito se ex statione pro castris collocati, acriter pugnaverunt, duabusque missis subsidio cohortibus a Caesare atque eis primis legionum duarum, cum hae perexiguo intermisso loci spatio inter se constitissent, novo genere pugnae perterritis nostris per medios audacissime perruperunt seque inde incolumes receperunt.
Caesar, cum animadverteret hostem complures dies castris palude et loci natura munitis se tenere neque oppugnari castra eorum sine dimicatione perniciosa nec locum munitionibus claudi nisi a maiore exercitu posse, litteras ad Trebonium mittit, ut quam celerrime posset legionem XIII, quae cum T.
Barbari confisi loci natura, cum dimicare non recusarent, si forte Romani subire collem conarentur, paulatim copias distributas dimittere non possent, ne dispersi perturbarentur, in acie permanserunt.
Hoc avertere loci natura prohibebat: in infimis enim sic radicibus montis ferebatur, ut nullam in partem depressis fossis derivari posset.
Praeterea oppida incendi oportere, quae non munitione et loci natura ab omni sint periculo tuta, neu suis sint ad detractandam militiam receptacula neu Romanis proposita ad copiam commeatus praedamque tollendam.
Procumbunt omnibus Gallis ad pedes Bituriges, ne pulcherrimam prope totius Galliae urbem, quae praesidio et ornamento sit civitati, suis manibus succendere cogerentur: facile se loci natura defensuros dicunt, quod prope ex omnibus partibus flumine et palude circumdata unum habeat et perangustum aditum.
Romanos accessisset, persuasum loci opportunitate, qui se ipsum munitione defenderet: equitum vero operam neque in loco palustri desiderari debuisse et illic fuisse utilem, quo sint profecti.
Exposuit quid iniquitas loci posset, quid ipse ad Avaricum sensisset, cum sine duce et sine equitatu deprehensis hostibus exploratam victoriam dimisisset, ne parvum modo detrimentum in contentione propter iniquitatem loci accideret.
Caesar, cum animadverteret hostem complures dies castris palude et loci natura munitis se tenere neque oppugnari castra eorum sine dimicatione perniciosa nec locum munitionibus claudi nisi a maiore exercitu posse, litteras ad Trebonium mittit, ut quam celerrime posset legionem XIlI, quae cum T.
Point loci tend to be unstable over any extended period of time, so the window of opportunity for an invasion is limited.
Moreover, because of the impossibility of matching loci in open space, the point locus must always be created within the photosphere of a star.
Four years ago, DNA matches were declared with as few as eight loci in common.