Crossword clues for lobbing
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lob \Lob\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lobbed (l[o^]bd); p. pr. & vb. n. Lobbing.] 2. To let fall heavily or lazily.
And their poor jades
Lob down their heads.
2. to propel (relatively slowly) in a high arcing trajectory; as, to lob a grenade at the enemy.
To lob a ball (Lawn Tennis), to strike a ball so as to send it up into the air.
vb. (present participle of lob English)
See lob
Usage examples of "lobbing".
Instead of lobbing shells at the Iraqis, the brigade headquarters would be seeded with intelligence analysts and a wide range of technical experts and equipment, and converted into a WMD exploitation team.
Instead of lobbing missiles at cities, as they had done during previous conflicts, the Iraqis were targeting military installations and command centers, some of which had only recently been established.
Iraqi soldiers were firing RPGs from the west side of the dam and lobbing mortars and artillery.
When the tanker moved in between the Romaghins and Muties and began lobbing shells, they would be dead to the last.
Any attackers--why, one man on the ramparts with a slingshot could decimate an army, lobbing these cherry bombs down.
Do you honestly think some Russian general is beyond lobbing one into Germany to expand the conflict?
The french howitzers on the other stream bank had begun lobbing shells into the graveyard and upper houses, adding to the smoke and noise.