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n. (context slang Ireland pejorative English) Fool; idiot; annoying or contemptible person (usually male).


Langer is a family name. For the etymology, meaning, and pronunciation of the name, and for the Hiberno-English slang word, see Wiktionary.

People with the family name Langer include:

  • A. J. Langer - an American actress
  • Albert Langer - an Australian unorthodox marxist
  • Alexander Langer - Italian journalist, peace activist, politician, translator, and teacher
  • Allan Langer - an Australian rugby league footballer
  • Bernhard Langer - (born 1957), a German golfer
  • Clive Langer - a British record producer
  • Eli Langer - a Canadian artist
  • Ellen Langer - a professor of psychology at Harvard University
  • Felicia Langer - Israeli advocate for Palestinian human rights
  • Gwido Langer - a Polish cryptologist
  • Justin Langer - an Australian cricketer
  • Karl Langer - (1819-1887), an Austrian anatomy professor who named Langer's lines
  • Franz Langer and Oberlehrer Franz Langer — the pen names for author Karl May
  • Lawrence L. Langer - professor of English emeritus at Simmons College, noted Holocaust scholar
  • Maria Langer - an author of computer books
  • Mayanti Langer - an Indian TV host and presenter
  • Robert S. Langer - an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Scott Langer - a Head Coach and General Manager of the Topeka RoadRunners ice hockey team.
  • Susanne Langer - (1895-1985), an American professor of philosophy
  • Walter C. Langer - American psychoanalyst
  • William Langer - a United States politician from North Dakota
  • William L. Langer - history department chair at Harvard University

Fictional characters:

  • Karla-Heinrike Langer, a character from Strike Witches
  • Clyde Langer, a main character from The Sarah Jane Adventures

Usage examples of "langer".

Ik heb in dien tusschentijd met Paul gewandeld en Eline en Otto konden heusch niet langer op je stoelen blijven.

After ten years of steady expansion, the Neuropsychiatric Research Unit encompassed the entire fourth floor of the Langer research building.

Ich danke Ihnen hoflichst fur die Ehre die Sie mir erweisen, aber ich kann nicht langer bleiben.

Entschuldigen Sie mich gutigst, aber ich kann wirklich nicht langer bleiben.

That wad jist mak it 'maist impossible for even her to forgie you or me aither ony langer!

The difference, this time, was that Dr Langer was authorized to break silence, if he judged that necessary, and let the Heart Stars know that Earth was looking back at them.

Sandbag promptly astonished his companions with a flashback to his compulsory classical language courses, which neither Jack nor Dr Langer would have dreamed he had retained, even in this age of intensive secondary education.

And so he happed upon a day he came to the herdmen wandering and langering, and there he set him down to rest among them.

He had long ago determined that con­flict, not peace, was the natural order of man, for peace and calm were always transitory things for Carl Langers aka Casca Rufio Longinus.

If Langers liked it, then they would do it, so why bother himself with superfluous dialogue?

Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, Langers thought for a mo­ment about strangling the sleeping giant, but the desire passed quickly.

One day, Langers promised himself when he had time he would take a few hours and try to think of one.

Once more Langers smelled diesel fumes and cordite, heard the rasping rumble of tank treads as they crashed into each other during the Battle of Kursk.

Since they'd gone on the road Langers had been keeping a watch on Dominic.

While they did this Langers took the time to go over the report Monpelier had given him.