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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ladybird \La"dy*bird`\, n. [Equiv. to, bird of Our Lady.] (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small beetles of the genus Coccinella and allied genera (family Coccinellid[ae]); -- called also ladybug, ladyclock, lady cow, lady fly, ladybeetle, and lady beetle. Coccinella seplempunctata in one of the common European species. See Coccinella.

Note: The ladybirds are usually more or less hemispherical in form, with a smooth, polished surface, and often colored red, brown, or black, with small spots of brighter colors. Both the larv[ae] and the adult beetles of most species feed on aphids, and for this reason they are very beneficial to agriculture and horticulture.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, from lady + bug (n.). The "lady" is the Virgin Mary (compare German cognate Marienkäfer). In Britain, now usually ladybird beetle (1704), through aversion to the word bug, which there has overtones of sodomy.


n. (context North America English) any beetle of the Coccinellidae family of beetles, typically having a round shape and a colorful shell.


n. small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests [syn: ladybeetle, lady beetle, ladybird, ladybird beetle]

Ladybug (solitaire)

Ladybug is a solitaire game with enough strategy to make it so that experienced players will win more often than inexperienced players. It is rather simple and easy to learn, but quite difficult to win.

Ladybug (magazine)

Ladybug is an illustrated literary magazine for children ages 2 to 6. It is published in the United States by The Cricket Magazine Group/ Carus Publishing Company, and appears 9 times a year, every month except for combined May/June, July/August, and November/December issues. The magazine is based in Chicago, Illinois.

Ladybug (The Presidents of the United States of America song)

"Ladybug" is the second single from The Presidents of the United States of America's album These Are the Good Times People. On November 4, 2008 the song was released as downloadable content for the video game Rock Band along with the songs " Dune Buggy" and "Feather Pluckn" as the Presidents of the United States of America Pack 01.

Usage examples of "ladybug".

The look on her face, incredibly, said that she was surprised he would ask, when clearly, the ladybug was the best costume there.

Suddenly in a better mood and ferociously hungry, he went back to the counter and bought two Big Macs for himself, and then, when Julia seemed done with her meal, he bought an ice cream cone for them to share, and then, when the opportunity seemed too good to pass up, he stopped on the way home at the drugstore, grabbed Julia and the ladybug mask, and went straight to the photo booth at the back.

In a last ditch attempt to get a smile, Brian put the mask to his face and made what he thought would be a ladybug sound.

If he really wanted to get into a brawl to blow off a little steam, he could do it easily enough later, in the parking lot of the Ladybug with Sam and Cosmo.

Or he could just go with Tracy to that motel over by the Ladybug, use his credit card.

And what about the ladybug man, the blue of his eyes over gray threaded black?

In one corner, there was a red speck that looked like a ladybug or a spot of blood, but on closer inspection I realized it was simply a small square of red stitches, where the thread had been secured at the end of the row.

This Fred Burrows looked about as dangerous as a ladybug, soft and plump and scaredycat.

I turned my plastic bubble over, slowly, watching the ladybugs run to stay upright.

Observing the eating habits of animals as different as cats, ladybugs, sharks, and dinosaurs like the tyrannosaur will be instructive.

God has become a baobab with ladybugs for leaves, a million-story high-rise that sings through its doors and windows, an umbrella that turns raindrops into candy.

At eye level with dandelions and camomile buds, I followed the business of ants and leafhoppers, ladybugs and wood lice, and I stared so long at a stem of fennel that I swear I saw it grow.

In addition to the plants, the succulent had replicated an aphid, a bird mite, a hummingbird, a ladybug, a tomato worm, whitefly, a fungus and weird things she didn't recognize but which must be microbes or mitochondria or bacteria or nematodes.

Ladybugs, snails, a jar containing ten foreskins, the cookie jar full of Scrabble tiles—OWE, WOE—a book about guide dogs, the eye in the apple .

At the bottom of the log, he highlighted the most recent entry, the call received while he had been downstairs in his study, trying to make sense of ladybugs, snails, and foreskins.