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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A ladybird crawled up a dry stalk, then stepped delicately across to the oiled and battered stock of the rifle.
▪ Artificial selection, for instance, has demonstrated a genetic influence on the mating preferences of ladybirds.
▪ But the World Wide Fund have filmed our ladybird larvae.
▪ Majerus, O'Donald, and Weir, for instance, were interested by the genetical control of mate selection in ladybirds.
▪ No, there was Tumbleweed asleep under an old army greatcoat, a ladybird ambling about on his twitching nose.
▪ There is no scriptural basis for this, however, and ladybirds are not mentioned in the Bible.
▪ Wherever it went it dislodged the tiny blue butterflies in clouds, and scattered the glossy scarlet of the ladybirds.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ladybird \La"dy*bird`\, n. [Equiv. to, bird of Our Lady.] (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small beetles of the genus Coccinella and allied genera (family Coccinellid[ae]); -- called also ladybug, ladyclock, lady cow, lady fly, ladybeetle, and lady beetle. Coccinella seplempunctata in one of the common European species. See Coccinella.

Note: The ladybirds are usually more or less hemispherical in form, with a smooth, polished surface, and often colored red, brown, or black, with small spots of brighter colors. Both the larv[ae] and the adult beetles of most species feed on aphids, and for this reason they are very beneficial to agriculture and horticulture.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"sweetheart," 1590s, from lady + bird (n.2).


n. Any of the Coccinellidae family of beetles, typically having a round shape and red or yellow spotted elytron.


n. small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests [syn: ladybug, ladybeetle, lady beetle, ladybird beetle]

Ladybird (disambiguation)

Coccinellidae, commonly known as ladybirds or ladybugs, are a family of beetles.

Ladybird or ladybug may also refer to:

Ladybird (clothing)

Ladybird is a well-known children's clothing brand in the UK and Ireland. It makes clothing and footwear for children aged 0 to 13 years old, and is owned by Shop Direct, the UK's largest online retailer and parent company to household names like Littlewoods, K&Co, Woolworths, Very and Isme. Ladybird is the third largest kidswear brand in the UK, with a growing market share of 5%. The main aim of Ladybird is to make kids' clothing that's both fashionable and functional, designed to cope with the rough and tumble of a child's life, from messy playtimes to smarter occasions. Ladybird is one of the UK's best-known children's clothing brands, and has a long history dating back to the 18th century, with the Ladybird clothing name first appearing in 1938.

Ladybird (album)

Ladybird is the second studio album by Shit and Shine, released on 17 October 2005 by Latitudes. Featuring four drummers and two bassists, the album contains a lengthy forty-two minute improvisation built on a repetitive drum pattern.

Usage examples of "ladybird".

As Ted, in white shorts, shirt, and sandshoes, was sprawling on the grass eyeing bowlers and batsmen in total boredom and watching a ladybird climb a green blade, Gibbon and his chum Malcolm Davies loomed over him.

I saw the whole prison as if it were carved of ruby, hard and glittering, and the warders and the prisoners creeping in and out like little red ladybirds.

Lin isnt here now, but Im hungry for something, and I want you to help me or I dont know what I might end up saying, if Lin wont help me, you can, youre her knight in shining armour, her love-bug, shes your ladybird.

Only leads to trouble, and the lord knows there are plenty of ladybirds on the town!

I know what ladybirds you fly with, and Charlotte Gillingham is one of them!

Basement windows are barred and burglar alarms cling like ladybirds to the well-maintained stucco.

Contrary to what she'd imagined when she cast her spell, Pronto was not holding a miniaturized firearm, capable only of immobilizing ladybirds and bruising craneflies.

Troke, hooking himself on to the side of the Ladybird, saw a huge log slip out from its fellows and disappear into the darkness.

From his solitary rock he had watched the boat pass him and make for the Ladybird in the channel, and he had decided--with that curious childishness into which the mind relapses on such supreme occasions--that the moment when the gathering gloom swallowed her up, should be the moment when he would plunge into the surge below him.