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n. 1 (plural of knucklebone English) 2 a game with similarities to jacks and dice 3 (context slang English) dice


n. a game in which jackstones are thrown and picked up in various groups between bounces of a small rubber ball [syn: jacks, jackstones]


Knucklebones, Fivestones, or Jacks, is a game of ancient origin, usually played with five small objects, or ten in the case of jacks. Originally the "knucklebones" (actually the astragalus, a bone in the ankle, or hock) were those of a sheep, which were thrown up and caught in various manners. Modern knucklebones consist of six points, or knobs, proceeding from a common base, and are usually made of metal or plastic. The winner is the first player to successfully complete a prescribed series of throws, which, though similar, differ widely in detail. The simplest throw consists in tossing up one stone, the jack, and picking up one or more from the table while it is in the air. This continues until all five stones have been picked up. Another throw consists in tossing up first one stone, then two, then three and so on, and catching them on the back of the hand. Different throws have received distinctive names, such as "riding the elephant," "peas in the pod," and "horses in the stable."

Knucklebones (magazine)

Knucklebones was a bi-monthly United States-based magazine, focused on providing news and reviews of board games and card games. The magazine included some puzzles and contests, typically with a game-oriented theme, and also included puzzles such as Sudoku and crosswords. Its headquarters was in Iola, Wisconsin.

Knucklebones won praise on the board game forum BoardGameGeek after they agreed to honour the subscriptions of former Games Quarterly Magazine subscribers.

Knucklebones was published by Jones Publishing.

Knucklebones (film)

Knucklebones (in Persian: سه‌قاپ) is a 1971 Iranian film directed by Zakaria Hashemi. It stars Naser Malek Motiee, Bahman Mofid, Shahrzad, and Morvarid.

Usage examples of "knucklebones".

Sunbright Steelshanks, barbarian, grabbed his much-smaller companion Knucklebones, part-elven thief, by one arm, and hurled her a dozen feet to plow into powdery snow.

Though hard to see against snow and winter-white sky, Sunbright was wrapped like a mummy in white folds so tight that Knucklebones could see knobs marking his belt buckle, back scabbard, and the iron rings of his moosehide boots.

He would have blacked out already had not Knucklebones let in fresh air with her knife.

Yet Knucklebones was raddled with scars from years of fighting, and could ignore pain and distress to keep herself alive in a fight.

Thinking furiously, Knucklebones tried to time the erratic flailing of the lurker, but found no pattern.

The creature reacted to the unnatural touch with new energy, humping high and slamming the earth, then rolling to toss Knucklebones off.

The lurker had enough intelligence to track Knucklebones as a threat, so it curled itself almost double and sprang to arch away.

Exhausted by her mad dashes, Knucklebones dropped, unable to close for fear of being sheared herself.

And of his adventures to hell and to the future, where he met Knucklebones, then returned.

And Knucklebones, herself cast to the winds, went with him, knowing she might be executed too.

At every step Sunbright strode faster, until Knucklebones trotted to keep up.

Spring turned to summer, until Knucklebones stripped to leathers by day, though she was never very warm.

Nodding at the table, Knucklebones jerked awake at the sudden silence.

Again Knucklebones sighed, but wrapped her skinny, scarred arms around his head.

Even with Knucklebones his answers grew short, until they passed days without speaking.