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The Collaborative International Dictionary

knickers \knick"ers\, n. pl.

  1. The name for a style of loose-fitting short trousers, gathered in and ending at the knees; smallclothes; called also knickerbockers.

    Syn: breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers.

  2. Underpants, especially of women; panties. [British]

    Syn: bloomers, pants, drawers.


n. men or boys' baggy knee trousers, of a type particularly popular in the early 20th century.


n. trousers ending above the knee [syn: breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickers]

Knickerbockers (clothing)

Knickerbockers are a form of men's or boys' baggy-kneed trousers particularly popular in the early 20th century United States. Golfers' plus twos and plus fours wore breeches of this type. Before World War II, skiers often wore knickerbockers too, usually ankle-length.

Until after World War I, in many English-speaking countries, boys customarily wore short pants in summer and knickerbockers ("knickers" or "knee pants") in winter. (In British English knickers means underwear worn by women.) At the onset of puberty, they graduated to long trousers. In that era, the transition to "long pants" was a major rite of passage. See, for example, the classic song Blues in the Night by Johnny Mercer: "My mammy done told me, when I was in knee-pants, my mammy done told me, son...".

Baseball players wear a stylized form of knickerbockers, although the pants have become less baggy in recent decades and some modern ballplayers opt to pull the trousers close to the ankles. The white trousers worn by American football officials are knickerbockers, and while they have become less baggy, they are still worn ending shortly below the knee. In recent years, the NFL has equipped its officials with long trousers rather than knickers in cold weather.

Usage examples of "knickerbockers".

He would throw away all his clothes and buy enough clothes for the entire backcourt of the New York Knickerbockers, and he would charge them all to Smith.

She is giving the man with the white knickerbockers a recipe for bortsch.

The stout party in - white duck pants was Laird, coach of the Knickerbockers and Connaught's arch rival.

I wore corduroy knickerbockers, long black knit stockings, a kind of Norfolk jacket, and a cloth cap with a peak.

It is true that for a few years after leaving the cradle he had exhibited a certain immatureness, but as soon as he put on knickerbockers and began to go about a little he outgrew all that.

This meant a great improvement in his lot, for Aunt immediately bought him clothes that were more what other children in Blairlogie wore, and he was happy in his corduroy knickerbockers and a mackinaw coat, and the tuque that replaced his little velvet hat with earflaps.