a crash involves sth
▪ Two women were taken to hospital after a crash involving a bus and a car.
be involved in a conspiracy
▪ Apparently the commander of the army had also been involved in the conspiracy.
be involved in a dispute
▪ The US government became involved in a dispute with China.
be involved in a plot
▪ He was involved in a plot to kidnap the Pope.
be involved in a project
▪ I am involved in various projects.
be involved in a scandal
▪ A senior government official is involved in a political scandal.
be involved in a scene
▪ I knew that he was involved in the drugs scene.
be involved in an accidentformal:
▪ Your son has been involved in a car accident.
be involved in an activity
▪ The men were involved in terrorist activities.
be involved in an incident
▪ All those involved in the incident were sacked.
be involved in politics
▪ After university, he became involved in local politics.
closely involved
▪ I have been closely involved in the work of both committees.
directly involved
▪ We hope to bring together the countries directly involved in the conflict.
get into an argument/become involved in an argument
▪ She didn’t want to get into another argument about money.
▪ I left to avoid becoming involved in an argument.
heavily involved
▪ I became heavily involved in politics.
involve/entail risk
▪ Investments that provide a high return generally entail more risk.
sth requires/involves effortformal (= it takes effort)
▪ Trying to get my mother to change her mind requires considerable effort.
the risks involved/the risks associated with sth
▪ The soldiers were well aware of the risks involved.
▪ The public are unwilling to accept the risks associated with nuclear energy.
▪ The Southern Weekend identified at least two village officials said to be actively involved in the trade.
▪ How can you get some one who was actively involved in events and put him in charge of the investigation?
▪ A number of the disabled professionals were actively involved in disability issues.
▪ It is also clear that the most desirable way forward would actively involve the University Convocation.
▪ Instead of standing idly by or opposing change, the union should become actively involved in making change happen.
▪ As far as I know, no one has used an ad which is actively involved in selling a product in quite this way.
▪ In the Analysis section, students are actively involved in trying to solve the puzzle posed by the demonstration.
▪ Other forms of merger funding also involve the banks.
▪ It also involved the fate of the greatest spawning run of salmon in the world.
▪ The effects of indomethacin, however, may also involve alternative mechanisms.
▪ Today such a dilemma would engross only members of a sect, but then political society was also involved.
▪ We must also involve all recipients of services in the planning and management of such services.
▪ But responsibility involves not just duty, it also involves response-ability, the ability to care.
▪ He was also involved in intermittent solo projects and recordings over the years.
▪ Meanwhile, the quest for continuity will also involve a balancing of work and personal priorities.
▪ They were deeply involved in the welfare of their families - apprehensive that something might go wrong.
▪ Carol had been deeply involved with her work there and had loved it.
▪ The multinationals that stand to benefit were deeply involved in the negotiations to establish Gats.
▪ They tell us about how they gradually adjusted as they became more deeply involved in the classroom and extracurricular experiences.
▪ She comes from the classical tradition but is deeply involved with improvisation and had played with Bailey on several previous occasions.
▪ I was deeply involved in other things.
▪ Her work is deeply involved with landscape and shows an insight that is also seen in her portraiture.
▪ She is deeply involved in litigation and negotiations in which the potential stakes for city residents are massive.
▪ It contains allegations which do not directly involve the third defendant.
▪ That access is also central to patterns of trade that do not directly involve the United States.
▪ There is obviously little room for the school to be directly involved in curriculum development at any level.
▪ Proponents say the program can directly involve middle-class church members in the lives and struggles of the poor.
▪ Couldn't some students be more directly involved in interviewing the people who will be working alongside them?
▪ It was the first such public statement by any high-ranking law-enforcement official directly involved in the Ray case.
▪ But beyond this officials may be even more directly involved in policy planning.
▪ Why is the government directly involved in providing defence, schools, and health services?
▪ In the purchaser/provider situation, they may be heavily involved in audit and standard setting.
▪ He got them much more heavily involved at all levels.
▪ Nevertheless, the clearinghouse personnel are heavily involved in running conferences under the sponsorship or organization of other bodies.
▪ He was heavily involved in charities before; now the load is greater.
▪ Work has not started yet because our tree feller has been heavily involved in clearance work after the recent storms.
▪ General Electric, like Boeing, is heavily involved in international markets.
▪ What also needs to be emphasized is that civil servants are also heavily involved in making policy.
▪ In fact, the group was heavily involved in designing the course and raising funds for it.
▪ Indeed it seemed to me that what they were involved in was some sort of violence, and I felt frightened.
▪ The crew, police said, has been involved in at least 10 homicides since last spring.
▪ He is aware that what he is involved in now is nothing less than Thatcherite self-help.
▪ This is fortunate as I was interested in reading the section on carbon in connection with a project I am involved in.
▪ Detectives believe the pair were murdered when a drugs deal which Mr Pettitt was involved in went tragically wrong.
▪ His car was involved in in collision with an articulated lorry.
▪ Basically, the things I've been involved in have always been different and I've been lucky.
▪ She says the branch will be getting involved in potentially controversial planning applications.
▪ These often involve music and activities related to the theatre.
▪ It often involves hard choices, not to mention extensive data gathering and analysis.
▪ The reflective process often involves work in other curriculum areas, be it discussion, writing, artwork, computer programming.
▪ By their very nature they must be worked where they occur and extraction often involves environmental nuisance and danger.
▪ Traces of more than 37, 000 guns from those cities show that Ring of Fire guns were often involved in crime.
▪ Eurocurrency business is in very substantial sums and also often involves governmental or governmental agency transactions.
▪ Reengineering often involves a radical rethinking of all business operations.
▪ The recognised craft trades open to women, usually involving needlework, were most often low paid, sometimes exceedingly so.
▪ For a fiveor six-year-old, adding will usually involve piling up beans, buttons, or nuts.
▪ For presentation purposes, this usually involves converting key elements of the analysis back to the original scale.
▪ Also, the disagreements between the two bosses usually involve subtleties in emphasis, priorities, and the like.
▪ A buy-out usually involves some form of leverage, in that financing is provided by banks and investment institutions.
▪ In nature, the elements form stable chemical compounds with each other, usually involving oxygen.
▪ The search for anti-cancer drugs, for example, usually involves trials of chemical compounds on human tumour cells.
▪ The systems usually involved staring for hours at charts showing the history of bond prices.
▪ The total number of accidents involving cyclists in Darlington rose by one to 31.
▪ The accidents, which involved streetcars and cable cars, caused $ 3. 6 million in damages and injured 10 people.
▪ Analysis of accidents involving bus passengers in future years will be undertaken.
▪ It was the first fatal accident involving ValuJet since the bargain airline began operations in October 1993.
▪ Of those accidents, 19 involved fatalities.
▪ There were a few accidents involving aircraft at Coningsby and one incident occurred shortly after the Washington entered service.
▪ There were 9,319 non-fatal accidents involving machinery, said the Health and Safety Executive.
▪ These often involve music and activities related to the theatre.
▪ Consideration is given first to the anatomic arrangement of the nervous and skeletal muscle systems involved in this activity.
▪ The systems approach to educational technology involves four basic activities or stages: 1.
▪ Neither was involved in procurement activities.
▪ The first signs of breeding will probably involve some serious digging activity, often round the bases of the rocks.
▪ Until last week, Kaczynski had neither been arrested nor involved in radical political activity, a law enforcement official said.
▪ But the Research Board is hardly likely to get involved in a policing activity.
▪ George Hearst has been involved in the activities of the Hearst Corporation since 1948 and a director for 40 years.
▪ There was also an unwillingness to interfere in cases involving security of the state.
▪ The Bennis case was the first civil forfeiture case on record involving prostitution in Wayne County, where Detroit is located.
▪ In all but exceptional cases, wounding will involve a battery.
▪ There have been a number of court cases involving the question of whether videotaping constitutes fair use.
▪ The conditions are designed to distinguish cases involving issues of supervision from those involving issues of review.
▪ One of her cases involved a 17-year-old girl whose father routinely attacked the family, once with a baseball bat.
▪ In many cases this has involved rewording of Learning Outcomes but little change to the basic philosophy of the module.
▪ The mechanisms are likely to involve changes at both sides of the synapse.
▪ Severe risk was involved in any abrupt change in the way in which we dealt with journalists.
▪ For the new system to be introduced properly involves a change of constitution and a further vote.
▪ Two implications are involved in the change of meaning given to Moira and Okeanos.
▪ This involves a change of character for Mason, who has decided to become, in his words, a lager lout.
▪ Instead of standing idly by or opposing change, the union should become actively involved in making change happen.
▪ But they would involve considerable changes for taxpayers, tax advisers and the Inland Revenue.
▪ That will involve significant change from the separation, suspicion, and even outright confrontation that have existed for decades.
▪ It must involve the minimum of effort. 2 Replicability.
▪ And it almost always involves an effort integrated with the efforts of others to form a combined final product.
▪ To create a sound involves a huge corporate effort.
▪ The proactive approach involves considerably more effort but is more likely to produce a positive result.
▪ Clinton and Gore became involved in the effort when the California project was in the planning stages.
▪ They can generally undertake big surveys involving large numbers of people and they provide statistics and interpretations of them.
▪ This study is significant because it was unusually well controlled and involved a large number of research subjects: 417.
▪ Previous evidence has shown that fluent braille involves a number of subsidiary perceptual, cognitive and manual skills.
▪ Blow, one of the most powerful lobbying firms in Washington, and was involved in a number of business ventures.
▪ Learning and training involve a number of aspects beyond the implementation of appropriate learning rules.
▪ The project is not a shining example of a service that now fully involves disabled people and is controlled by them.
▪ We made him get involved with the people he was working with.
▪ They can generally undertake big surveys involving large numbers of people and they provide statistics and interpretations of them.
▪ His job involved talking to people who had made claims for workers' compensation.
▪ This is known to involve approximately 1,200 people.
▪ Far more interesting than your average conversation that involves people or a good old fashioned joke I don't think.
▪ The next stretching exercise involves two people.
▪ It should involve as few people as possible.
▪ Reactions are carried out at high pressure and temperature and the processes involve large scale filtration, drying, milling and packing.
▪ The loss of consciousness results from the epileptic process involving hippocampal regions of the medial temporal lobes.
▪ Moreover, a clear idea of the processes involved is essential for the formulation of a truly beneficial therapy.
▪ That process involves matching voter files with change-of-address forms and Arizona vital statistics.
▪ The whole process of massage involves yielding to another's care.
▪ This process did not just involve individuals but seemed to involve the entire fast-lane culture as a whole.
▪ Most important of all, the process does not involve the high temperatures of a conventional foundry.
▪ Part of the estimating process had involved calculating how many detailed drawings were needed.
▪ Many construction projects will involve some element of loan finance.
▪ A capital project can involve an additional 100 men.
▪ Delighted Bangor principal Professor Eric Sunderland said the money would be used for two projects involving quality and collaborative research initiatives.
▪ The next stage of the project involves delivering training for coaches, assessors and verifiers, based on agreed standards of competence.
▪ The project involves a complete re-think of the museum's identity.
▪ These range from a short expedition task taking three hours, to twelve-week projects involving considerable interaction with the local community.
▪ Buyers who habitually purchase supplies from one supplier may recognise that change involves unwarranted risk.
▪ Covert sensitization requires no special equipment, involves minimal risk to patients, and can easily be conducted on an outpatient basis.
▪ This is known as trading in maturities, but, however, it does involve an element of risk for a bank.
▪ Creativity inevitably involves taking risks, and, in Great Groups, it is understood that the risk taker will sometimes stumble.
▪ However, the investment in all assets except for short-term government debt involves some degree of risk.
▪ Staying will involve great risks, of which both the victim and the church should be aware.
▪ Many sales situations involve risk to the buyer.
▪ While sometimes it can lead to more control, it also involves great risk and therefore stress.
▪ This shift in political opinion was partly due to a succession of further scandals involving the insurance and commodities markets.
▪ There were a number of corporate scandals, mostly involving illegal political funding.
▪ He is examining a campaign finance scandal involving Bank Bali that has connections to former president B.J.
▪ His request was denied after the scandal involving his superiors became public in November.
▪ Speculation continued, however, that Pinochet would agree to resign in return for a quiet settlement of scandals involving his regime.
▪ And highly-publicized scandals involving charity fraud have made potential givers wary.
▪ A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament.
▪ There have been plenty of City frauds and scandals involving Conservative supporters.
▪ This involves the active use of structures and vocabulary introduced by the video.
▪ Secret-Key Cryptography Secret-key cryptography involves the use of a shared key for both encryption by the transmitter and decryption by the receiver.
▪ The research involves the use of primary source materials in national and local archives.
▪ Perhaps most important is the growing chance for miscalculation that accompanies any policy involving the use of force.
▪ If the desired end of conversion involves the use of inquisitorial means is not the concept of love distorted?
▪ It involves the use of celestial recurrences for the practical purpose of regulating daily activity.
▪ Many searches involve the use of more than one source, and all searches require that the most appropriate source be chosen.
▪ Managers have probably sanctioned the purchase of computer hardware and software but have not involved themselves with their use.
▪ Her husband had been very involved in his work, she tells the Coroner.
▪ All of this involves a lot of work, and not just for the children!
▪ Because the technique involves work with genes it must be approved by an independent ethical committee.
▪ If higher education is not involved, school-to-#work will not succeed.
▪ The construction of four 900-MWe units at a single site involves ten years' work and up to 6000 people.
▪ Proviso four: I have made a point of using the real names of the teachers and schools involved in this work.
▪ Boraston was so much involved in war work that his assistant.
▪ This is the gap between what people needed to stay engaged and healthy at work and what most jobs actually involved.
▪ They became involved after some of the cult's former members attempted suicide.
▪ Parents of very quiet children might watch how a teacher encourages such individuals to become more involved in class.
▪ However, as more libraries in more educational sectors become involved in user education, this becomes less manageable.
▪ Now the military, especially the air force, is becoming much more involved in drug interdiction.
▪ Violent and chaotic scenes occurred as thousands of people became involved in a desperate attempt to register.
▪ She joined Oracle in 1990, and became involved with Ellison in 1991, the suit said.
▪ Other members of the family became involved in these businesses.
▪ And when patients become so involved, the color of the Dying Time changes.
▪ It was a long time before I did anything or went anywhere, and then I got involved in the church.
▪ Meanwhile, Citic is using its financial might to get more involved in the mainland economy.
▪ Nor did she get involved in the Dreyfus affair.
▪ Kobe looks to score too much rather than get his teammates involved.
▪ His book is about Shakespeare's style without getting too involved in the minutiae of Shakespeare's language.
▪ Although Clare spoke lightly about it, Carolyn understood that it mattered, and that Clare wanted her to get involved.
▪ When teens get involved in volunteering, they sense quickly the benefit to both the community and their own souls.
be involved with sb
▪ He's a father who wants to be more involved with his family.
▪ Matt's involved with a married woman at work.
▪ Glover would be sorry to be involved with one like that.
▪ In truth, much of the ongoing research in neural networks today is involved with learning.
▪ Into the bargain he had taken part in her own work in her practice while Joanna was involved with his assistant.
▪ No one in his family was involved with drugs and he had never been arrested.
▪ Others simply assumed that Jim was involved with one of several high-profile women in the parish.
▪ Otherwise you may find the next person leaves as well and you will be involved with costly and time-consuming interview procedures again.
▪ The T family were involved with the agency for many years.
▪ Twenty teachers in eight schools will be involved with classes of 6, 8, 12 and 14 year olds.
be/get involved
▪ At the very least, the outlets which sold the tickets before the official date should never again be involved in distribution.
▪ But others were in decent shape and got involved via the telephone with people in other homes.
▪ Does he accept that some people prefer to prepare for international emergencies and not necessarily be involved in the local scene?
▪ I first got involved when I began collecting old paperbacks for the artwork on the cover.
▪ It was not clear from the report which items of library expenditure were to be involved in that figure.
▪ Just what was to be involved in the radical realignment of the welfare state was not always clear.
▪ The principles of mutual aid are that members should be involved in a reciprocal supportive role.
▪ When teens get involved in volunteering, they sense quickly the benefit to both the community and their own souls.
immediately involved/affected/concerned etc
▪ Civil society is constituted by the social relationships and processes outside paid employment and not immediately affected by the state.
▪ Henry's memory, of course, seemed only defective in matters that immediately concerned him.
▪ No one is more anxious that the penalties should be apt for the crime than those most immediately affected by prison disorder.
▪ The availability of land played a crucial part in relations between the landowning class and those immediately concerned with its cultivation.
▪ The hearing is technically in public, though it is very rare for anyone other than those immediately involved to be present.
▪ The problem is to convince those who are not so immediately affected.
▪ Those most immediately affected given support.
▪ We are not immediately concerned whether they are based on off-line, optical discs or on online technology by way of broadband networks.
work/effort etc involved in doing sth
▪ A further disadvantage is the work involved in returning the manure to the field.
▪ It is also often used to pay for the preliminary work involved in making applications for civil and criminal legal aid.
▪ She would like to know their reaction to the work involved in taking the course. 14.
▪ The chief drawback to small-scale silage-making is the extra physical work involved in handling the green crop with its high water content.
▪ The effort involved in constructing such circles was enormous.
▪ The work involved in writing this summation must have been back-breaking, and certainly took years of research.
▪ We have to do the more general piece of work involved in clearing one more bias from our morality.
▪ A good manager will try to involve everyone in the decision-making process.
▪ A study involving long-distance runners is being done at the Medical Center.
▪ Community service can involve anything from gardening to helping in old people's homes.
▪ I always try to involve the whole class.
▪ The plan involves converting the old canteen into a sports hall.
▪ The school has gained improved exam results by involving parents more in their children's education.
▪ And if one thing happened, the whole school would be involved.
▪ As a result of these liaisons the rest of my job involves problem solving and development of initiatives.
▪ How the hell does she come to be involved?
▪ It involves no judgments and no inferences.
▪ Other reactions might involve your feelings: for example, embarrassment or indifference.
▪ The Southern Weekend identified at least two village officials said to be actively involved in the trade.
▪ They will also be concerned with more immediate issues involving the well-being of the party or other organization providing their political base.
▪ This process did not just involve individuals but seemed to involve the entire fast-lane culture as a whole.