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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a quiet, introspective woman
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Introspective \In`tro*spec"tive\, a. [Cf. F. introspectif.]

  1. Inspecting within; seeing inwardly; capable of, or exercising, inspection; self-conscious.

  2. Involving the act or results of conscious knowledge of physical phenomena; -- contrasted with associational.
    --J. S. Mill.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1820, from Latin introspect-, past participle stem of introspicere (see introspection) + -ive.


a. Examining one's own perception and sensory experiences; contemplative or thoughtful about oneself.


adj. examining own sensory and perceptual experiences [syn: introverted] [ant: extrospective]


Introspective is the third studio album by the English synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys. It was first released in 1988 and is the Pet Shop Boys' second-best-selling album, selling over 4.5 million copies worldwide. (Their fifth studio album, Very, sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.)

It is so named because "all the songs, although it's a dance album, are introspective". Perhaps the biggest change in Pet Shop Boys' sound evident on this album is an increasing attention to orchestration using real orchestras, particularly on the Trevor Horn-produced "Left to My Own Devices", which took months to produce.

Introspective (Amber Smith album)

Introspective is the fourth studio album recorded by Amber Smith. The album was recorded at the Podium Studios in Budapest, Hungary in 2007. The album was mixed by Chris Brown, who previously worked on Radiohead's The Bends album, and it was mastered at Foon Mastering Studios in Belgium. The album was released by the Lithuanian label M.P.3 International as CD and digitally.

The presentation of the album took a place on 29th of February, 2008 in the music club L'Amour, Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Eventually the album won the award of the best alternative record in Hungary in 2009. During the campaign of the album the videos were filmed for the songs Introspective and Select All/Delete All.

On 1 December 2007, the first single, Introspective, was released from the eponymous album.

Usage examples of "introspective".

His lack of an heir other than Abraham began to preoccupy him to the extent where he grew morbid and introspective.

Furthermore, the Brahminic thinkers and sages were a distinct class of men whose whole lives were absorbed in introspective reveries and metaphysical broodings calculated to stimulate the imagination and arouse to the keenest consciousness all the latent marvels and possibilities of human experience, thus furnishing the most favorable conditions for exactly such a belief as that of transmigration, an endless series of ever varying adventures for the imperishable soul.

Therapy now becomes a very different process, more nondirective, because the student is responsible, introspective, self-directed, far more emotional and alive but ready to face life as an independent individual, even if scared.

His conversation, which is what he must mainly be judged by, since he has yet to exercise much visible power, is an improbable mixture of introspective genius and postindustrial babble.

Raskolnikov finds himself is then underlined by the visit to his only friend, the warmhearted, generous, ebullient Razumikhin, who was introduced earlier and obviously serves as a contrast to the introspective, gloomy, embittered Raskolnikov.

It seems that scientific materialists would rather ignore mental phenomena than look at them, and they would rather impair our natural introspective abilities than refine them so that they may rise to the standards to scientific inquiry.

Trying to quantify or contextualize the value of any given motion picture, attempting to link movies to what is happening in the world outside those dark, still rooms where something other than an immediate compositional punch, however stylish and not boring should be the sought chalice, becomes an exercise in profound and introspective musing.

Ask at afternoon tea tomorrow, even in so-called Christian homes, when any of the ladies round the table last read, and how often they have read, Grace Abounding, The Saint's Rest, The Religious Affections, Jeremy Taylor, Law, a Kempis, Fenelon, or such like, and they will smile to one another and remark after you are gone on your strange taste for old-fashioned and long-winded and introspective books.

And it is the privacy of introspective data which causes much of the behaviourists' objection to them.

It has a peculiarly introspective flavor to it that we don’t have in our extraverted Galactic civilization.

Did I just get dressed, walk downstairs, and make coffee in an introspective haze as I tried to get to grips with the real purpose of this facility?

The high church had become more formal over the last few T-centuries, but low church services tended to be quiet, introspective affairs, and Honor had been unprepared for the sheer pageantry of the Church of Humanity.

A dreamy, introspective sort of child, he is a loner, develops few friendships (with fellow pupils, at any rate) and thus falls easy prey to bullying and the like.

Simon was like the strong, free and easy Cassady to Tommy's introspective, overanalytical Kerouac.

Having now, to a great extent, given up ideal ambitions, he wished earnestly to direct his powers into a more practical channel, and thus correct the introspective tendencies which had never brought himself much happiness, or done his fellow-creatures any great good.