Crossword clues for intra
- Mural opening?
- Venous prefix
- The 'I' of IV
- Starter like endo-
- Start for muscular or mural
- Start for murals or state
- Prefix with mural or galactic
- Prefix with "mural"
- It may be seen to the left of venous
- Cellular opening?
- "State" or "mural" prefix
- The I in IV
- The "I" of IUD
- The "I" of IM
- Starter for mural or personal
- Start for murals or squad
- Start for mural or muscular
- Start for "murals"
- Prefix with uterine
- Prefix with party or venous
- Prefix with mural or party
- Prefix with mural or net
- Prefix with "net" or "mural"
- Prefix with "coastal" or "mural"
- Prefix for venous
- Prefix for coastal or mural
- Prefix for "venous" or "mural"
- Prefix for "venous"
- Part of IUD
- Net preceder
- Mural's beginning
- Mural prefix
- Mural beginning?
- Mural beginning
- Kind of venous
- IV starter
- Coastal opening
- Between introduction
- "Mural" attachment
- __ vitam: during life
- Venous opening
- Mural starter
- Prefix with venous
- Prefix with coastal or mural
- The "I" in IV
- The "I" of IM, sportswise
- The "I" of IV
- Coastal opening?
- Part of IV
- Prefix meaning "within"
- Prefix with species
- Prefix with state or coastal
- Prefix with molecular
- Prefix with mural or venous
- The "I" in IUD
- Prefix with vascular
- Departmental opening?
- IUD part
- IV component
- Prefix with squad
- Mural's beginning?
- Within: Prefix
- Within, to Titus
- Prefix for mural or venous
- Part of IUD and IV
- Prefix for mural or state
- Inside: Prefix
- Prefix with mural or state
- ___ muros (within the walls)
- Kind of mural
- Prefix with mural or muscular
- Not all the mail to be answered privately?
- Head of State?
- IV part?
- Prefix with cellular
- It means "within"
- Prefix for state or mural
- Prefix for state
- Prefix for "mural" or "galactic"
Intra is the third album by avant-garde metal band Ram-Zet released on September 6, 2005 in the US by Tabu Records. It was produced by the bands founder, vocalist, and guitarist, Zet and co-produced by Ram-Zet and Daniel Bergstrand, who also mixed the album. The band recorded at their personal studio in Norway, Space Valley Studios.
Indra (Ինտրա, 1875, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire - 1921) was an Armenian poet, writer, painter and teacher, and a victim of Armenian Genocide.
His real name was Diran Chrakian (alt spelling: Tcharakian) . He was educated at Berberian College of Constantinople, then finished the College of Arts, where his works were appreciated by the famous painter Hovhannes Aivazovsky. Indra worked as a teacher, wrote articles, literary researches and notes. He signed his books "Inner World" (Ներաշխարհ, essays, 1906) and "Cypress Wood" (Նոճաստան, sonnets 1908), with the pseudonym Indra (anagram of his first name).
After the genocide of 1915, Indra lost his reason, walked as a tramp through provinces and preached love and unity. In 1921 he was exiled by the Turkish authorities and was tortured and killed on the way.
He also became a prominent member of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the Ottoman Empire, having joined the church in 1913.
Intra, is a 2005 album by Ram-Zet.
Intra may also refer to:
- Intra, a city now part of Verbania, Italy
- Intra, a Latin prefix or postfix meaning "within"
- Intra Airways, British airline
- Intra Bank, Lebanese bank
- Intra (Teka), Norwegian company
- Groupe INTRA, French emergency response organization
- AVC-Intra, a type of video coding
- Intra (Diran Chrakian), Armenian poet
Intra is a Norwegian industrial design and manufacturing company.
It was founded as a retailer of building articles in 1947, and was located at Buran, Trondheim. In the 1960s the company started designing and manufacturing washing sinks in stainless steel, and it took the name Intra in the 1970s. The company expanded to kitchen products as well as other bathroom products, and hired industrial designers. In the 1980s it moved to Storsand in Malvik. The owners also bought a Swedish and a Danish company, creating the Intra Group. In 2007 it was sold to Spanish corporation Teka Industrial.
Usage examples of "intra".
Si adire non possit, monet ut tragulam cum epistola ad amentum deligata intra munitionem castrorum abiciat.
Interim prope cotidie cum omni equitatu Indutiomarus sub castris eius vagabatur, alias ut situm castrorum cognosceret, alias colloquendi aut territandi causa: equites plerumque omnes tela intra vallum coniciebant.
Scartaris Julii intra calendas descende, audus viator, et terrestre centrum attinges.
Legionibusque intra vineas in occulto expeditis, cohortatus ut aliquando pro tantis laboribus fructum victoriae perciperent, eis qui primi murum ascendissent praemia proposuit militibusque signum dedit.
Huic rursus circumvento fert subsidium Pullo, atque ambo incolumes compluribus interfectis summa cum laude sese intra munitiones recipiunt.
The ambition and intrigues of the French court, by which the British interest was invaded and disturbed on the continent of America, had also extended itself to the East Indies, where they endeavoured to embroil the English company with divers nabobs or princes, who governed different parts of the peninsula intra Gangem.
Interim prope cotidie cum omni equitatu Indutiomarus sub castris eius vagabatur, alias ut situm castrorum cognosceret, alias colloquendi aut territandi causa: equites plerumque omnes tela intra vallum coniciebant.
Cum maiore in dies contemptione Indutiomarus ad castra accederet, nocte una intromissis equitibus omnium finitimarum civitatum quos arcessendos curaverat, tanta diligentia omnes suos custodiis intra castra continuit, ut nulla ratione ea res enuntiari aut ad Treveros perferri posset.
His rebus comparatis, represso iam Lucterio et remoto, quod intrare intra praesidia periculosum putabat, in Helvios proficiscitur.
Igitur tot tamque diversae stirpis gentes non modo intra communem quandam regionem definitae, unum omnes Scytharum nomen his auctoribus subierunt, sed etiam ab illa regionis adpellatione in eandem nationem sunt conflatae.
Ecclesiam furibundus introiit, inde custode remoto papam per gulam accepit, distraxit pugnis calcibusque percussit, et tanquam brutum animal intra limen ecclesiae acriter calcaribus cruentavit.
Ecclesiam furibundus introiit, inde custode remoto papam per gulam accepit, distraxit pugnis calcibusque percussit, et tanquam brutum animal intra limen ecclesiae acriter calcaribus cruentavit.