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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
compromise your integrity
▪ The journalist would not compromise his integrity by revealing the source for the story.
▪ Jean-Claude may have had artistic integrity on his side but he did not have a legal leg to stand on.
▪ But they can not touch the dazzling artistic integrity of the female performances.
▪ It is a feat of storytelling that is carried off with tremendous poise and unobtrusive artistic integrity.
▪ The equation of balancing artistic integrity with commercial considerations is further influenced by the relationship of artist to patron and public.
▪ Pukhov, a careerist painter, sacrifices his artistic integrity by cynically painting potboilers to please factory and party committees.
▪ His decision encouraged many of us, for he was a man of great integrity as well as ability.
▪ A successful no-policy policy requires a great deal of integrity on the part of management.
▪ The billet has to be highly dense and of high integrity and will be used to make new kilogram mass standards.
▪ I have a high degree of integrity.
▪ SureSeam is low pitch steel roofing for high integrity buildings.
▪ The high-integrity Descote valves have been installed as bypasses on several processes, including boiler feed water and light hydrocarbons.
▪ Very high structural integrity as evidenced by a 30,000 hour design life and no speed limit in turbulence.
▪ However, the myth of the moral integrity of the Soviet state more than compensated for its metaphysical shortcomings.
▪ Neither moral integrity nor logical consistency compels us to attempt it.
▪ Decidedly, Nizan's belief in the moral integrity of Soviet foreign policy was total.
▪ They bequeathed an invaluable legacy of moral integrity, revolutionary thought and political organization on which their Bolshevik heirs were to draw.
▪ The battery action protects personal integrity and guards against treatment without consent.
▪ The way the Steputis family coped by normalizing their life surely went a long way toward helping Hank maintain his personal integrity.
▪ Trust begins with personal integrity which is then shared in marriage too.
▪ But at least you should start your relationship convinced of his professional and personal integrity.
▪ And only in that way will the student gain a measure of personal integrity.
▪ When we deny our doubts, repression takes its toll in personal integrity, faith, worship and witness.
▪ I doubt if Bob Kernohan and I have ever agreed on anything except personal integrity.
▪ This enhances a true sense of personal integrity and self-worth.
▪ The Archive guarantees a secure database by a continuing programme of rigorous checks on the database's physical integrity.
▪ How should it respond to these various invasions of physical integrity, a quality which is highly valued by most citizens?
▪ We must expand the breadth of political argument if we are to claim political integrity as a distinct ideal on its own.
▪ I give it a grander title: it is the virtue of political integrity.
▪ I shall offer no further argument for my claim that our political life recognizes integrity as a political virtue.
▪ Before turning to the individual arguments for teaching history it would be worthwhile emphasising the professional integrity of history teachers.
▪ So, how do you compete, while maintaining a business tone and professional integrity?
▪ They needed the scrupulous professional integrity which nearly proved such a stumbling block to them in this case.
▪ But from the start it was committed to journalistic and professional integrity.
▪ Total professional integrity! he smoothed.
▪ Forget your professional integrity, Caroline.
▪ Can he lend his name to the petition without compromising his professional integrity?
▪ This upgrade places Dreamweaver firmly back in the middle ground without compromising the professional integrity of previous releases.
▪ It greatly undermines his claim to having more public integrity and consistency than the inexhaustibly elastic Clinton.
▪ Extracellular matrix is an integral part of multicellular organisms, providing structural integrity and support to cells.
▪ There was now not the slightest doubt that Hsu was decaying and losing her structural integrity.
▪ Of course different clays can withstand different firing temperatures before they vitrify and lose their structural integrity.
▪ Very high structural integrity as evidenced by a 30,000 hour design life and no speed limit in turbulence.
▪ They called for a negotiated settlement restoring the republic's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
▪ Disputes over legitimate rulers are a second underlying problem with claims that territorial integrity has been violated.
▪ Moreover, in 1914 the Empire had no urgent territorial claims and there was no direct threat to her territorial integrity.
▪ What mattered was not the territorial integrity of the empire, but the just rights of each member of the family.
▪ Your Toyota is a sophisticated piece of machinery; to fit non-genuine parts is to compromise its design integrity.
▪ If the server were compromised, the integrity of the whole system would fail.
▪ Can he lend his name to the petition without compromising his professional integrity?
▪ This upgrade places Dreamweaver firmly back in the middle ground without compromising the professional integrity of previous releases.
▪ Her attitude toward individual patrons sets her beyond most of her contemporaries in defending the integrity of her work.
▪ Gifted professional golfers have a duty to the game just as tournament administrators have a duty to defend the integrity of sport.
▪ Distributed Relational Database Architecture also supports two-phase commit to ensure data integrity.
▪ Furthermore, regular verification of offlined modules takes place to ensure continued long-term integrity.
▪ This ensures that the integrity of the database is maintained.
▪ It confronts racism, sexism, privilege, abuse, but tries soulfully not to lose its integrity.
▪ There was now not the slightest doubt that Hsu was decaying and losing her structural integrity.
▪ Of course different clays can withstand different firing temperatures before they vitrify and lose their structural integrity.
▪ Neglectful silence is, of course, the most perfect means of maintaining the powerful integrity of the institutional boundaries against any criticisms.
▪ The way the Steputis family coped by normalizing their life surely went a long way toward helping Hank maintain his personal integrity.
▪ This claim has to be justified in a way which maintains the internal integrity of the process of educating students.
▪ Sometimes dead sulfide structures maintain their integrity long enough to be colonized by a new set of animals.
▪ Working through these difficult times is a challenge for all our staff who have maintained their integrity, application and cheerfulness.
▪ The leukocytes maintain their integrity and function during the isolation and labelling procedure.
▪ In order to maintain the integrity of the offlined files, each file is verified at a rate determined for a particular installation.
▪ This is a key factor in preserving the Panel's integrity and independence from the judiciary.
▪ And to preserve its integrity, the online magazine refuses advertising.
▪ She has not double-glazed the house in order to preserve its architectural integrity.
▪ We are trying to preserve the integrity of the chief inspector.
▪ The battery action protects personal integrity and guards against treatment without consent.
▪ Despite its apparent mutability, E. coli does have the power to protect its genetic integrity.
▪ Which is to say that defences are being erected to protect the integrity of Western culture, of the Western idea.
▪ Many detailed provisions to protect the integrity of the record lie in this area.
▪ Calemine dismisses criticism on his ties to developers, saying no one has since questioned his integrity.
▪ In other works, he questioned the integrity of intellectuals who had put themselves at the service of the shah's regime.
▪ His father-in-law accused him of breaking his marriage vows and questioned his integrity as a Privy Councillor.
▪ His conversion sharpened his criticism of national and local politicians, who in turn questioned his integrity.
▪ How dared he question her integrity, the very fabric her entire being was built around?
▪ The surgeon apparently did not listen to his patient or respect her bodily integrity.
▪ Mr Ellsworth is... a Man much respected for his integrity, and venerated for his abilities.
▪ This ability to move quickly, whilst retaining an integrity in terms of structure and direction, may be a clue for the future.
▪ The news division was to retain its independence and integrity under the new owner as it had under the old.
▪ Here then was an instrument that might be confidently expected to have retained its historical integrity.
▪ And yet it retains its integrity, with very few differences between versions filmed before and after Williams took on the role.
▪ So again the hierarchy retains its integrity.
▪ It is also a demonstration of the possibility of retaining intellectual integrity within the party.
▪ Lord Irvine, head of the judiciary, insisted that he had broken no rules nor undermined the integrity of his office.
▪ As Trofim Denosovich Lysenko well knew, more than a little bashing is required to undermine the integrity of science.
▪ Councilman Hughey's integrity is unquestioned.
▪ Rooney brought dignity and integrity to the profession.
▪ She is a woman of integrity who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of making money.
▪ They have vowed to protect the country's territorial integrity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Integrity \In*teg"ri*ty\, n. [L. integritas: cf. F. int['e]grit['e]. See Integer, and cf. Entirety.]

  1. The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory.
    --Sir T. More.

  2. Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude.

    The moral grandeur of independent integrity is the sublimest thing in nature.

    Their sober zeal, integrity, and worth.

  3. Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity.

    Language continued long in its purity and integrity.
    --Sir M. Hale.

    Syn: Honesty; uprightness; rectitude. See Probity.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, "innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity," from Old French integrité or directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas) "soundness, wholeness, blamelessness," from integer "whole" (see integer). Sense of "wholeness, perfect condition" is mid-15c.


n. 1 steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 2 The state of being wholesome; unimpaired 3 The quality or condition of being complete; pure 4 (context cryptography English) With regards to data encryption, ensuring that information is not altered by unauthorized persons in a way that is not detectable by authorized users. 5 (context aviation English) The ability of a system to provide timely warnings to users when they should not be used for navigation.

  1. n. an unreduced or unbroken completeness or totality [syn: unity, wholeness]

  2. moral soundness


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to hold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards.

In ethics, integrity is regarded by many people as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy, in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete. In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may judge that others "have integrity" to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold.

Significant attention is given to the subject of integrity in law and the conception of law in 20th century philosophy of law and jurisprudence centering in part on the research of Ronald Dworkin as studied in his book Law's Empire. Dworkin's position on integrity in law reinforces the conception of justice viewed as fairness.

A value system's abstraction depth and range of applicable interaction may also function as significant factors in identifying integrity due to their congruence or lack of congruence with observation. A value system may evolve in a while, while retaining integrity if those who espouse the values account for and resolve inconsistencies.

Integrity (operating system)

Integrity and Integrity-178B are real-time operating systems (RTOSes) produced and marketed by Green Hills Software. Integrity-178B has a unique feature: an EAL6 rating.

Integrity (band)

Integrity is an American hardcore punk band formed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1988. Founding member Dwid Hellion relocated to Belgium in 2003.

Integrity (disambiguation)

The ethical concept of integrity is that of basing of one's actions on a consistent framework of principles.

Integrity may also refer to:

  • Data integrity a concept from information and telecommunications technology in general and cryptography in particular
  • System integrity, a telecommunications concept regarding the operation of a system
  • Integrity Media, a media communications company that publishes and distributes Christian music, films and related materials
  • Integrity>, 2015 album by British grime artist Jme
  • Integrity (band), a metallic punk band formed in 1988
  • Integrity (operating system), a real-time operating system manufactured and marketed by Green Hills Software
  • HP Integrity Servers, a server line from Hewlett-Packard based on the Itanium processor
  • Integrity, a fault-tolerant server line and Unix-based operating system from Tandem Computers whose trademark passed to HP
  • HMCS Integrity (1804), a cutter that disappeared in 1805 while en route from New South Wales to Chile
  • "Integrity" (Modern Family), a 2015 episode from the TV series Modern Family
  • IntegrityUSA, an American non-profit organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Episcopalians and straight friends
  • Territorial integrity, principle under international law
  • PTC Integrity, a software system lifecycle management and application lifecycle management platform
Integrity (web agency)

Integrity Web Consulting is a privately held company that specializes in web development, mobile app development, website design, content strategy and UX strategy.

Integrity is headquartered in the historic Tivoli Theatre on the Delmar Loop in St. Louis, Missouri.

Integrity (Modern Family)

"Integrity" is the twenty-first episode of the sixth season of the American sitcom Modern Family, and the series' 141st episode overall. It originally aired on April 29, 2015. The episode was written by Stephen Lloyd & Chuck Tatham, and directed by Chris Koch.

In the episode, Claire tries to bribe the Principal of the school to give Luke an award as she thinks that Luke's bad mood is because Alex gets all the awards while he is not getting any. She manages to do it only to discover that Luke never wanted an award and his bad mood was because the girl that Manny likes hit on him making him and Manny fight. Haley's boss treats her with no respect making her do different things that it is not her job to do. This makes Gloria mad and decides to take action. After talking with him in private, she makes him apologize to Haley. Phil, who accompanies Jay into getting Lily's princess castle for Joe, is upset because Claire does not allow him to buy a new Pac-Man game. While talking to Jay, he misinterprets his words and unties the castle from the car destroying it. Mitchell and Cameron feel like they want to adopt another kid but after babysitting Joe, they realize that they like their life as it is now and decide not to do it.

"Integrity" received mixed reviews from critics.

Integrity (album)

Integrity> is the third studio album by grime MC Jme, It was released on 4 May 2015 independently on Boy Better Know. Throughout the years leading up to the album, Jme released numerous singles such as " 96 Fuckries" and " Work" that were included on the track list of Integrity>. "Calm" was originally credited as Tommy Kruise featuring Jme, and appeared on his October 2014 EP entitled Fête Foreign. The album was commercially successful, entering the UK Albums Chart at number 12. It is one of the 19 records nominated for the IMPALA Album of the Year Award 2015.

The album features guest appearances from fellow Boy Better Know MCs Skepta, Frisco, Shorty, Jammer and British rappers Giggs, Wiley, D Double E and Big Narstie. Production varies from Jme, Preditah, Swifta Beater, Deeco and Rude Kid, among others. On 8 January 2016, the instrumentals for the entire album will be released on limited edition clear vinyl.

The first single " 96 Fuckries" narrowly missed on the Top 40, entering at number 41, becoming Jme's highest-charting solo single.

Usage examples of "integrity".

The very sight of the awesome Forest aborigines, with their fanged muzzles agape and their taloned hands hovering near their weapons, was enough to convert the dance-bone cheaters to instant integrity.

Legge, esteemed the two most illustrious patriots of Great Britain, alike distinguished and admired for their unconquerable spirit and untainted integrity.

The axon stretches so far from the cell body that it seems quite reasonable to assume it can no longer maintain active communication throughout its length with the cell nucleus and the nucleus is vital to cellular activity and integrity.

Hell no, it wasnt worth it, not when you might crimp your own concatenation, what was it to you if some damned son of a bitching stupid fool of an antediluvian got himself beheaded by a progressive world by going around in a dream world and trying to live up to a romantic, backward ideal of individual integrity?

I fancied that I could live free and independent in a country ruled entirely by an aristocratic government, but this was not the case, and would not have been so even if fortune had raised me to a seat in that same government, for the Republic of Venice, considering that its primary duty is to preserve its own integrity, finds itself the slave of its own policy, and is bound to sacrifice everything to self-preservation, before which the laws themselves cease to be inviolable.

And as the years went on, the memory of all their folly, falseness, and hypocrisy was curiously altered and subdued and the memory that grew more vivid and dominant was of a little family, one of millions huddled below the immense and timeless skies that bend above us, lost in the darkness of nameless and unnumbered lives upon the lonely wilderness of life that is America, and banked together against these giant antagonists, for comfort, warmth, and love, with a courage and integrity that would not die and could not be forgotten.

Speaking on the reunion of the Churches the peoples of the East are anxious to know--not whether the Church of the West has preserved the unmixed Christian spirit in its integrity, but whether this Church still keeps Filioque as a dogma, and whether she has ikons, and whether she allows eggs and milk in Lent.

Let us have ambition enough to keep our simplicity, our frugality, and our integrity, and transmit these virtues as the fairest of inheritance to our children.

Orders from superiors, pressures from influential individuals, offers of financial and political gainand regrets for early idealisms abandoned, tarnished integrity, disappointed dreams.

To judge from the materials in the first bag, the late Miss Gorell had devoted at least half her time and energy to undermining the reputations of rival authors, impugning their scholarship and intellectual integrity in book reviews, essays in literary magazines, radio and television interviews, and public lectures.

These sacs, called lysosomes, require ATP to maintain the integrity of their double walls.

Allerton, maugre the heat and mosquitos, these latter beasts of prey being kept at bay by the integrity of Mrs.

Speaking of lacking a shred of integrity, I hear that rat Mysterioso is gonna demand a fifty percent increase.

Pitt endeavoured to wrest the miscarriage of the expedition to his prejudice, but the whispers of faction were soon drowned in the voice of the whole people of England, who never could persuade themselves that a gentleman raised to the height of power and popularity by mere dint of superior merit, integrity, and disinterestedness, would now sacrifice his reputation by a mock armament, or hazard incurring the derision of Europe, by neglecting to obtain all the necessary previous information, or doing whatever might contribute to the success of the expedition.

Even his attempt to restore the integrity of the coin was opposed by a formidable insurrection.