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Word definitions for integrity in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
c.1400, "innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity," from Old French integrité or directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas ) "soundness, wholeness, blamelessness," from integer "whole" (see integer ). Sense of "wholeness, perfect condition" ...

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to hold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards. In ethics , integrity is regarded by many people as the honesty ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Integrity \In*teg"ri*ty\, n. [L. integritas: cf. F. int['e]grit['e]. See Integer , and cf. Entirety .] The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. --Sir ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. 1 steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 2 The state of being wholesome; unimpaired 3 The quality or condition of being complete; pure 4 (context cryptography English) With regards to data encryption, ensuring that information is not ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
n. an unreduced or unbroken completeness or totality [syn: unity , wholeness ] moral soundness

Usage examples of integrity.

The very sight of the awesome Forest aborigines, with their fanged muzzles agape and their taloned hands hovering near their weapons, was enough to convert the dance-bone cheaters to instant integrity.

Legge, esteemed the two most illustrious patriots of Great Britain, alike distinguished and admired for their unconquerable spirit and untainted integrity.

The axon stretches so far from the cell body that it seems quite reasonable to assume it can no longer maintain active communication throughout its length with the cell nucleus and the nucleus is vital to cellular activity and integrity.

Hell no, it wasnt worth it, not when you might crimp your own concatenation, what was it to you if some damned son of a bitching stupid fool of an antediluvian got himself beheaded by a progressive world by going around in a dream world and trying to live up to a romantic, backward ideal of individual integrity?

I fancied that I could live free and independent in a country ruled entirely by an aristocratic government, but this was not the case, and would not have been so even if fortune had raised me to a seat in that same government, for the Republic of Venice, considering that its primary duty is to preserve its own integrity, finds itself the slave of its own policy, and is bound to sacrifice everything to self-preservation, before which the laws themselves cease to be inviolable.

And as the years went on, the memory of all their folly, falseness, and hypocrisy was curiously altered and subdued and the memory that grew more vivid and dominant was of a little family, one of millions huddled below the immense and timeless skies that bend above us, lost in the darkness of nameless and unnumbered lives upon the lonely wilderness of life that is America, and banked together against these giant antagonists, for comfort, warmth, and love, with a courage and integrity that would not die and could not be forgotten.

Speaking on the reunion of the Churches the peoples of the East are anxious to know--not whether the Church of the West has preserved the unmixed Christian spirit in its integrity, but whether this Church still keeps Filioque as a dogma, and whether she has ikons, and whether she allows eggs and milk in Lent.

Let us have ambition enough to keep our simplicity, our frugality, and our integrity, and transmit these virtues as the fairest of inheritance to our children.

Orders from superiors, pressures from influential individuals, offers of financial and political gainand regrets for early idealisms abandoned, tarnished integrity, disappointed dreams.

To judge from the materials in the first bag, the late Miss Gorell had devoted at least half her time and energy to undermining the reputations of rival authors, impugning their scholarship and intellectual integrity in book reviews, essays in literary magazines, radio and television interviews, and public lectures.

These sacs, called lysosomes, require ATP to maintain the integrity of their double walls.

Allerton, maugre the heat and mosquitos, these latter beasts of prey being kept at bay by the integrity of Mrs.

Speaking of lacking a shred of integrity, I hear that rat Mysterioso is gonna demand a fifty percent increase.

Pitt endeavoured to wrest the miscarriage of the expedition to his prejudice, but the whispers of faction were soon drowned in the voice of the whole people of England, who never could persuade themselves that a gentleman raised to the height of power and popularity by mere dint of superior merit, integrity, and disinterestedness, would now sacrifice his reputation by a mock armament, or hazard incurring the derision of Europe, by neglecting to obtain all the necessary previous information, or doing whatever might contribute to the success of the expedition.

Even his attempt to restore the integrity of the coin was opposed by a formidable insurrection.