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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Insectary \In"sec*ta*ry\, n. A place for keeping living insects. -- In`sec*ta"ri*um, n.


n. A type of live insect zoo, or a museum or exhibit of live insects and similar arthropod.


An insectarium is a live insect zoo, or a museum or exhibit of live insects. Insectariums often display a variety of insects and similar arthropods, such as spiders, beetles, cockroaches, ants, bees, millipedes, centipedes, crickets, grasshoppers, stick insects, scorpions, and mantids. Displays can focus on learning about insects, types of insects, their habitats, why they are important, and the work of entomologists, arachnologists, and other scientists that study terrestrial arthropods and similar animals.

Insectarium (Philadelphia)

The Insectarium is a museum about insects located in the Northeast part of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The museum opened in 1992 and features displays of many types of live insects, mounted specimens, exhibits and hands-on activities. Examples of the live insects (and other arthropods) include honeybees, tarantulas, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, praying mantis, millipedes, beetles, water bugs, ants, and crickets.

Usage examples of "insectarium".

I’m always so careful—I’ll put double locks on the insectarium immediately.

She amassed such a bulging insectarium that she feared Poe might not make it through customs.