a dramatic increase/rise
▪ There has been a dramatic rise in fuel costs.
a growing/increasing need
▪ She emphasized the growing need to deal with environmental problems.
a growing/increasing number
▪ An increasing number of women are entering the profession.
a growing/increasing/rising trend
▪ a growing trend towards globalization in world markets
a growth/rise/increase in exports
▪ The electronics sector has seen a 16% growth in exports.
a huge loss/profit/increase etc
▪ a huge increase in cost
a level rises/goes up/increases
▪ The level of unemployment has increased.
a number increases/goes up/grows/rises
▪ The number of mobile phones has increased dramatically.
a pay increase
▪ Teachers will be awarded a 6% pay increase this year.
a percentage increase/change
▪ Poorer pensioners experienced the greatest percentage increase in their pensions.
a population grows/increases/rises
▪ Between these years the population grew by 40%.
a price goes up/rises/increases
▪ When supplies go down, prices tend to go up.
a price rise/increase
▪ Consumers are facing more fuel price rises.
a rapid increase/rise
▪ The country cannot cope with a rapid increase in population.
a rent increase
▪ How can they justify such big rent increases?
a rise/increase in unemployment
▪ The crisis meant a sharp rise in unemployment.
a rise/increase in value
▪ We saw a rapid increase in the land’s value.
a salary increase
▪ He was given a huge salary increase.
a steady increase/rise
▪ The campus has benefited from a steady increase in student numbers.
a wage increase/rise
▪ The rail workers demanded a 20% wage increase.
an increased/reduced risk
▪ Those who smoke have an increased risk of heart disease.
an increase/growth in sales
▪ The company is expecting a 20% increase in sales next year.
an increase/rise in expenditure
▪ The government has announced a planned 4.4% increase in public expenditure.
an increase/rise in salary
▪ They were offered a 10% increase in salary.
boost/increase sb’s confidence (=make someone feel more confident)
▪ One of my stories was published, which really boosted my confidence.
consumption rises/increases/goes up
▪ Consumption of unleaded fuel rose by 17% in 1992.
demand rises/increases
▪ Demand for energy has continued to rise.
earnings rise/increase
▪ Average earnings increased by 5 per cent last year.
exports increase/rise/grow
▪ Electronics exports grew more slowly than in previous years.
extend/increase/stretch sb’s lead (=make the lead bigger)
▪ The Australian rugby team extended its lead with a try from Stirling Mortlock.
fractional increase
▪ a fractional increase
gain/grow/increase in popularity
▪ Extreme sports are growing in popularity.
greater/increased efficiency
▪ In a search for greater efficiency, the two departments have merged.
greatly increased/reduced
▪ The cost of repairs has greatly increased in recent years.
growing/increasing importance
▪ the growing importance of the Internet as a source of information
growing/increasing inequality
▪ Income trends are shifting form increasing equality to increasing inequality.
growing/increasing resentment
▪ Soon growing resentment against foreigners erupted into violence.
growing/increasing/rising popularity
▪ This may be the key to explaining Celtic music's increasing popularity.
growing/rising/increased expectations (=becoming higher)
▪ China's economy will grow considerably over the next five years, bringing rising expectations of wealth.
imports increase/rise/grow
▪ Imports increased by 13 percent last year.
improve/increase efficiency
▪ The company is taking steps to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
▪ Recent efforts by American business to increase efficiency seem to have failed.
in large/increasing/limited etc numbers
▪ Birds nest here in large numbers.
increase a level
▪ Healthy eating can increase your energy level.
increase a majority (=get more votes than you had before)
▪ Labour increased its majority in the area.
increase a risk
▪ Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.
increase expenditure
▪ The company plans to increase capital expenditure by 20% this financial year.
increase imports
▪ The company increased imports in order to cut domestic production costs.
increase inequality
▪ Some of the government's policies have actually increased inequalities between men and women.
increase sb’s salary
▪ His salary was increased to £80,000 a year.
increase the chance of sth
▪ Certain foods increase the chance of heart disease.
increase the number of sth
▪ As you improve, increase the number of times you do each exercise.
increase your fitness
▪ Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, will increase your fitness.
increase your income
▪ She took on extra work to increase her income.
increase your speed
▪ He increased his speed until he was running flat out.
increase/boost demand
▪ A very hard winter boosted the demand for natural gas.
increased sixfold
▪ Burglaries have increased sixfold.
increased tenfold
▪ Business has increased tenfold in the past two years.
increased/increasing emphasis
▪ Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis on creating more jobs.
increased/increasing emphasis
▪ Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis on creating more jobs.
increased/increasing/growing demand
▪ One of the problems is the growing demand for housing.
increased/increasing/growing demand
▪ One of the problems is the growing demand for housing.
increase/improve your knowledge
▪ If you want to improve your knowledge of the language, you should go and live in France.
▪ In the past twenty years, we have greatly increased our knowledge of how the brain works.
increase/improve/enhance sb’s understanding
▪ The classes really helped to increase our understanding of the subject.
increase/improve/raise productivity
▪ ways of increasing productivity
increase/push up the cost
▪ The new tax will increase the cost of owning a car.
increase/raise spending
▪ He has increased public spending and raised taxes.
increase/raise the rent (also put up the rent British English)
▪ The landlord wants to put up the rent.
increase/reduce the dosage
increase/reduce/add to etc sb’s workload
▪ We’ve got to find ways of reducing Gail’s workload next year.
increase/rise by half (=become 50% more)
▪ The number of passengers using the service has increased by half.
increase/rise/fall etc in production
▪ a drop in oil and gas production
increase/rise/go up in value
▪ The dollar has been steadily increasing in value.
increasing/growing competition
▪ the growing competition between banks
increasing/growing/mounting/rising tension
▪ There are reports of increasing tension in some areas.
increasing/mounting anxiety
▪ There is mounting anxiety about the rise in violent crime.
increasing/mounting pressure
▪ There was increasing pressure on the Chancellor to cut petrol tax.
modest increase
▪ a modest increase in costs
noticeable difference/change/increase etc
▪ a noticeable improvement in air quality
phenomenal growth/rise/increase
▪ California had experienced a phenomenal growth in population.
population increase
▪ The population increase in the region is a cause for concern.
profits rise/increase/grow
▪ Half of the firms surveyed expected profits to rise.
progressive decline/reduction/increase etc
▪ the progressive increase in population
put up/increase/raise a price
▪ Manufacturers have had to put their prices up.
raise/increase taxes (also put up taxes British English)
▪ He claimed the Labour Party would put up taxes.
raise/increase the tension
▪ The arrests only served to raise the tension.
represent a change/an advance/an increase etc
▪ This treatment represents a significant advance in the field of cancer research.
rise/increase sharply
▪ The value of early photographs has risen sharply in recent years.
sales increase/rise/grow/go up
▪ Sales rose by 9% last year.
sb’s confidence grows/increases
▪ Since she started her new school, her confidence has grown a lot.
sb’s income rises/increases/goes up
▪ They saw their income rise considerably over the next few years.
tax increases
▪ He accused the president of planning the biggest tax increases in U.S. history.
the rent increases/goes up
▪ The rent has gone up by over 50% in the last two years.
the value of sth increases/rises
▪ The value of the land had increased by $2m.
twofold increase
▪ a twofold increase in cases of TB
unemployment increases/rises
▪ During their term in office unemployment increased by 50 percent.
with alarming/increasing etc regularity
▪ Our team kept losing with monotonous regularity in a way that seems boring or annoying.
with increasing frequency (=more and more often)
▪ Side effects from prescribed drugs are being reported with increasing frequency.
▪ Petrol will increase by around 11p a gallon with annual road tax rising from £110 to £130.
▪ Thus, lease payments for the office will increase by more than $ 90, 000 a year.
▪ This had no effect on the rate ratio estimates but the width of the confidence intervals was increased by about 50%.
▪ Although these were prosperous years, disposable income of individuals increased by only about 2 I percent.
▪ From 1979 to 1988 they increased by about 34 percent., and there have been further improvements since 1988.
▪ In addition, parked domain names increased by over 40,000 to a new total of 210,000.
▪ The wages of public sector employees were increased by up to 200 percent, with 350 percent increases for health and education workers.
▪ Since 1994, troop strength has increased by roughly 15 percent, to about 180, 000.
▪ Over the past 30 years Western living standards have increased dramatically, yet the sense of well-being has plummeted.
▪ But the pace and complexity will increase dramatically under deregulation, as will the number of electricity vendors, energy analysts say.
▪ The reason is that crime has increased dramatically under the Government.
▪ To match federal program cuts, that proportion would have to dramatically increase.
▪ Already more than 100 management agreements are under discussion and the number is expected to increase dramatically now that the guidelines are in force.
▪ Until the trend was arrested, the size of committee staffs had been increasing dramatically in recent years.
▪ The fact that bumiputra ownership had increased dramatically, no doubt helped smooth the way.
▪ By having regular contact with her and then following her guidance, you will dramatically increase the likelihood of success.
▪ This has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of the withdrawal reflex in response to subsequence stimulation of the siphon alone.
▪ But that, of course, would greatly increase the amount of plutonium to be dealt with.
▪ Although the number recorded has greatly increased in recent years, no real change in status may have occurred.
▪ However, the mass of equipment required on Mars to extract and process water may be greatly increased.
▪ Compulsory seating at football grounds has greatly increased my enjoyment of games.
▪ Materials represent a healthy balance between theoretical and applied knowledge, and all have a multiple use potential greatly increasing their value.
▪ He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
▪ Now, with the new administration, he is working to see the program and its monies greatly increased. reformer circles.
▪ Women had the vote, and education and employment opportunities had increased significantly for single women.
▪ For reasons that remain obscure, caffeine significantly increases the analgesic effectiveness of both aspirin and aspirin substitutes such as acetaminophen.
▪ It replaces two ole cast iron systems and will significantly increase production.
▪ Nygard and his team found that coffee not only raised levels of blood cholesterol, but also significantly increased homocysteine.
▪ Utilization rates for both these services increase significantly with the age of older people.
▪ Since then, the number of direct sales outlets has increased significantly.
▪ This information has significantly increased man's knowledge of the lunar environment.
▪ Also, for whatever reason, the number of applicants has significantly increased.
▪ Demand looks set to increase steadily at about 1.4% a year, as clean-burning gas replaces oil and coal.
▪ After the second month of pregnancy, estriol levels steadily increase as the placenta takes over estrogen production. 344.
▪ The attendance has increased steadily over the years and the conference attracts more and more international participants.
▪ Throughout the fall of 1989, a steadily increasing number of employees requested transfers out of Black &038; White.
▪ Subsequently, he steadily increases his short position in futures, so that at delivery he has 1905 contracts.
▪ Since the woman collapsed in 1988, the first diagnosed hyponatremia case at the Canyon, cases of hyponatremia have steadily increased.
▪ The average size of the sentenced prison population has been increasing steadily since the Second World War.
▪ Before that, money had increased steadily since January 1994.
▪ They also increase the amount of sensory stimulation it receives.
▪ Simplifies tax filing for thousands of middle-income Californians by increasing the exemption amounts used in calculating the Alternative Minimum Tax.
▪ In addition, an expanding Kingston required increasing amounts of fruit and market garden produce which are currently the main products.
▪ This means that equilibrium quantity will increase by an amount greater than that which either change would have entailed in isolation.
▪ Brown algae is generally an indication of quite low lighting levels and increasing the amount of light will overcome this problem.
▪ And for fourteen years, Nucor had paid a dividend to its stockholders, increasing the amount of the dividend each year.
▪ We have increased the amount being spent on the coastguard service and a good coastguard service is available to our coastline.
▪ When those goals are respected, we may have the opportunity to spend increasing amounts.
▪ It should be noted that there is possibly another option, that is for the company to increase its capacity.
▪ Because of the limited bandwidth available over existing telephone lines, the telcos must increase their last mile capacity.
▪ We will reduce airport congestion by increasing the capacity of our air traffic control.
▪ Key reasons include an ability to increase capacity and to compete globally.
▪ A 250-bedroom extension to the Excelsior will increase total capacity to 1,576 rooms not counting Skyway's 450 rooms.
▪ Pursuing new technologies to increase roadway capacity without adding travel lanes has become fashionable.
▪ So far, there are indications that technology developments can, within five years, increase the capacity of existing trainers tenfold.
▪ Their luminal surfaces possess microvilli which increase the absorptive capacity of the cells.
▪ The only defendant to testify was Salaam, a move which most observers saw as having increased his chances of conviction.
▪ And the change could also increase Moore's chances of a place in the Test line-up.
▪ If she is 14 rather than 10, it could increase her chances of getting to keep her child, Hay said.
▪ Thus issue of pasting in photographs etc. would be resolved and so increase the chances of having the complete story.
▪ The decrease in muscle strength can be accompanied by impaired balance, which increases the chance of falling and breaking bones.
▪ What this illustrates is the tenacity of testators towards formulae which they believe increase the chances of their dispositions being observed.
▪ For such clients, setting intermediate goals increases the chances of initial success, which will keep their motivation up.
▪ This has increased the demand for new facilities, but the supply of teams remains limited.
▪ Increasing life expectancy has increased the demands for medical care, retirement communities, and nursing homes.
▪ This growth itself increases the demand for money.
▪ To get more funding, one community mental health center demonstrated an increased demand from dislocated workers.
▪ Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
▪ Speculation that the cold weather increased demand for heating oil pushed prices higher in early trading.
▪ As we move up the hierarchy towards elite sport, there is an increasing demand to watch sporting competitions.
▪ The topographical setting of an urban area can increase the frequency and severity of adverse meteorological conditions.
▪ Personal secrets have turned into public issues and, with increasing frequency, public scandals.
▪ Sneezing comes early and with increasing frequency.
▪ Nevertheless, teachers may improve their effectiveness by increasing the frequency of positive responses while reducing the negative.
▪ Dexter sighed with increasing frequency when sent out to check yet another marriage bureau.
▪ Anxiety and despair broke through it with increasing frequency.
▪ Another mechanism, called transposition, can also increase the frequency of one variant through the genome.
▪ It was, in other words, the kind of book you encounter with increased frequency as you move through college.
▪ From the point of view of capital the sector would have increased in importance by a half.
▪ Another argument in favour of the provinces is that the steady decentralisation of justice from London naturally increases the importance of the provincial Bar.
▪ Indeed as the public domain has become more impersonal and technical so the family has increased in importance.
▪ This increases the importance of competition as a structuring agent. 3.
▪ The 1970s and 1980s have been marked by an ever increasing realisation of the importance of home - school relationships.
▪ The second assumption is that additional tax relief will indeed increase the level of giving.
▪ Regular blood tests of the sequestered biospherians showed increased levels of pesticides and herbicides in their blood.
▪ If I build a trickle filter, holding approximately 10 gallons, will I be able to increase my stocking level?
▪ As black participation in the economy increased, the level of repression to enforce apartheid was stepped up.
▪ It is not good practice to use extra filter capacity to increase stocking levels in the main tank.
▪ As the dosage increased above that level, activity dropped.
▪ Gradually he had started to reject food which had increased her level of anxiety and gained him more attention.
▪ As hospitals continue to consolidate, centralize, and diversify functions, competition will increase at all job levels.
▪ The first two Conservative governments presided over an economy which produced ever increasing numbers of unemployed people.
▪ Keeping churches open is the main reason nonpriests are overseeing an increasing number of parishes.
▪ Changes in lifestyle and increasing numbers of households also mean that more homes will be required.
▪ Banks say the devices increase the number of personal loan transactions.
▪ With data filtering one pays the price of decreasing the effective library redundancy and increasing the number of hybridisations.
▪ An increasing number of mid-level consultants had learned new skills.
▪ It supports the Futurebus+, increasing the number of user priorities LynxOS can process to include rate, multiprocessing and scheduling.
▪ To work, your strategy must continually increase the number of people joining you in taking responsibility for change.
▪ As a result increasing numbers are registering with tourist boards, even though this means allowing inspectors on their premises.
▪ I see increasing numbers of anemones and a couple of empty mussel shells.
▪ Were merchants and artisans increasing in numbers at the expense of other classes?
▪ But then all hell broke loose, geologically speaking, as increasing numbers of sources for the rock were discovered.
▪ Above them, Hunters swarmed in increasing numbers.
▪ Once uncommon in our waters, they have become more abundant as anchovies, a favored food, have increased in numbers.
▪ The first two Conservative governments presided over an economy which produced ever increasing numbers of unemployed people.
▪ Changes in lifestyle and increasing numbers of households also mean that more homes will be required.
▪ The Act has also vastly increased the powers of Immigration Officers.
▪ Organizational environments are always uncertain, so departments that can cope effectively with uncertainty can increase their power within the organization.
▪ The power of the chief executive or minister can in this way be used to increase the power of some one else.
▪ Board of Education in 1954 increased federal power in education.
▪ Others, including Stead, attacked the bill for increasing the arbitrary power of the police on the streets.
▪ The continuously falling price and increasing power of desk-top computers has led to their widespread availability and use.
▪ Fundamentalist religious groups have increased their power in Ulster in recent decades, especially the free presbyterians.
▪ Even before last week's decision bureaucrats were debating whether to lower the target because of the increasing hostility to nuclear power.
▪ In a functional department we face quite properly increasing pressure on our resources.
▪ But in recent weeks Gen McCaffrey has come under increasing pressure.
▪ That has increased pressure to move to a more professional army.
▪ By the early 1960s, however, there was increasing pressure for control over immigration.
▪ Once on its own, Nielsen will be under increased pressure to perform.
▪ The Institute is now under increasing pressure to open up its disciplinary hearings to the public.
▪ In the past 30 years house prices have increased by 135 % and wages by only 60 %.
▪ If the opposite holds true, equilibrium price will increase.
▪ The continuously falling price and increasing power of desk-top computers has led to their widespread availability and use.
▪ For example, many technology stocks in 1995 had stock price increases that far surpassed their profits.
▪ The price of a job increases with its potential returns.
▪ So competition for markets from the cheaper products made on newly installed machinery would hold price increases down to the existing rate.
▪ Crabb said non-ferrous prices now appear to have stabilized at lower levels and ferrous prices have increased.
▪ But china clay production has increased.
▪ Oil imports began to decline as domestic production began to increase.
▪ This is interpreted as being indicative of the different functions which are served by comprehension and production with increasing age.
▪ The speed of production has increased, and the distribution of workers and work flow has dispersed.
▪ Advocates of globalisation advise third world economic planners to divert water away from food production to increase manufacturing.
▪ The polyester products maker attributed the forecast to weak world-wide demand that has lowered production volumes and increased manufacturing costs.
▪ The educational system is partly concerned with producing the skills and expertise to expand production and increase its efficiency.
▪ The higher prices would dovetail nicely with production capacity increases that are already in the pipeline.
▪ Much additional work has to be done to increase productivity further.
▪ Nearly a third of respondents also said they increased their productivity by working at home.
▪ In January 1987, it asked suppliers to increase their productivity by 5% a year, for five years.
▪ Here as elsewhere in the developing world, traffic snarls have increased tensions and decreased productivity.
▪ The drive to increase productivity resulted in a series of conflicts with the unions as Sir Michael sought the right to manage.
▪ Nor has the focus of government industrial research been on increasing the efficiency and productivity of existing industry.
▪ In other spheres attempts to increase productivity had been blocked.
▪ For example, improved pregnancy outcome that reduces infant mortality will increase productivity in the labor force in 16 to 25 years.
▪ Pretax profit increased 17 percent to 44 million.
▪ Its operating profits have increased by 20% from £22.5 million to £27.1 million.
▪ Such saving is specifically used to increase productive capital and future profits.
▪ Revenues and profits increased dramatically, and Mega achieved its 1984 plan.
▪ Group pre-tax profits to 30 June increased from £7.11m to £9.22m on turnover ahead just 3 percent to £181m.
▪ The Memphis company is a fast grower, with profits increasing more than 20 % in each of the past two years.
▪ They contribute 14 percent of the greenhouse effect and are increasing at the rate of 6 percent a year.
▪ Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.
▪ Over past years, locals had experienced increasing crime rates and a growing fear of crime.
▪ The total cost curve increases at a decreasing rate over some range and then begins to increase at an increasing rate.
▪ This increases your heart rate and encourages more oxygen into the body as you breathe more quickly.
▪ Those substances increase the heart rate and blood pressure, and may increase the substances that help form clots.
▪ Productivity growth Faster scrapping of old plant as a result of insufficient labour should increase the rate of growth of labour productivity.
▪ The average cost then increases at a slower rate and eventually approaches the marginal cost.
▪ Continual weight fluctuation increases the risk of heart disease and early death.
▪ Certain medical conditions increase the risk of taking sleeping pills.
▪ For high risk junctions increasing exemplar risk is associated with an increase in the amount of information described.
▪ For two decades, research has re-ported that anger is related to an increased risk of heart attack.
▪ Hypothesis Power lines, cancer and cyclotron resonance Living close to overhead power lines may increase the risk of cancer in humans.
▪ It had increased the risk of war while making war immeasurably more dangerous.
▪ However, installing a medium or large computer with pre-packaged software severely increases the risk.
▪ Controlling for the other variables, Thaler and Rosen found a clear systematic tendency for wage rates to rise with increasing risk.
▪ Layout and design can make a great difference in increasing sales.
▪ The company today increased its sales estimate for 1996 for its storage products for computer linked on networks, its newest business.
▪ Only Ireland had increased vehicle sales in April.
▪ He has increased sales every year since he started his company.
▪ It's no use increasing sales by £500 if the campaign itself cost £1000!
▪ This would have increased city sales tax revenues to cover property tax losses -- for the city.
▪ They want to increase sales by selling to anyone regardless of whether we are likely to get paid or not. 3.
▪ And although our markets are declining we have increased our market share in all sectors.
▪ Lower classes find that only violence enables their class to increase its relative share of values.
▪ Lloyd's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks.
▪ To increase its market share, Ethyl has been trading companies.
▪ Employment in construction rose by two-thirds over the six years, increasing its share of nonagricultural employment by more than half a million.
▪ There is every reason to believe that the developing countries will continue to draw an increasing share of worldwide investment funds.
▪ Stockbroker Hoare Govett believes that radio could increase its share by 5 percent by 1995.
▪ Pilaster strip decoration is usual and small windows, increasing in size towards the top.
▪ Community usage can also be indicated by gradually increasing the type size.
▪ Knit the same number of rows as knitted on the ribber, increasing stitch size by two dots on each row.
▪ Instead, we can expect companies to increase the size of the public relations screen used to hide what is going on.
▪ Females tend to remain in their natal units, which thereby increase gradually in size.
▪ Several years ago a director of one of our divisions wanted to increase the size of the printing order.
▪ There was, however, still no agreement on increasing net mesh size to help conserve stocks.
▪ During the inflationary phase, the universe increases its size by a very large amount.
▪ They have been hit by the present Government, under whom the tax burden has increased.
▪ The second assumption is that additional tax relief will indeed increase the level of giving.
▪ The public squabbling over tax and fee increases recalled a similar exchange from the 1992 presidential campaign.
▪ Corporation tax, by increasing the fixed costs, in effect raises the entry barriers to the industry.
▪ How could the federal government make up the revenue drain that would result to avoid raising other taxes or increasing the deficit?
▪ To put it another way, reducing income tax will increase people's capacity to afford more leisure.
▪ The poll tax will increase the numbers eligible for housing benefit.
▪ If you would like to give a child an investment present that will increase in value, phone 0898-666629 for advice.
▪ Materials represent a healthy balance between theoretical and applied knowledge, and all have a multiple use potential greatly increasing their value.
▪ Because so much has been put into making such fine volumes, they have tended to increase in value year by year.
▪ Firms connected with Brown and Root did even better, increasing in value an average of 1. 64 percent.
▪ Our house has increased in value and we feel lucky that we're not affected by the slump in the housing market.
▪ A key way employees will find to increase their value to the company will be through service on these task forces.
▪ As present value increases relative to future value for a given term to maturity, the interest rate declines. 3.
▪ Whether leisure time increases or decreases as wage rates rise is an empirical question.
▪ But opposition from the business community to increasing the minimum wage is already in place.
▪ When taxes were increased, wages and benefits were also increased accordingly.
▪ Being of very modest means, but having some contacts upon the turf, he attempted to increase his wages by gambling.
▪ Then we showed that increasing the after-tax wage would encourage labour force participation by those not currently in the labour force.
▪ He defends prevailing wage laws for skilled construction workers and supports increasing the minimum wage.
▪ These changes reflected Government policy of increasing resources and wages for the police and fire service.
▪ Theoretically, the commission could increase the minimum wage before the election.
▪ The number of long-term unemployed has continued to increase and in January totalled 2,286.
▪ After fourth grade, the amount of schoolwork continues to increase gradually until grade seven, when another large jump occurs.
▪ But after three relatively small grape harvests in a row coupled with continuing strong consumer demand, grape prices continue to increase.
▪ As the hours of flying continued, the tension increased.
▪ Select new skin-care products. Continue exercise programme, increasing swimming to twenty lengths, walking to twenty minutes.
▪ But Clinton insists that new technologies will improve energy efficiency, enabling developing countries to continue economic growth without increasing emissions.
▪ His bosses, the directors, say they look forward to next year, when they expect new business to increase.
▪ Instead, we can expect companies to increase the size of the public relations screen used to hide what is going on.
▪ It expects it to increase in value.
▪ It is reasonable to expect gun ownership to increase in the more conservative communities in the Bay Area.
▪ Either way, climate extremes are expected to increase.
▪ Some analysts had been expecting comparable-store sales to increase in the 6 % range.
▪ Continental is expected to try and increase its stake - or bid.
▪ Aetrium Inc., which reported better-than-#expected earnings Tuesday, increased 1 to 19 3 / 4.
ever-increasing/ever-present etc
exponential growth/increase etc
▪ If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus, an exponential increase would have been expected.
▪ Most market professionals agree that the tax-deferred funds are a major force behind the exponential growth in stock prices.
▪ Text messaging has experienced exponential growth in the past year.
▪ This diversification has been shown to correspond closely to a simple exponential growth model.
punitive taxes/price increases etc
▪ a program to increase output by 14%
▪ Gradually the noise and traffic increased as they approached the city.
▪ Health care costs increased from £1.9 billion in 2000 to £4 billion in 2001.
▪ High alcohol consumption increases the risk of liver disease.
▪ Hormone levels increase throughout pregnancy.
▪ Major league clubs have increased in number from 26 to 28.
▪ Revenue and profits have increased dramatically this year.
▪ Some analysts say the new law could increase expectations of an economic recovery.
▪ The city plans to increase the number of public housing units.
▪ The Clean Air Act would increase the cost of electric power in the Midwest.
▪ The company has increased its workforce to 1,500 employees
▪ The cut in interest rates will help to increase confidence in the housing market.
▪ The excitement is increasing inside the stadium as we wait for the teams to come out onto the field.
▪ The government is increasing pressure on drug-traffickers.
▪ The imposition of martial law will only increase violence and repression.
▪ The number of high school students using LSD has increased to its highest level since 1986.
▪ The party aims to increase the number of women elected to Congress.
▪ The President's popularity has increased enormously in recent months.
▪ The price of cigarettes has increased by 30% in the last two years.
▪ The telephone company has had to increase its workforce by 10 percent.
▪ Breeders can increase production by taking an egg away and putting it in an incubator to hatch.
▪ But there is no evidence, so far, that it plans to increase its total number of warheads.
▪ Gate income won't exactly increase either over the remainder of what appears to be a relegation season.
▪ Others, including Stead, attacked the bill for increasing the arbitrary power of the police on the streets.
▪ The melting point increases with depth in the Earth because of the increasing pressure.
▪ Trade credit properly controlled can increase both your sales and your profits.
▪ Women can not increase their fecundity by taking more mates; men can.
▪ The five-year programme was budgeted to cost 22,750,000 million yen, at an average annual increase of around 3 percent.
▪ The number of state and federal inmates rose by 89, 707, which was the largest annual increase in history.
▪ Its annual increase in the 1980s was 1 percent.
▪ That is the highest annual increase in 15 years.
▪ The budget has reached £54,500 for the year with annual increases outstripping inflation.
▪ The school tax will remain in effect for eight years, with 4 percent annual increases.
▪ Between 1974 and 1978 there was an annual rate of increase in retail prices in excess of 17%.
▪ This compares with an average annual increase of 0.5-0.6 percent in the 1950s and 1960s.
▪ Women are working more across the board, but the biggest increase has come from women married to higher-earning husbands.
▪ He noted California experienced two big gasoline price increases in the 1990s.
▪ Large cuts in state spending and big increases in charges for fuels and utilities resulted.
▪ You know what has been the cause of the big increase in murders?
▪ It seems that many buildings will soon become unsafe unless there is a big increase in funds available for much-needed work.
▪ Only a big increase in volume has allowed dealers like Salomon to maintain revenue and profits.
▪ A big increase in the number of elderly people has to profoundly change the nature of the system.
▪ He discovered that diffusing the transmitted light resulted in a dramatic increase in the resolution of such cryptic features.
▪ Other dangers are dramatic increases and decreases in blood pressure, paranoia and psychosis.
▪ Interviews done in the week after the shows aired found dramatic increases in awareness and understanding of medical issues surrounding both topics.
▪ Male speaker We've seen quite a dramatic increase this year.
▪ Taken together, they constitute a quite dramatic increase in inequality.
▪ However, during the late 1960s a dramatic and unprecedented increase in public concern for the environment occurred.
▪ Although the figure is small, it represents a dramatic increase compared with a total of six elected officials in 1962.
▪ The second-round effect of the increased government expenditure will be a further increase in national income of £40 million.
▪ But the general principle seems secure: we must beware of any further large increases in the carbon dioxide level.
▪ At this stage we have no plans for further increases.
▪ Out-of-state students, who already pay three to four times more than residents, can expect to see further increases.
▪ Any further increase could push Footsie, which started the year at 1,782.8, below 2,000.
▪ The third-round effect of the increase in government expenditure will be a further increase of £16 million in national income.
▪ Studies since Gorer's indicate a still further increase.
▪ After that the Home Office expected no further increases.
▪ The problem was resolved by a gradual increase in the social division of labour.
▪ A review of her temperature chart showed a gradual increase over the preceding eight hours.
▪ The gradual increase and specialization of radio channels disintegrated the audience.
▪ The main innovation was the gradual increase in the number of Sri Lankan magistrates and judges.
▪ Mr Dorrell said he hoped a gradual tax increase would make the principle more acceptable to drivers.
▪ A falling mortality rate led to a gradual increase in the proportion of the aged in the population.
▪ For women, a pattern of gradual increase was seen by birth cohort in all age groups.
▪ But from 1941 onwards there was a gradual increase in optimism.
▪ One can show that this increase in disorder is always greater than the increase in the order of the memory itself.
▪ The prime result is to make possible a greater increase in population than would be possible on any carnivorous diet.
▪ Assuming a free choice becomes possible, it is difficult to foresee any great increase in the numbers of limited partnerships.
▪ Others claim to have measured even greater increases.
▪ Moreover, we find a greater increase in conductivity with temperature for the carbon-bearing samples.
▪ The expansion of the middle-class was one aspect of the great increase in population marking the nineteenth century.
▪ In this manner I restored many to their senses, with great increase in reputation, and still greater diversion for myself.
▪ The successful LBOs as a group also experienced greater increases in leverage with the buyout.
▪ This is not entirely explained by huge increases in population, as is widely propagated by the mass media and widely believed.
▪ We can point to your huge increase in military spending and then continue on with our own.
▪ In 1921, there was a huge increase in the emigration and physical extinction of households.
▪ Tellingly, huge increases in those behaviors were all launched at around the same time, the era of Woodstock and Stonewall.
▪ One forecasts a huge increase in the ever-escalating costs of the Trident programme.
▪ Government is poised to forecast a huge increase in the extraction of aggregates-one third of which go to roads.
▪ For example, the huge increase in the number of motor vehicles has led to a massive increase in auto-crimes.
▪ That would make a mockery of the Kyoto protocol: instead of cuts, it could lead to huge increases of emissions.
▪ Each Neighbourhood Office was allocated a half-time under-fives worker post, despite a large increase in workload.
▪ Cancer incidence did not rise in the clinic after a large increase in prescriptions for atenolol after 1976.
▪ It is also because improving practice in the area of assessment can be done without requiring large increases in financial resources.
▪ During the years 1918 - 21, a period of severe food shortages, there was a large increase in cattle theft.
▪ However, there was a very large increase in the number of the heaviest vehicles.
▪ A comparison between the 1972 and 1983 studies shows a large increase in the numbers from all social classes gaining O-level qualifications.
▪ Nationally, there has been a marked increase in the sale and consumption of pies.
▪ There has been a marked and regrettable increase in reports from the town over the past year concerning the behaviour of students.
▪ Thus although a marked increase is apparent in recent years it may prove to be due entirely to three freak movements.
▪ It is therefore interesting to find such a marked increase in salaried employment even over this five-year period.
▪ A marked increase in their power would challenge what he surely considered his rightful position within the Yorkist polity.
▪ From the mid 1880s there was a marked increase in the incidence of strikes.
▪ Historically the marked increase in the flow and quality of economic statistics was a valuable outcome of the war effort.
▪ A marked increase in the numbers of nobles had taken place since the early twelfth century.
▪ Trade increased by some 11% from the previous year and showed a massive 62% increase over the last decade.
▪ We are anxious to know where this massive increase will be found?
▪ For example, the huge increase in the number of motor vehicles has led to a massive increase in auto-crimes.
▪ Despite the massive increase in the volume of research in psychology and ethology, little progress seems to have been made.
▪ The main factor causing this redistribution seems to have been a massive increase in non-serious wounding.
▪ Would not a massive increase of jobs ensure that training be integrated to economic revival and be more productive in finding work?
▪ In fact, the massive increase in migration contained a considerable quantity of impermanent movement - temporary, seasonal or merely nomadic.
▪ So modest pay increases were accompanied by a lifting of restrictions on public officials engaging in private enterprise.
▪ Legislative leaders, who approved modest increases in college funding in the last few years, could not be reached Friday.
▪ That is described in the Treasury's paper as a modest increase.
▪ With many excises however, modest price increases have little or 00 effect on sales.
▪ For a very modest increase, the authority could finance the £100 million required for the strategy.
▪ Some predicted modest increases, but others were less optimistic.
▪ The overall exports total showed a modest 0.5 percent increase by value to £8.1billion in November.
▪ Waltham Forest strongly contested the belief that modest revenue increases would be sufficient for reprovision of Claybury.
▪ But by around 1020, the quality of Norman coins declined markedly as a concomitant to the rapid increase in quantity.
▪ The report also notes a rapid increase in the number of single-parent households.
▪ The rapid increase in the number and diversity of states has had long-term consequences for global politics.
▪ This rapid increase failed to materialize, however.
▪ With the rapid increase in biotechnological research, stricter controls with powers of enforcement may well prove necessary in Britain.
▪ However, the rapid increase in the number of science policy-making organs does not necessarily imply efficiency.
▪ There is a rapid and immediate increase in the risk of dying shortly after the index bleed.
▪ Younger age groups are experiencing a rapid increase in the proportion of minorities among their ranks.
▪ Book illustration is a field marked by sharp increases in price over the last two decades.
▪ The budget proposes a sharp fee increase for California community colleges that officials say would cut enrollment.
▪ By 1948 another sharp increase to 19,765 had occurred, with the average daily population exceeding 20,000 in July of that year.
▪ Individual communities saw their own sharp increases in adult cases, with devastating results.
▪ As motorists have found to their cost, the result has been a sharp increase in petrol prices at the pump.
▪ The sharpest increases were in California and New York, the group said.
▪ The decay of Britain's roads has been reflected in a sharp increase in central government's spending on road maintenance.
▪ About 14 percent of the civilian population is enrolled in Medicaid, a sharp increase from 10 percent in 1990.
▪ A market downturn in rig moves was more than compensated for by a significant increase in supporting offshore construction projects.
▪ A homeowner who has paid down that loan or seen a significant increase in property value may no longer need this coverage.
▪ One consequence was a significant increase in violence within the force.
▪ So far, such encouragement has seen a small but significant increase in the numbers of acrylic courts being laid.
▪ It has carried out a five-year study which it says shows no significant increase in radiation is reaching the earth's surface.
▪ A significant increase has been achieved in the income from investments rising from £40,929 to £65,356.
▪ Palatine shareholders are being offered a significant increase in capital value and income, plus a substantial premium over net asset value.
▪ Business Studies continued to show the largest demand with very significant increases recorded in Marketing and Public Relations.
▪ There have, for example, been slight increases in average family size and in the average age at marriage.
▪ Thiazides may cause a slight increase in magnesium excretion.
▪ Textiles accounted for just over a third, after a slight increase that got through to profit.
▪ Here the increment in individual risk from a slight increase in contact rate is negligible, assuming the individual acts alone.
▪ Both figures constitute a slight increase over the previous year.
▪ Transfection with TAP2 a resulted in a slight increase of HLA-A2 and HLA-B5 expression, which we are investigating at present.
▪ Despite continued inflation such small increases in remuneration have been conceded only after many years of negotiation.
▪ Statewide, the agency attributed a small increase in unemployment largely to a drop in agricultural jobs.
▪ Some small increases in women's pay were implemented, but these did not significantly affect the differential between men and women.
▪ Even small increases in CO2 levels can boost biomass production significantly.
▪ Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in men born prematurely.
▪ The forecasters expect some decline in energy prices and a smaller increase in food prices.
▪ Farms are fairly small but increase in size nearer the hills.
▪ This seemingly small increase could pump huge amounts of extra energy into storm systems.
▪ By 1972, that figure had doubled to over 120,000 offences and since then there has been a steady increase.
▪ That steady increase can take them several miles down into the crust.
▪ Their story from then on is one of slow, but steady, increase and diversification.
▪ Unit costs were down and cash flow up, providing a steady increase in the gainsharing payout to employees.
▪ Military returns had reported a steady increase in venereal infection among the men since the 1820s.
▪ It shows steady increases in accidents with injuries, as traffic volumes mounted.
▪ The application of nuclear and radiation physics sees a steady increase in the number of titles.
▪ Shares of consumer product companies that post steady earnings increases even when the economy slows gained this week.
▪ Small wonder so little value has been obtained, despite the substantial increase in resources.
▪ And in civil courts around the country there was a substantial increase in the number of suits filed.
▪ The result has been a substantial increase in homelessness and deprivation.
▪ Will we see a substantial increase in prices from year to year?
▪ The market now seems to be improving and we are anticipating a substantial increase in our volumes during 1993.
▪ In addition, for good measure, a substantial increase in the Government's commitment to hospital building was announced.
▪ He could make substantial increases in the severe weather payments scheme.
▪ This led to a substantial increase in platelet cholesterol concentration, the bulk of this increase being associated with the platelet membrane.
▪ It gives the 3,200 staff a 7.6 percent pay increase.
▪ In addition, some workers who remain with the new company could see their pay increase significantly.
▪ In previous years, their pay increases operated from April.
▪ In return, the union says it will forgo pay increases for 1997.
▪ Strikes An national and indefinite strike of bank workers began on Sept. 12 for pay increases of up to 297 percent.
▪ Each worker learns every plant job, he says, and with each new job comes a pay increase.
▪ We don't want to squander that through lax cost control, irresponsible pay increases and things like that.
▪ The two sides are also at odds over the timing of any pay increase the pilots may receive.
▪ Most investigators have observed that H pylori infection causes a greater percentage increase in the postprandial gastrin than fasting gastrin.
▪ Some examples of percentage increases in dividends over 10 years: McCormick, 400 percent.
▪ This means adding just a little expanded memory produces a large percentage increase in the amount of memory available for data storage.
▪ The percentage increase is about the same as nearly all city workers have received over the last nine months.
▪ The board expects a similar percentage increase in next year's interim dividend from 6.75p to 7p.
▪ Each is asking for more than a double-digit percentage increase.
▪ Operating leverage measures the percentage increase in profits resulting from a given percentage increase in sales.
▪ Unfortunately, faced with price increases of up to 25 percent, many of us decided we could live without champagne.
▪ The success of the price increase also will depend on whether other steelmakers follow.
▪ The government on June 3 liberalized the prices of liquid fuels, producing price increases of between 70 and 113 percent.
▪ Kessler said those price increases would probably not be felt by consumers.
▪ People started shopping hysterically, expecting huge price increases.
▪ The price deflator measures the size of price increases, and detects whether higher costs drive consumers away from a product.
▪ In both countries, the concern with the political and economic effects of price increases has led governments to intervene on tariffs.
▪ He noted California experienced two big gasoline price increases in the 1990s.
▪ The combination of recession, falling property values, rent and rate increases have proved fatal to the nation's business community.
▪ Therefore, the report itself is not likely to trigger a rate increase.
▪ What is the significance of organized resistance to rent or rate increases?
▪ The big cable company said it needed the rate increase to pay for past expenses and future investments.
▪ Building societies would respond to a base rate increase with a hike in their mortgage rates.
▪ Lockyer warned Republicans that they might not get another chance to block the welfare rate increase.
▪ The rate increase is doubly painful for societies with large loss-making estate agency chains.
▪ Insurers learned that the state regulators would, during the panic, give away the store in rate increases.
▪ He doesn't believe that extra money motivates, whether that money be a bonus, profit sharing or a salary increase.
▪ As a result, both candidates for governor are considering earmarking some state aid for salary increases.
▪ The decision of the Tribunal is that a salary increase of 1.69% should apply for 12 months from 1st March 1993.
▪ That means we're overdue for a salary increase in many districts.
▪ Also included in the budget was a 103 percent general salary increase for workers.
▪ Few were in the top echelons, and they regularly fell behind their male colleagues in promotions and salary increases.
▪ The level of salary increases has fallen every year since 1990, when they rose 6. 1 %.
▪ The state is also threatening to fine the company and to block salary increases for its managers.
▪ Given the burgeoning budget deficit, there is a very real likelihood of some form of tax increase in the Budget.
▪ Reduce the deficit through tax increases and some spending restraints.
▪ Support the possibility of keeping a lid on tax increases.
▪ The alternative would be deep spending cuts or tax increases -- or some combination of the two.
▪ Wilson had avoided nearly all tax increases since a record $ 7 billion hike to balance the budget in 1991.
▪ His first budget, in 1991, contained a $ 7 billion tax increase.
▪ The amendment would require a two-thirds vote of Congress to pass tax increase measures.
▪ A formula could be seen as a way to get a fair wage increase and made it easier to deal with differentials.
▪ Sam Nunn said Thursday that he will support a minimum wage increase and oppose a repeal of the gas tax.
▪ The health workers were seeking a 100 percent wage increase and improved conditions.
▪ The average wage increase in industry this spring is slightly below five percent for the first time in four years.
▪ State minimum wage increase opponents contend that it unfairly disadvantages small businesses and has an adverse competitive impact on many labor-intensive industries.
▪ Money wage increases are valued in their own right: workers pay no attention to the purchasing power of the money wage.
▪ They will block further tax cuts, except modest breaks for small businesses to ease the burden of a minimum wage increase.
▪ This will raise its retailer's costs, so causing an increase in price and reduction in output.
▪ For most commodities, a rise in income will cause an increase in demand.
▪ It is this dual defect that causes their considerable sixfold increase in gastrin mediated acid secretion.
▪ Thiazides may cause a slight increase in magnesium excretion.
▪ The overheating causes an increase in overall energy consumption of only 7 %.
▪ When all the chloride is precipitated, further generation of Ag ions causes an increase in conductivity of the solution.
▪ First, because the source and observer are moving away from each other the doppler effect causes an increase in wavelength.
▪ This causes an increase in extracellular potassium concentration.
▪ C Ingle, Ilford Friends and colleagues, most of you I expect are experiencing heavy increases in house and car insurance.
▪ Out-of-state students, who already pay three to four times more than residents, can expect to see further increases.
▪ People started shopping hysterically, expecting huge price increases.
▪ However, there was little disagreement about an expected increase of the disease in the United States.
▪ November sales rose an inflation-adjusted 0.5 per cent, about half the expected increase.
▪ The markets were also pressured Friday by news of bigger-than-#expected increases in industrial production and housing construction during September.
▪ The board expects a similar percentage increase in next year's interim dividend from 6.75p to 7p.
▪ Overall, expect a price increase of 1. 4 % this year.
▪ Finally, there are a number of factors leading to an increase in expenditure that may affect local authorities at particular times.
▪ More obstruction calls mean more power plays, which will lead to an increase in scoring.
▪ In the next chapter we show that taking part-time work usually leads to an increase in domestic responsibility.
▪ Occasionally, a substantially increased platelet or white cell count may lead to apparent increases in plasma potassium concentration.
▪ Rising incomes have led both to an increase in wealth and an increase in borrowing.
▪ For example, the huge increase in the number of motor vehicles has led to a massive increase in auto-crimes.
▪ That would make a mockery of the Kyoto protocol: instead of cuts, it could lead to huge increases of emissions.
▪ This leads to an increase in the translational momentum of the molecule, which is not quantized.
▪ Book illustration is a field marked by sharp increases in price over the last two decades.
▪ The 1995 total marked the second annual increase in a row and exceeded five million for the first time in three years.
▪ The figures mark a tremendous increase in recycling, from one-in-two cans four years ago to today's rate of two-in-three.
▪ The depression of 1884 was marked by a large increase in the number of wedding rings pawned.
▪ Not all data on hip fractures show marked increases in winter.
▪ All are agreed that this escalation of the 36-year-long civil war will mean a marked increase in deaths.
▪ Estate agents also report a sharp increase in their business in the past couple of months.
▪ Now the giant builder is reporting a record increase in contracts and is hiring again.
▪ It took in 400 last year, 500 this; other colleges and schools also report big increases.
▪ In a six-month period ending in April, the center reported a 24 percent increase in errors.
▪ It has reported a 77 p.c. increase in complaints and cited pension transfer advice as one of the biggest problem areas.
▪ Ed Pollard of the Secret Service reported a forty-percent increase in death threats.
▪ The market reaction was even more bizarre considering Betterware reported an increase in first-half pre-tax profits of 52 percent to £1.12m.
▪ A decrease in µ represents an increase in polarization, since the range is increasing as µ becomes smaller.
▪ This represents a 25 % increase over the figure for 1994, which was itself sharply higher than for 1993.
▪ This represents an increase of £188.63 per month, 39 percent more than in May 1988.
▪ Salinity has reached 14 parts per thousand which represents a 40 percent increase since 1951.
▪ This represents an increase of 13.4 per cent compared to the previous year's results.
▪ The investment by 3i represented a 73% increase over the previous year, which ended at 31 March 1990.
▪ This years figure of £36.6 million represents an increase of 22% on last years value of £30 million.
▪ Eventhat figure represented a huge increase on previous statistics.
▪ Under such circumstances monopolisation would result in an increase in total surplus.
▪ Later it was re-thought that recycling might result in reduced increases for garbage service.
▪ Mr Lamont said a freeze in bills last year would have resulted in substantial increases for many businesses this year.
▪ Officials have said the bonds will be retired with surplus water system funds and will result in no tax increase.
▪ This was to result in an overall increase of fifty beds.
▪ Estais said the 3. 7 percent rise resulted from an increase in sales of low-priced champagnes and wines.
▪ But both seem extremely problematic and poorly thought out, and if implemented might just result in an increase in infections.
▪ Over the past 12 months, it has seen its membership increase by 26 % to 351.
▪ Out-of-state students, who already pay three to four times more than residents, can expect to see further increases.
▪ One moved out of the city centre and has seen business increase at its new premises.
▪ In addition, some workers who remain with the new company could see their pay increase significantly.
▪ The island is beginning to see an increase in foreign visitors, but as yet very little development has taken place.
▪ We were interested in seeing if this increase was significant from the point of view of higher-level processes.
▪ During the recession Gloucestershire's seen sizable increases in unemployment. 2 years ago the total was just under 8,000.
▪ Despite this diversion the board grew significantly showing an overall increase in income of 20% this year.
▪ Trade increased by some 11% from the previous year and showed a massive 62% increase over the last decade.
▪ All sociological indicators show that custody increases criminality.
▪ The poor growers A and B showed almost identical increase.
▪ This year we need to show a 5% increase but are currently 200 down on last year.
▪ Crime committed every six seconds New figures show an increase in the crime rate to one committed every six seconds.
▪ However the statistics are compiled, an examination of local government expenditure shows a steady increase over the years.
▪ Mr. Page Although the figures show a dramatic increase, is not my right hon. and learned Friend being characteristically modest?
▪ a 12% increase in phone charges
▪ a 50% increase in the city's health budget
▪ A spokesman for the airline said that much of the cost increase was caused by tightening of security.
▪ an increase in consumer spending
▪ Improved airline service led to an 18.7% increase in tourists to Africa last year.
▪ Recent wage increases have boosted morale in the company.
▪ There could be fare increases of up to 10%.
▪ There has been a marked increase in opposition to military action.
▪ There was an increase of about 17% in the urban population between 1910 and 1920.
▪ There will be no increase in student enrolments this year.
▪ What is the reason for the increase in gang hostility in small towns?
▪ An increase in the traffic marked the end of a timetable period.
▪ Clearly Oswiu experienced a tremendous increase in personal power and prestige following his victory at the Winwaed.
▪ Much of that increase was in the fee portion of student bills, which are set and retained by the individual colleges.
▪ Not all data on hip fractures show marked increases in winter.
▪ Sure, there has been grumbling over the price increases, but more for sport than out of real pain.
▪ The Government is also understood to be divided over whether the increase in base rates will provoke a recession.
▪ Wilson had avoided nearly all tax increases since a record $ 7 billion hike to balance the budget in 1991.