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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
... and the devil take the hindmost
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hind \Hind\, a. [Compar. Hinder; superl. Hindmost, or Hindermost.] [OE. hind, adv., back, AS. hindan behind. See Hinder, a.] In the rear; -- opposed to front; of or pertaining to the part or end which follows or is behind, in opposition to the part which leads or is before; as, the hind legs or hind feet of a quadruped; the hind man in a procession.


Hindermost \Hind"er*most`\, Hindmost \Hind"most`\, a. [The superlative of hind. See Hind, a.] [Cf. AS. hindema (akin to Goth. hindumists), a superlative from the same source as the comparative hinder. See Hinder, a., and cf. Aftermost.] Furthest in or toward the rear; last. ``Rachel and Joseph hindermost.''
--Gen. xxxiii. 2.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from hind (adj.) + -most.\n\nThra. What, if a toy take 'em i' the heels now, and they run all away, and cry, 'The devil take the hindmost'?\n
Dion. Then the same devil take the foremost too, and souse him for his breakfast!

[Beaumont & Fletcher, "Philaster," Act V, Sc. 2, 1611]


a. (en-superlativehind)


adj. located farthest to the rear [syn: backmost, hindermost, rearmost]

Usage examples of "hindmost".

If the Hindmost could break her loose and return her to her home, it was more than Louis Wu could do for her.

Now we find the Hindmost sending human agents to get me, on stepping discs.

I and the Hindmost are the only ones in known space who know what the puppeteers have been doing, besides anyone either of us might have told.

Land on the spaceport ledge, pick up whatever the Hindmost expected to find, and go.

Chmeee leap onto the stepping disc just as the Hindmost mouthed the controls.

The Hindmost had the telescope screen set for infrared light, but it did little good .

Maybe the Hindmost will get lonely and let us join him on the flight deck.

When the Hindmost finished speaking, a fall would already have killed them.

My second point is that the Hindmost must not learn who built the Ringworld.

The Hindmost brought us to this doomed structure against our wills, and you delay our vengeance to kill sunflowers.

Survival or the mating urge or vengeance on the Hindmost would all drive Chmeee in the same direction.

Unless Chmeee could dominate the Hindmost, how could he return to known space?

The Hindmost had set a stepping-disc receiver on the outside of the hull.

If the Hindmost had set impervious walls between himself and his captive crew, surely he would have coated the entire flight deck with shielding.

The Hindmost had repaired the damage and added a braided cable that led into the control panel.